

4.5/5102 評價
優越的地理位置,靠近木板路的最新酒店。 停車是額外的(目前20美元),但至少是在安全的地下室裏。 很棒的乾淨房間,前台工作人員超級樂於助人。會再來的!
4/5109 評價
老實說,我對住宿不滿意。便宜又骯髒的汽車旅館房間被曲解為一家精品酒店。 我的丈夫在旅途中病倒了,所以我們不得不在聖克魯斯預訂最後一刻的酒店。 鎮上僅剩少數Bonvoy酒店客房,我們選擇Paradox的主要原因是距“市中心”的距離。 弄髒的地毯(我怕踩到地毯上並會踩腳疣),舊的淡黃色硬毛巾,聞起來像煙。笨拙的床單,不舒服的床墊,廉價的傢具陳舊和房間保存不善。不幸的是,我相信住在我們房間的前一位客人是黑髮。 這是一間廉價的汽車旅館客房,裝飾有中國製造的最便宜的傢具。您甚至都不會在孩子的宿舍裏買這些東西。我有說臟嗎? ! 在線照片給人的印象是這是一家時尚的時尚酒店,但我向您保證,它不是! 正麪:卧室裏的電視很大,空調非常安靜,前台工作人員禮貌而樂於助人。浴室配有玻璃淋浴門,我總是比較喜歡淋浴簾和漂亮的洗護用品。 我認為酒店的酒吧和游泳池可能是一個適合年輕的大學同學聚會的好地方。 大堂,酒吧和餐廳區在美學上令人愉悅,但酒店房間卻不盡人意,這是您所要支付的。 毫無疑問,這個地方有些專業人士,但房間的極差狀況足以讓我不回去。
Fairfield Inn & Suites Santa Cruz - Capitola
4.5/5103 評價
Upon entering the room I said “ what is that awful smell” to my husband. It was extremely strong bug spray smell. . The bathroom sink with full of hair as if someone had just shaved a beard. I called the front desk and they sent a maintenance man. He didn’t know what to say when he saw the sink full of hair. He also said the smell was bug spray. The woman at the front desk said the hair was probably from the room above.... seriously... that make no sense. I asked to talk to a manager and she said he went home. She said she would have him call me and we never heard from him. We checked out.....will never go back! I wonder why they had to spray the room... makes you wonder about bugs????
4/5104 評價
4.1/5114 評價
We stayed at this facility on March 10, originally with the intention of staying for one night only. The following morning, we decided to stay on for an additional evening. I went down to the desk at 11:10am on March 11, and the young woman behind the counter said that we should have informed them of our intentions ten minutes earlier (before check-out time at 11:00) and that as a result she could not offer us the room we were in. I asked her why, since the hotel seemed to me to be largely empty. In fact, during our conversation, she mentioned that there were only twenty new bookings for that evening. She then said that we needed to leave because the room needed to be cleaned, even though I assured her that we did not need it to be cleaned. I asked to speak to her supervisor, and she said that the supervisor was “on lunch” and again insisted that we leave the room. I told her that we would not leave the room until she clarified with her supervisor whether we could stay in the same room. She called her supervisor who said that it would, in fact, be possible to stay in the same room. I asked the young woman if she needed anything further, and I was then told that everything had been arranged, and we were all set for the additional night. At 1:25pm that afternoon, we received a phone call from a new supervisor -evidently after a shift change- who said that we needed to immediately check out of the room we were in. I said that our stay had been cleared with the previous supervisor. She said that she was the supervisor now, and therefore we had to leave. I said that I would not leave until she communicated with the earlier supervisor about the misunderstanding. She said that if we did not check out of the room, she would call the police who would arrive in 10 minutes. We promptly packed our belongings and gave our key cards to the front desk. Later that afternoon, the IHG (as well as Booking.com and Expedia) website advertised availability for that night of the type of room we had just vacated. All that needs to be added to this strange narrative is that we are IHG members, and have never such a bad experience in any of our stays at an IHG hotel.
4.4/5101 評價
最近加州大學聖克魯茲分校的國際品牌酒店,麻雀雖小 五臟俱全,游泳健身都有,餐廳衹提供自助早餐,午餐和晚餐都不營業,房間沒有免費礦泉水







在Trip.com上,我們為您精心推薦了58家圣克魯斯酒店。當地酒店平均價格大概是1222 HKD一晚,圣克魯斯有各種各樣的酒店,定能滿足您對不同旅行的住宿需求。圣克魯斯有7家四星級酒店,平均每晚1480 HKD。圣克魯斯有11家三星級酒店,平均每晚1435 HKD。圣克魯斯有33家二星級酒店,平均每晚1000 HKD。現在,有許多知名連鎖品牌酒店已經入駐圣克魯斯了。華美達酒店是當地其中一個最有人氣的酒店品牌。在圣克魯斯,連鎖酒店如華美達是遊客們入住的熱門住宿。作為圣克魯斯的熱門酒店,聖克魯斯舒適酒店(Comfort Inn Santa Cruz)是評價最高的酒店之一。假若您還有猶豫,Trip.com推薦您入住聖克魯斯海洋之門旅館(Ocean Gate Inn Santa Cruz)

圣克魯斯的市中心附近,您能夠方便的遊覽Regal Santa Cruz 9, Mission State Park。在圣克魯斯適合度假的景點也頗多,您可以去Waddell State Beach, Wilder Ranch State Park。另外,當地評價最高的景點還有:Museum of Art & History, Current eBikes, UCSC Arboretum。圣克魯斯的商業氛圍比較濃厚,如果想購物您可以去Santa Cruz Wharf, The Nail Club, Los Angeles Fish Co。
