
4/5138 評價
Prior to arriving at this hotel, we had stayed at some nice hotels in Vietnam & Cambodia, which in our view we’re getting better as our trip progressed. That wasn’t the case with the Beachfront hotel. First impressions were ok but we arrived late in the evening, and the receptionist must have been in a rush, as she rhymed off a lot of information in a matter of seconds. Our room, to be fair, wasn’t bad until we looked around. The first thing we noticed, was the toilet seat. It was a small size seat put on a large bowl!! We opted for the sea view room, but it wasn’t until the morning when we looked out the window, that we overlooked a field full of ****s and old tin buildings. Technically, we could see the sea, but really! We had to strain our neck to see it! Then came the beach! What beach? An area at the bottom of the hotel that is covered in sand and has sun beds. They have a bar there, so that saved the day, or did it? We quickly noticed that between the hours of 15:00 - 17:00 & 19:00 - 21:00 were happy hours, where they advertise 2 drinks for the price of 1. That made things better, until we noticed that all drinks on happy hour were nearly double the price. So, a bottle of Chang beer was normally 130 baht, but on happy hour, the same bottle was 250 baht!!!! Rip-off! If you happened to be one of the lucky ones to get the hotel transport to a beach area, some 15 minutes away, you’ve done well. The vehicle can only sit 8 persons, which means, most of the hotel wishing to go to the beach area, needs to order their own transport. Give credit where credits due, the breakfast and food in general is good. Staff in the restaurants are polite and helpful, but less can be said for the reception area. I found them slightly abrupt, ignorant and no patience. If you’re staying here for one or two nights, it’s ok, but anything more, I wouldn’t bother. The one thing that did come out of our trip here, was the menu. As much as the food is good, it was same old, same old, so we went out one night for something different. This lead us to a restaurant called Zen Eat, only about a 5 minute drive in a taxi, which should cost about 200 baht. A fabulous French fusion restaurant that was just amazing. You really have to try.
4.3/5158 評價
房間小了點,但能開門就下水游泳也值回票價了。 環境:酒店正門對面就是個小海灣,水很清浪很小,但不是細沙。順着右側山腳可以走5分鐘,有一個大些的海灘,水清沙細。 這個位置應該是叫“攀瓦角”,來這裏住要有心理準備,實在太遠太偏僻了,一般都是老外在這租民宿長住,周邊什麼商業都沒有,最近的一個711要走15分鐘,而且晚上路上根本沒燈。
3/52 評價
位置優越,對面是湖泊。風景優美,無論是湖泊還是海邊,根據別的位置。到海邊步行15分鐘,或每4分鐘。每小時從酒店出海,從海上取回。 別很棒,有自己的游泳池和設施,我們很幸運,周圍都是綠色的。樹林樹,但這裏有微妙的細微差別:蚊子出現,,鳥類很多,青,,,等等。如果想與自然完全團結,那麼別9505-9512這樣的。不能留下小吃和食物5分鐘,蟲子攻擊。順便說一句,微波沒有我們,在某處指定有的-清。爲孩子準備食物是不可能的。房間只適合一對夫婦, 不準出房.
4.1/5155 評價
環境:酒店環境很好,特別乾淨,除了門口有一個大坡,沒有其他的缺點。有很出片的泳池,可以看海,總體來講很不錯。 衞生:很乾凈,一點也不潮濕。 服務:大多數服務員都很友好,不存在歧視,反而看到中國護照的人不管英語如何,都會用中文和你溝通,很友好。 重點來了!!!除了圖片中這個女人,第一天辦入住時,很大聲説Two thousand作為按金,一開始我給了兩張100,因為太熱了沒看清,她以為我聽不懂特意用計算器按了2000,然後就走了,態度十分惡劣,並給了我幾個白眼,然後就不處理我的事了,去幫白人辦入住了,對他們十分友好,過了很久,其他工作人員過來幫我們繼續辦理,除了這個女人其他人都特別特別友好。一開始我以為我多慮了,直到退房那天,她依然對我們態度十分惡劣,對白人畢恭畢敬,十足的種族歧視!除了她這個酒店的其他工作人員都非常棒!很多平台都説這個酒店歧視中國人,可能説的都衹是她一個人,其他人都非常好!
4.3/576 評價
Great environment, cute rooms with nice interior, good pool area and very kind and helpful staff. The complex is big and connected together. Wonderful stay!! :))) thank you very much for good accommodotation and care. The balconies has a beach view, perfect stop for a drink.
4.3/547 評價


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布吉國際機場為泰國吞吐量第二大之國際機場,為前往布吉之主要路徑。當地交通方面,公眾交通網絡不算發達,除了自駕,一般依賴的士、Tuk Tuk 及包車為主。機場交通方面,亦可選擇智能巴士及共乘小巴/巴士,但需時較久。


芭東海灘 Patong Beach


皇帝島 Raya Island

到訪布吉當然不能錯過浮潛體驗,相比起最為廣為人知的島嶼如 PP 島,皇帝島相對清幽安靜,因此交通安排相對不發達,建議可合租快艇,或參加一日跳島行程,一般會與珊瑚島安排同日遊覽,浮潛欣賞水底珊瑚礁世界。

布吉週末夜市 Naka Market

布吉長年多雨,遇上天氣欠佳的日子,可以前往 Naka Market 這個有蓋市集。布吉週末夜市每週營業兩日,攤位選擇豐富,雖然與市區距離較遠,但價格因此更相宜,非常受旅客歡迎。
