二十年前住過Tina‘s Guest House,沒想到重返虎跳峽Tina’s還在而且從10元一晚的通鋪發展到現在的各種房型,很高興見到Tina仍然在親力親為地管理酒店。房間寬敞明亮,裝修很新,酒店面對金沙江峭壁如同一幅壯麗的寫意山水畫,震撼無比。酒店頂部有觀景平台,住店當晚非常幸運,看到了滿天繁星和不時劃過天際的流星。 酒店提供餐食,很多食材自產尤其要品味一下雞湯,鮮美極了!
We stayed in Tina's Guest House 20 years ago and was thrilled by the stunning view surrounding it. We have been thinking to return and finally we made it. We are so happy to find out Tina is managing the guest house herself. The room is clean and spacious with beautiful mountain views. The rooftop is perfect for star gazing. We were so excited to see so many shooting stars the night we stayed. The hotel has onsite restaurant,we had dinner and lunch over there and the chicken soup is absolutely delicious.