
4.1/540 評價
3.9/593 評價
At first, we thought we had a great deal and would be staying at a great hotel. The TripAdvisor photos looked great, the place looked clean in the pictures and it looked like it was a great deal. We ended up cancelling our entire trip which was meant to be Rome, Florence and then Milan and booking a next morning ticket home because the room had left me with such a major allergic reaction that I could barely see more than a foot in front of me. On the first night getting into Rome, we just arrived from the airport to try and get in the front for it to just be closed entirely having to figure out that we had to walk down this alleyway road to the bar and check in which honestly we thought was no big deal but we should have realised this was the first red flag. Then we were put on the first floor with a booking that had been in advance to enter the room and be hit instantly with such a strong smell of chemicals and perfume which was clearly trying to cover up the unpleasant smell which it didn't so it created this mix of intense chemicals, perfume and putrid smell. The bathroom wasn't cleaned properly and I could barely stay in there without my face starting to have a reaction so my partner seeing this got me out as quickly as possible and we found somewhere to eat and talk. We agreed that we would ask the reception in the morning if we could wash the sheets with a non-bio wash instead I had to see if that helped because before going for dinner we realised one of the perfume smells was coming from the sheets itself. When we got back we tried to enter our room for our key did not work until the 5th try and then we got in. This problem happened over 6 times and we had to go to the front desk half of those times to be let back in the room. I tried having a shower and while using the towel in the bathroom I was hit with another smell of some terribly cheap perfume completely drenching it. Water was coming out from both the bath and shower faucets and the mechanism to switch between the two wouldn't lock. Half an hour later my face swells up to a balloon, my partners booked our flight home and I'm sleeping in a hoodie with the hood up making sure not to put my face on the pillow because it's drenched in even more chemicals. We checked out the next morning first thing even though we were meant to be there for 4 more days and in Italy for another week. The last time I stayed in Rome I stayed in a hotel that was a lot cheaper and their sheets were 1000x better. We lost out on all of our holiday and money and I've never once experienced or left a bad review for a place or left a place the very next day. If you want to pay a large amount for cheap hotel accommodation this is the place.
3.8/550 評價
優點:雖然很偏,但是性價比很高。前台服務態度很好,可以在前台幫忙叫taxi,很方便。早餐很便宜,但是相應的可選擇的東西很少,不過歐洲的早餐,去哪都這樣,無非就是那些東西,品類多一點少一點罷了。周圍環境相對比較安靜,衹是白天對麪是一個學校,略吵,但是不會很早就開始,所以不會影響休息。有陽台,陽台很大,坐在陽台抽煙玩手機啥的很舒服。 缺點: 1. 設備真的太老了,衛生間設施很差,不過都是好用的,衹是老舊而已。 2. 牀不是很舒服,好像是兩個牀墊拼到一起的,睡上去感覺中間有條分界線。 3. 屋子裡燈光很昏暗,而且桌椅什麼的感覺像80年代我姥姥家裡的東西。 4. 周圍不是很繁華,吃飯什麼的需要走很遠,超市離差不多1公裏吧,建議選擇的小伙伴在超市一次把你住宿這些天要吃喝的都買全,就不用總來回走了。 5. 真的有點略偏,進市區景點差不多打車都要10-15歐,這個成本有點高的,下次我寧可住市裡了,其實每天打車的錢房費都出來了。但是如果你要是有國際駕照而且能在意大利租摩托車還是可以考慮的。個人建議
4.1/5112 評價
在意大利睡得最好的一晚,下次去羅馬的話好想再訂這裏。 房間不大,但是布置得乾淨整潔溫馨舒適,讓人放鬆。隔音處理得好。床和枕頭都舒服極了。 整個酒店設計的清新悅目,看上去挺新。 前台服務也很專業。
4.3/5105 評價
4/51 評價
酒店離羅馬中央火車站不遠。1.2公裏左右,走路可到,酒店可以安排接送,5歐一人。酒店式公寓,沒有前台,在一棟羅馬的傳統建築內,酒店的電梯是那種老式的傳統電梯,很特別。住慣了星級酒店的朋友可以感受一下。主要是這麼中心的區域,4晚衹要2600人民幣左右,外加20幾歐的城市稅,對於剛在巴黎1區住了2000人民幣一晚的酒店公寓的我來說,性價比太高了。房間很乾凈,每天還有人打掃衛生。酒店還免費給我升級了帶陽台的高級套間。贊👍。酒店附近餐廳很多,感覺也很安全。酒店房間有咖啡機、熱水壺、冰箱、保險柜、吹風機。公共的客廳和廚房還有炊具和餐具。很不錯。旁邊的一條街有一家本地人常去的小餐廳,老闆是一個和藹的意大利老大爺,東西很實惠,牛角包和咖啡很便宜,可解決早餐問題。樓下街角的西餐廳味道還不錯,開到晚上11點。菲力牛排贊一個。酒店附近有很多路公交車,對於買了Roma pass 的朋友,去各個景點,坐公交車很方便。







羅馬有5875家精品酒店,Trip.com能為您提供最高20%的折扣。羅馬的酒店物美價廉,只需約944 HKD就能在當地不錯的酒店住上一晚。羅馬有47家五星級酒店,平均每晚4614 HKD。羅馬有293家四星級酒店,平均每晚1259 HKD。羅馬有374家三星級酒店,平均每晚860 HKD。羅馬有134家二星級酒店,平均每晚627 HKD。現在,有許多知名連鎖品牌酒店已經入駐羅馬了。諾富特是去當地旅遊,遊客選擇最多的品牌之一。在羅馬,連鎖酒店如諾富特是遊客們入住的熱門住宿。羅馬的羅馬諾德諾瓦酒店(Hotel Nord Nuova Roma)是Trip.com客人最喜歡入住的酒店之一。除此之外,羅馬環球貝斯特韋斯特優質酒店(Best Western Plus Hotel Universo Rome)也是遊客們常去的酒店。

在羅馬的市中心附近,您能夠方便的遊覽卡比托利歐廣場, 皇家廣場, 威尼斯廣場。若想與家人度過一個愉快假期,可以到甘多爾福堡, 弗拉斯卡蒂, 哈德良別墅一遊。除了之前介紹過的景點外,共和國廣場, 特萊維噴泉, 羅馬斗獸場也是比較有名的。而喜歡購物的旅客,記得把孔多蒂購物街, Glam, 芬迪手提包店加入行程。










