旅客若想住在布吉的卡塔海灘,那麼布吉遨舍酒店將會是一個便捷的選擇。著名的景點Mojito With Love Kata Beach、Namwhan Bar和Home Massage均可步行很短距離到達。從酒店到安達按摩館遊覽很方便,Karma Thai Traditional Massage和卡特諾 也均在附近。客房內的所有設施都是經過精心的考慮和安排,包括熨衣設備、房內保險箱和空調,滿足您入住需求的同時又能增添家的温馨感。有飲水需求的旅客,酒店還為您提供了電熱水壺和瓶裝水。除此之外,配備有24小時熱水和吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。在餐廳服務方面,酒店西餐廳會提供美食。酒吧給旅客提供了一個舒適的環境,可供休憩。旅客想要在自己的房間邊聽音樂邊享受美食,衹需呼叫送餐服務。酒店周邊的美食也等待着您的探索,Baan Noy Restaurant(Baan Noy Restaurant)(海鮮)會供應一流的推薦美味咖啡雞,Mom Tri's Kitchen(西餐)和大象咖啡餐廳(東南亞菜)也會讓您大吃一驚,定會對泰式炒麪和冬陰功讚不絕口。對於顧客來説,可以在室內泳池和健身室享受鍛鍊的樂趣。酒店配備有會議廳和商務中心,可供旅客使用。為了方便旅客,酒店會提供接機服務。
旅客若想住在布吉的卡塔海灘,那麼奧里科卡塔度假村及水療中心(SHA Extra Plus)將會是一個便捷的選擇。著名的景點Namwhan Bar、The Baray Spa和Organic Massage均可步行很短距離到達。從酒店到Green Diver Phuket遊覽很方便,Phuket Thai Massage和布吉綠洲水療館-晴空微風館(Kata站)也均在附近。酒吧給旅客提供了一個舒適的環境,可供休憩。旅客想要在自己的房間邊聽音樂邊享受美食,衹需呼叫送餐服務。若是覺得酒店的餐飲無法滿足您挑剔的味蕾,附近The Oceanfront Restaurant and Bar at Kata Rocks(海鮮)的招牌漢堡、鳳凰中餐廳(其他中餐)的麻辣香鍋和After Beach Bar(東南亞菜)的冬陰功湯或許能勾起您的食慾。在您的空閑時間,可以在室外游泳池和健身室進行適量鍛鍊來消耗卡路里。酒店配備有會議廳和商務中心,可供旅客使用。外國旅客可以通過多國語言工作人員瞭解當地風土人情的相關訊息。酒店客人可以額外使用免費停車場。
布吉蘭花温泉度假酒店 (SHA Extra Plus)坐落在卡倫海灘的中心,周圍環繞着簕杜鵑熱帶花園,距離海灘僅有幾分鐘步行路程。度假酒店門口既有便利店,諸多美食餐館,ATM機等,出行十分方便。蘭花酒店的周邊,乘車可以抵達的有射擊場,老虎泰拳訓練營,卡丁車賽車場等眾多遊客熱門打卡的地標。在這裏,你可以盡情的享受假期,體驗各種有趣的經驗,成為朋友圈打卡最多有趣景點的人!布吉蘭花温泉度假酒店 (SHA Extra Plus)內設有多個游泳池以及滑梯等水上娛樂設施。在這裏,您和家人孩子可以盡情的游泳,盡情的戲水,創造屬於您家的回憶。酒店內設有健身房,在旅行的過程中不忘鍛鍊,保持較好的形體,緩解旅行的疲憊!孩子的快樂是父母的安慰,酒店還設有小童中心,讓您的孩子在旅行途中也可以盡情玩玩具,省心也安心!除此之外,酒店內還設有會議室,spa及健康中心,酒吧和咖啡廳等,為出門在外的您提供最齊全的設施!酒店客房裝修簡潔大方卻不失精美,體現了低調的奢華。房間衞生乾淨,讓您體驗如家般的舒適整潔。酒店房間寬敞空間大,極具性價比,並帶有私人陽台。在客房的私人陽台上,您可以享有高山或游泳池的景緻,靜靜的坐看泳池裡嬉戲的人們靜靜的坐看高山的葱鬱巍峨。在這裏,您可以盡情放空自己愉悦自己!酒店設有24h全天候的前台服務,儘量做到即時解決顧客困難滿足顧客需要。酒店旅遊諮詢台可以協助安排訂票和旅遊服務。客人可以在紀念品商店為親友購買禮物。度假村提供汽車租賃服務、班車服務及免費停車場。在這裏,有色香味美的美食餐廳供應國際美食,提供單點菜餚和自助餐。池畔酒吧於午餐時段開放。酒店致力於不斷提高員工素質,打造尊貴的服務,盡全力讓旅行中的您,感覺到更加幸福!
WYNDHAM GRAND NAI HARN BEACH PHUKET is a five-star hotel that is perfect for families with toddlers and children. The hotel is located in a quiet and beautiful area, with a nice lake nearby and a big playground for children. The hotel staff is excellent, providing care and service that is second to none. The hotel is designed with families in mind, and it shows in every aspect of the hotel. The rooms are spacious and comfortable, with plenty of room for families to spread out and relax. The beds are comfortable, and the linens are soft and luxurious. The rooms are also equipped with all the amenities that families need, including a refrigerator, water boiler, and coffee maker. One of the best things about WYNDHAM GRAND NAI HARN BEACH PHUKET is the staff. The staff is friendly, helpful, and always willing to go the extra mile to make sure that families have a great stay. They are especially attentive to the needs of toddlers and children, making sure that they are comfortable and happy throughout their stay. The hotel also has a great restaurant that serves delicious food. The menu is varied, with something for everyone, including children. The restaurant is also very accommodating to families, with high chairs and booster seats available for toddlers and children. The hotel has a beautiful outdoor area that is perfect for families. There is a nice playground for children, with swings and other fun equipment. Located near the lake there is a huge playground, which is a great place for families to relax and enjoy the beautiful, relaxing and soothing scenery. The hotel also has a great dual pool that is perfect for families. The water temperature in the pool is just right, so families can enjoy swimming for hours and hours. There is also a great spa in the hotel, which my wife really appreciated, relaxing after a long day of sightseeing and shopping. One of the best things about WYNDHAM GRAND NAI HARN BEACH PHUKET is the location. The hotel is located in a quiet and beautiful area, away from the hustle and bustle of other parts of Phuket. This makes it a great place for families to relax and unwind. The hotel is also located near many great attractions, including Big Bhudda, parks, and other family-friendly activities. Overall, WYNDHAM GRAND NAI HARN BEACH PHUKET is an excellent hotel for families with toddlers and children. The hotel is designed with families in mind, and it shows in every aspect of the hotel. The staff is excellent, providing care and service that is second to none. The location is quiet and beautiful, with a nice lake nearby and a big playground for children. If you are looking for a great hotel for your next family vacation, WYNDHAM GRAND NAI HARN BEACH PHUKET is definitely worth considering. This is our second visit, and we are already making plans for revisiting.
拉威棕櫚灘度假酒店(SHA Extra Plus)座落在布吉南部拉威沙灘,度假村的所有裝飾設計都以奢華的風格為主,度假村內充滿了濃郁的泰國風格並且提供完善的服務,能夠使客人充分感受的泰國味道。普吉拉崴棕櫚樹海灘度假村的客房裝修奢華大方,設施齊全,如有線電視,空調,免費的無線網絡,客房均設有可欣賞暹邏灣景色的私人陽台。此外,度假村還設有停游泳池、餐廳和咖啡廳。 客人可以在健身中心鍛鍊或在游泳池酒吧享用小吃和飲品。度假村還提供鮮美海鮮和各種美食!