

4.4/5107 評價
我們在這家酒店住了5晚。我們一個接一個地走。 房間:廁所裏沒有排氣系統。從第一天開始,牀單的氣味就很糟糕。設計很好。 打掃服務真是個玩笑...我們最多要三遍才能整理房間...每一天都是一部戲劇,知道什麼時候可以完成。 早餐:五星級酒店不應該提供如此糟糕的早餐。橙汁甚至都不新鮮。西班牙火腿很糟糕(質量真的很差,麵包店……簡直無語) 餐廳:極少的菜肴。再次,不在五星級酒店的預期水平。 設施:有許多房間尚未完成,還沒有完全建成。周圍環境真的很醜。 補充說明:我們看到許多夫婦和家人在前台預訂的房間都沒有空餘的房間。。。。。。。。。。。。。 我們去玩檯球(檯球),天花板上漏水了。。。 總而言之,這家酒店最好的是工作人員...可憐的他們,試圖“撲滅”酒店和酒店管理人員造成的所有火災。 特別的前台服務人員:竭盡所能! 我提供3/5 star coz,我想相信他們會在短時間內解決所有這些問題,屆時會很好。
4.5/575 評價
The location of this hotel is absolutely stunning. Everywhere you walk on the grounds, you are offered another beautiful, yet different view. Looking out over the ocean and the black sand beach from all the different vistas and viewpoints never grew old for us. There are small lounge areas at varying levels from the top of the hotel and down towards the beach. They all offered quiet and private places to lounge and relax. We had a 2 bedroom “retreat.” The “retreat” was not as lovely as the grounds. First off- the door to the retreat is a massive, wood door. However, being an eco lodge- I think someone may have just chopped a tree down and hung it on some hinges. While it looked beautiful- it did not seal or close properly. So there were giant gaps between the door and the frame and we watched bugs fly in constantly. The second issue with the rooms were a complete lack of privacy. Both bedrooms had sliding doors on them, again nothing really truly shut. The master bedroom had a sink area and bathtub when you walked into the room, no shower and if you wanted to use the bath- you would have had to do so literally right next to the bed. The main issue in this room though was the toilet. It was in a cubicle but the cubicle was see through so anyone could see you going to the bathroom! The second bedroom had 2 twin mattresses laying on a concrete platform. Nothing else was in the bedroom area at all. When you entered the room you were immediately in the bathroom area. This time there was a closet and 2 sinks, there was a sliding wood door here to separate the toilet and shower but you could not shut a door between the sink part of the bathroom and the sleeping area. So if someone needed to turn on a bathroom light during the night, anyone in the room would wake up. The service at the hotel was good and it was a relaxing place to stay for a couple of days after a busy week on the rest of the island. There is not much in the immediate area, but if you are looking for a beachfront place to relax in San Miguel, this is a solid choice.


  • 大里貝拉有哪些設有酒吧的熱門酒店?

    無論您是到大里貝拉公幹或遊覽,佩德拉斯德馬水療度假村綠海水療酒店克温塔桑塔納酒店 都是您的首選酒店。

  • 大里貝拉設有酒吧的酒店的平均價格是多少?


  • 大里貝拉哪些設有酒吧的酒店為豪華酒店?

    大里貝拉許多設有酒吧的酒店為豪華酒店。佩德拉斯德馬水療度假村綠海水療酒店 都非常熱門。

  • 大里貝拉設有酒吧的酒店有哪些推廣活動?

    Trip.com 全年為用戶提供各種推廣及折扣。您可前往promotions page了解 Trip.com 有哪些推廣活動。






因為大里貝拉不是旅遊城市,所以當地的酒店行業並不發達,很多酒店只能在當地才能預訂得到。在大里貝拉尋找酒店時,準備每晚745 HKD左右的預算,應該能找到不錯的住宿。大里貝拉有1家四星級酒店,平均每晚360 HKD。入住大里貝拉當地的特色酒店能夠讓遊客得到不一樣的住宿新體驗。作為大里貝拉的熱門酒店,克温塔桑塔納酒店(Quinta de Santana)是評價最高的酒店之一。當然,許多遊客也會選擇聖巴巴拉生態度假村(Santa Barbara Eco-Beach Resort)入住。

其實到大里貝拉旅遊,最熱門的景點還有Ribeira Grande's Bridge, Igreja Matriz Ribeira Grande。
