
4.1/5104 評價
My family and I checked in around 9pm after driving 14 hours. We wanted to rest a little bit before going to meet family that lives in the area for dinner for dinner. When I arrived to the hotel, the lobby was a complete chaos. I believe there was a children soccer team in the hotel that must arrived shortly before us and the lobby and first floor hallways were full with people and kids running around and screaming. I could see right away how stress out the front desk agent was. He checked me in quick and very efficiently, still providing me all the information needed despise the chaos around us, which I appreciated. We went to the room and after settling in, when I went to the bathroom; I noticed multiple ants on the floor. I went to the FD and explained the situation to the agent. He probably didn’t believe me because he asked me to go to the room and look at it himself. After he realized that it was true, he moved us to a different room. Before moving my family, I went to the new room to ensure everything was good in there. As soon as I entered the new room, I realized on a musty smell. I knew how flustered the agent was so I decided to check the rest of the room and not mention it. However, as soon as I walked into the bedroom area and look at the bed, I realized that someone had sited in there before. you can tell the difference right away. I went again to the FD. The agent escorted me again to the room to see what I was saying. He walked with me into the room and proceed to straight the bed, look at the closet and asked me if I was taking the room. The answer was obviously No, I wanted a room where no one had been after it was cleaned by housekeeping. He moved us to a room on another floor where we stayed in and that fulfilled the expectations that you can have from a Holiday Inn Express. The next morning, we were woken up around 7:50am by kids that keep running up and down the hallways and playing with balls until around 8:30am without anyone addressing it. Once more, not the experience that we were looking for. After driving all those hours, we were looking to sleep in on a Saturday without having to set up the alarm. Once they were gone, we were able to fall asleep again which delayed our plans for the day. On our departure day, we woke up to an invoice underneath our guest room door, that was for another guest on that floor to find out, not only all the personal information from someone else which is a violation of their privacy; but also, to see that they had a lower rate that what I was paying. I know that the level of expectations for this property shouldn’t be the one for a 5* hotel however, when you are paying close to 380 CAD per night, I am not expecting to be checked in into 3 rooms to find one acceptable. to be woken up by kids not stopping running up and down the hallways for 30 minutes with no one addressing it nor getting someone else's invoice that makes me worried about who got mine. When I requested to speak with a


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