
3.8/540 評價
We arrived at the hotel, the reception staff informed us of the works going on at the hotel which meant that our stay would be dusrupted. They were apologetic for our inconvenience, as annoying as this was as it was not stated on the website ( *******) when we booked, it could not be helped at this point and atleast our room was modern and updated, a comfortable place to sleep was really important. And the room was great, lovely bathroom and shower, big flatscreen tv and memory foam beds. We had a comfortable stay in our room. Building works begin daily around 10am and it is noisy if you plan on being in your room after that. Skip the breakfast, the breakfast room is in the basement and its damp and murky. Not worth it. Go out and get your food. There is no gym either at this point as there is more renovations. No terrace restaurant either. Reception staff very kind and attentive. At this point the inconvenience of staying in a hotel with so much works going on could be forgiven because of the lovely staff and comfortable room. Here's where it went really downhill and was completely unacceptable: the main reason for selecting this hotel in particular was the availability of a pool. This was important as it was a city trip and we know the temps are very hot this time of year, its nice to spend timepoolside. On our last day we made our way to the pool area to enjoy a last swim and a bit of sun before our checkout time. It was quiet, only us and a few other kids but lovely. We enjoyed our last few minutes we had in the sun on the loungers. Until we heard a voice shouting at us, I mean really screaming ” what are you doing here?!?! The pool is closed! The door is closed!!!! You cannot be here!!! ” This lovely lady, her name was Mar I believe continued her tirade until we said stop shouting at us. This behavior was absolutely not accetable coming from hotel staff and very upsetting. She continued shouting and her tirade. We said the door was not locked and there was no sign saying the pool was closed, how would we know not to be here? More and more shouting from this person and we told her again if guests should not be here to put a sign with pool hours, it would resolve the issue and no need to shout at paying guests who actually paid a lot of money to stay at a hotel that is half a building site. This encounter was truly unacceptable. Sad really because all of the reception staff and housekeeping were nice, polite, attententive. One vile person ruined our stay.


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