坐落在梵蒂岡周邊,精品酒店在羅馬佔盡地理之宜。包括St. Peter Enthroned、The Basement - Pub. Cocktail Bar. Events.和科拉迪裏恩佐大街都在短距離內,入住酒店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。所有極具特色的客房都配備有國際長途電話、房內保險箱和空調,讓您感受到更加貼心細緻的入住體驗。有飲水需求的旅客,酒店還為您提供了電熱水壺。除此之外,配備有吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。貼心的送餐服務可以滿足那些喜歡在私人場合進餐的旅客。如果您覺得在入住飲食方面僅限於此,那不妨去看看附近Forno da Milvio(西餐)、La Pergola(西餐)和Life Ristorante(西餐)絡繹不絕的人流吧!洋葱披薩、醃製海蜇蝦和鵝肝牛肉分別是每家為您精心推薦的美食。旅客可以在閑暇時間去酒店的休閑區,提升健康幸福感。多國語言工作人員的服務,將為您消除在異國的語言障礙。
坐落於梵蒂岡周邊的羅馬伊颯設計酒店,會讓您在羅馬擁有別樣的體驗,開展一段難忘的旅行。旅客們會發現Enoteca Costantini、Legulei和Biblioteca della Facolta Valdese di Teologia距離酒店都不遠。酒店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有房內保險箱和空調。有飲水需求的旅客,酒店還為您提供了電熱水壺。除此之外,配備有吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。咖啡廳旨在為旅客和您的朋友提供一處消遣的場所。如果旅客想在自己的房間舒適的用餐,酒店可提供客房服務。除了這些酒店內提供的餐飲服務,離酒店不遠處Ristorante Alessio(西餐)的香烤海鱸魚、Imàgo(Imàgo)(西餐)的白松露以及La Pergola(西餐)的美食,也是來這座城市出行不容錯過的美食之選。優美的環境,再搭配上細緻周到的服務,酒店的休閑區定能滿足您的品質需求。酒店的會議廳將熱情的服務與專業的素質完美地結合在一起。酒店設有24小時前台諮詢服務,為下榻至此的您提供最貼心的行程安排。
以藝術之名而誕生 -為藝術狂熱者打造的輕奢精品酒店。這家設計感十足的精品酒店是由一所古老的基督教寄宿學校改建而成,在這裏神聖與凡世、古代與現代巧妙交融,在鮮活的色彩和靈動的光線氛圍營造下,藝術是貫穿整個設計理念的主導元素:羅馬西班牙階梯藝術酒店(Hotel Art by the Spanish steps)之所以成為藝術的化身,一方面因其獨特的地理位置 :充滿傳奇色彩的Via Margutta街區曾深受“甜蜜生活”時期藝術家的喜愛,是諸多工作室,古董店和藝術畫廊的聚集地; 另一方面則是由於它本身不同凡響的藝術格調。酒店的客房和套房佈置精美而考究,在名家的真跡畫作裝飾下更加顯得熠熠生輝。風格一致的配套設施為住客提供全方位的功能與服務:酒店的公共區域可以應要求舉辦展覽和音樂會,精緻的小酒館則全天供應三餐及下午茶,大廳由古老的小教堂精心翻修而成,迷人雅緻的庭院讓您享受時髦輕奢的休閑時光。另外酒店還設有一個健身中心,提供運動器材及鍛鍊區域。在古典靈感,名家畫作和現代設施的融合下,西班牙階梯藝術酒店(Hotel Art by the Spanish steps)非凡的設計品位和對藝術的無限激情造就了她的獨特之處,體現在酒店的每一處細節中:明亮簡約的大堂玄關裝飾着十字交叉的拱形穹頂, 五彩繽紛的大理石,絲網印刷的壁畫, 以及青銅的半身雕像;精緻的咖啡吧與庭院則融合了文藝復興時期的建築特色與現代摩登的裝飾風格,配以充滿設計感的餐桌與座椅;四個樓層的走廊都有自己的顏色與不同的主題;現代精緻的客房和套房精心選用的材質則脱穎而出,備受矚目。憑藉其舒適而迷人的起居空間,西班牙階梯藝術酒店(Hotel Art by the Spanish steps)是所有設計與藝術愛好者夢寐以求的下榻之選。酒店主要訊息概覽:46間客房和套房位於羅馬歷史悠久的市中心,毗鄰西班牙廣場藝術設計酒店咖啡吧/小酒館健康中心室內庭院距離Termini中央火車站:2.5公里距離羅馬菲烏米奇諾機場:33公里 CIN: IT058091A1O6S94GO3
訪訪客11/17~11/21 4박 투숙
시설은 낡았지만 모든곳이 반짝반짝 했어요
주변은 조용하고 특히 침대 메트리스가 아주 편안했어요
호텔 직원분들 만날때 마다 환한 미소로 인사해 주셔서
있는 동안 편안했어요
360번 버스이용 하기에 편리한 위치예요
터르미니역이나 중심 관광지까지 버스 이용시 30~40분. 정도 걸리는게 아쉬운 점이라면 그거예요
訪訪客Title: A Comfortable Stay at Hotel.Paris in Rome: Convenient Location and Helpful Staff
During my recent trip to Rome, I had the pleasure of staying at Hotel.Paris for four days. The overall experience was comfortable, thanks to its convenient location, helpful staff, and pleasant atmosphere. However, the repetitive breakfast menu may become monotonous for guests planning an extended stay.
Location and Accessibility:
Hotel.Paris is situated in a prime location, just a 10-minute walk from Termini, making it extremely convenient for travelers arriving by train or using public transportation. The hotel's proximity to many major attractions was a significant advantage, allowing guests to easily explore the city's landmarks and cultural sites without spending excessive time on commuting.
Comfortable Stay and Helpful Staff:
The hotel provided a comfortable stay with clean and well-maintained rooms. The ambiance was pleasant, contributing to a relaxing atmosphere after a day of sightseeing. The staff members were exceptionally helpful, offering prompt assistance and providing useful recommendations for nearby attractions and dining options. Their attentive and friendly service added to the overall positive experience.
Breakfast Experience:
One area where Hotel.Paris could improve is the breakfast menu. While the quality of the food was satisfactory, the fixed breakfast menu for all days became somewhat monotonous for guests planning to stay for more than a day. Having a limited selection of dishes might disappoint those who prefer variety or have specific dietary requirements. Introducing some variety or offering alternatives for guests staying multiple days would greatly enhance the breakfast experience.
Hotel.Paris in Rome offers a comfortable and convenient stay, with its prime location and helpful staff being notable highlights. The proximity to Termini and major attractions makes it an excellent choice for travelers looking to explore the city with ease. However, the fixed breakfast menu may become monotonous for guests staying for an extended period. With a little improvement in this area, Hotel.Paris has the potential to enhance the overall guest experience and become an even more popular choice among travelers visiting Rome.