鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店

暹粒NhumBai, The Village Experience附近酒店


優秀 4.5+非常好 4.0+很好 3.5+滿意 3.0+

NhumBai, The Village Experience附近人氣酒店

拉塔納吳哥酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
拉塔納吳哥酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店拉塔納吳哥酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
6號公路 |

訪客 2024.02.02
我去SR參觀和工作,在這家酒店住了3晚,房間很好,乾淨,價格可以接受,有禮品地板和良好的WiFi,我對服務感到非常不安,沒有標準服務,只是有點情況,但他們試圖欺騙我們,case 我們無法訪問電視I,他們試圖欺騙我們的房間,因爲我入住到退房,只是告訴電視有線公司😅有問題,首先他們告訴我他們買了智能電視盒到達酒店,然後電視遙控器無法訪問!最後是關於電視有線電視公司看起來像他們認爲我們是當地客人沒有多少錢支付因此沒有解決方案像從另一個房間換到我們的房間,只是設置蜜月花有點貴7$收費。但是夜班工作人員他很好,很親切
吳哥印度奇那精品酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
吳哥印度奇那精品酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店吳哥印度奇那精品酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
暹粒NhumBai, The Village Experience酒店
位於暹粒,2023-05-01開業的吳哥印度奇那精品酒店,將是您旅途中的不二選擇。著名的景點Real Journey Asia、Immersion Cambodge和The Harbour均可步行很短距離到達。酒店設有酒吧,您可在這裏放鬆身心,享受貼心的服務。旅客想要在自己的房間邊聽音樂邊享受美食,衹需呼叫送餐服務。除此之外,周邊餐飲種類繁多。Temple Coffee n Bakery(咖啡店)供應一流的推薦美味-柬式春捲,Banlle Vegetarian Restaurant(素食)提供的泰式炒河粉備受好評,New Leaf eatery(東南亞菜)的柬埔寨阿莫克魚也是來這裏遊玩不容錯過的美味。在漫長的一天結束後,遊客可以在Spa進行放鬆,可大大提升您對酒店的滿意度。多國語言工作人員的服務,將為您消除在異國的語言障礙。

IIrina 2023.11.30
吳哥樂園精品店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
吳哥樂園精品店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店吳哥樂園精品店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
塔普爾村 |
該酒店坐落於暹粒中心地段,距離吳哥窟和幸運商城不到 5 分鐘車程。您可充分利用室內游泳池等度假設施,或者享受免費無網上網和禮賓服務等其他服務和設施。在該酒店您可以去餐廳享用美餐。 在每天舉行的免費招待會上結識其他住客。 每天 06:00 至 10:00 提供免費自助早餐。特色服務/設施包括乾洗/洗衣服務、24 小時前台服務和行李寄存。 酒店內提供免費自助停車。入住配備壁爐和液晶電視的空調客房,享受賓至如歸的感覺。 免費無網上網讓您與朋友保持聯繫;有線節目可滿足您的娛樂需求。 便利設施包括書桌和迷你吧;而且每天提供客房服務。

訪客 2024.01.18
只預訂了這家酒店兩晚6-8一月,我之前旅行期間的過去經歷在某些情況下是糟糕的,酒店描述和照片不是事實,我1月6日下午到達吳哥土地Urban Botuque辦理入住。首先看酒店大樓告訴我,我做出了正確的選擇。酒吧街粒最發生的地方大概有公里遠,週邊酒店很乾淨,前面有寬闊的路,前面有大停車位。一進入巨大的大堂,裏面有木木的內部,酒店工作人員團隊就迎接了我。入住只用了幾分鐘。同時酒店經理恩索納先生也來見我,這是一種很好的感覺。他說他給我一個非常好的房間在四樓,如果我不介意,他會在第二天把我轉移到一個更好的房間,然後被佔用。房間很大,很舒服。有所有的設施。第二天經理給我看了三樓的另一個房間,我同意換班。這個房間也很大,浴室有浴缸,另外還有一個單獨的玻璃浴缸。它有一個陽台,也可以俯游泳池。游泳池很棒。早餐菜單也很好。酒店也安排了我的旅遊。Tuk Tuk和叫Remork的摩托車總是在酒店外面。在前兩天最美妙的經歷之後,我也從1月24日8日至11日將剩餘的幾天延長了住宿時間。經理Sona先生定期與我見面,詢問我是否舒適,是否需要任何東西。他的年輕男孩和女孩團隊也非常有求必應,每次都向客人打招呼。在整個住宿期間,我沒有發現任何缺陷或任何抱怨。感謝經理Sona先生和他的團隊,我在吳哥土地城市精品店度過了最難忘的經歷。
優特酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
優特酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店優特酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
吳哥窟 |
UTEY Hotel酒店位於暹粒(Siem Reap),距離酒吧街(Pub Street)2.4公里,提供帶免費WiFi和禮賓服務的空調客房。 這家酒店提供旅遊諮詢台和票務服務。 住宿提供24小時前台服務,客房服務和貨幣兑換。 酒店的所有客房均配有水壺。 UTEY Hotel酒店的每間客房均設有書桌,平面電視和私人浴室。 住宿附近的熱門景點包括清邁寺,仙女劇院和吳哥國家博物館。 最近的機場是暹粒-吳哥國際機場,距離UTEY Hotel酒店6公里。

訪客 2023.11.15
這家酒店是一家迷人的精品酒店,你會感到放鬆和寧靜。工作人員特別是我Sna。Nita。Mey Seyh是如此可愛,特別是Sna。可愛的人。喜歡當地社區內隱藏的環境。雖然沒有餐館,但您可以在該地區周圍找到食物,因爲粒不是一個大城市。
庫倫中央酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
庫倫中央酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店庫倫中央酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
暹粒市中心 |
坐落在暹粒市中心,庫倫中央酒店在暹粒佔盡地理之宜。包括TRIBE Cambodia、Morodock Spa和Kandal Village都在短距離內,入住酒店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。酒店為您在客房內配備了房內保險箱、空調和衣櫃/衣櫥,所有入住的客人均可便捷的使用。服務人員會提前為您準備好電熱水壺和咖啡壺/茶壺,以滿足您的飲水需求。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供拖鞋和吹風機的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。您可以在酒吧點上一杯,在優雅的氛圍中小酌一番。貼心的送餐服務可以滿足那些喜歡在私人場合進餐的旅客。若是覺得酒店的餐飲無法滿足您挑剔的味蕾,附近Temple Coffee n Bakery(咖啡店)的柬式春捲、Banlle Vegetarian Restaurant(素食)的泰式炒河粉和New Leaf eatery(東南亞菜)的柬埔寨阿莫克魚或許能勾起您的食慾。酒店種類繁多的休閑設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閑空間,這其中包括按摩室和健身室。酒店設有會議廳,為旅客提供高品質的商務服務。酒店提供的乾洗服務,讓您的旅途更加方便。

My first time in Cambodia so I was truly unsure about the quality of the accommodation, but honestly I think the quality of the service and smile is the one of the best I ever experienced. All staff at hotel Koulen central were absolutely fantastic and made enormous efforts to make our stay enjoyable. They even surprised with a cake for my birthday. The rooms are big with very modern and beautiful design. Had fantastic sleep as well. They even pack our breakfast when we were going for the Angkor wat tour at 4:20AM. Especially I would love to thank you Ly Chneang and Ching Ching for making sure we have everything we need during our stay.
特姆普拉西恩酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
特姆普拉西恩酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店特姆普拉西恩酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
吳哥窟 |
坐落在吳哥窟,特姆普拉西恩酒店在暹粒佔盡地理之宜。包括New Hope Cambodia、Kompong Khleng和Traditional Khmer Dancing at Cambodian Children's House of Peace都在短距離內,入住酒店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。Angkor Spiritual Evolution Center距離酒店大約2km車程。客房內的所有設施都是經過精心的考慮和安排,包括房內保險箱、空調和液晶電視機,滿足您入住需求的同時又能增添家的温馨感。有飲水需求的旅客,酒店還為您提供了電熱水壺和瓶裝水。除此之外,配備有24小時熱水和吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。您可以在酒吧點上一杯,在優雅的氛圍中小酌一番。貼心的送餐服務可以滿足那些喜歡在私人場合進餐的旅客。酒店周邊的美食也等待着您的探索,Temple Coffee n Bakery(咖啡店)會供應一流的推薦美味柬式春捲,Banlle Vegetarian Restaurant(素食)和New Leaf eatery(東南亞菜)也會讓您大吃一驚,定會對泰式炒河粉和柬埔寨阿莫克魚讚不絕口。酒店種類繁多的休閑設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閑空間,這其中包括按摩室和健身室。酒店設有會議廳和商務中心,為旅客提供高品質的商務服務。如果時間充裕,旅客可以在禮品廊給好友挑選精緻的禮物。

ZZhuhanxin 2024.02.10
房間是叢林式,有特色。早餐能在泳池中吃。房間配帶一小泳池,挺好的。因為要看日出,早上五點就要出發,酒店前台幫我們打包了早餐;在與當地司機聯繫時,由於口音不同,酒店前台人員幫我們用當地言語與司機確定好時間。 唯一不足的酒店門口的tutu司機要價特別高,請大家不要輕易地坐上去,一定要事先敲定好價格,避免被那些自稱是酒店tutu司機坐地起價。 酒店泳池不錯。 酒店雖然去市區有點遠,但很方便,去吳哥窟景點相對近。 最好有一兩個會懂中文的服務生。
維魯斯酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
維魯斯酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店維魯斯酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
婆廟 |
坐落在Wat Bo,維魯斯酒店(Viroth's Hotel)在暹粒佔盡地理之宜。包括阿普莎拉劇場、仙女劇院和Sam Veasna 中心都在短距離內,入住酒店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。在餘暇時間,可以選擇去酒店的咖啡廳喝上一杯飲料,驅走所有的疲憊。貼心的送餐服務可以滿足那些喜歡在私人場合進餐的旅客。除此之外,周邊餐飲種類繁多。Bopha Siem Reap Boutique Restaurant(東南亞菜)供應一流的推薦美味-炸春捲,Spice Circle(自助餐)提供的烤牛排備受好評,Chanrey Tree(東南亞菜)的貢布胡椒海鮮(Seafood with Kampot Pepper)也是來這裏遊玩不容錯過的美味。酒店種類繁多的休閑設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閑空間,這其中包括室外游泳池和按摩室。酒店會為旅客提供便捷的禮賓服務。酒店會為自駕的客人提供停車場。

訪客 2024.06.11
The hotel is one to remember, since the check -in, with the super yummy tea and the fresh towel, your feel really well cared for from the staff. The breakfast is awesome and couldn't ask for anything else, there is plenty of western choices as well as very tasty fresh juices. The hotel is really nice, clean and very well decorated but the staff makes it even better because they ALL went the extra mile to make us feel at home and nothing is trouble for them. My husband really enjoyed the swimming pool and I could go back every day to have the smoothies and mocktails they make in the bar, they are the best. We had a very early excursion to the temples and they gave us our breakfast in a beautiful basket. All the food was amazing and we really appreciated that all the things they used for us to eat our breakfast was reusable, there was not plastic at all. We took it back to the hotel and after cleaning it could be used for another guest. Awesome and beautiful idea. We also enjoyed the flowers, the cake and the fruit we had in our room due to our wedding anniversary. We were granted a late check out , which we really appreciated as we had a late flight. They also offered to have a shower in the spa if we needed one after check out. I wouldn't go anywhere else in Seam Reap.
薩萊度假村及Spa 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
薩萊度假村及Spa 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店薩萊度假村及Spa 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
婆廟 |
旅客若想住在暹粒的婆廟,那麼薩萊度假村及Spa將會是一個便捷的選擇。著名的景點Seasons Spa、Georges Distillery Rum Tasting and Making Siem Reap和Bambu Stage Siem Reap均可步行很短距離到達。酒店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有國際長途電話、雨傘和熨衣設備。服務人員會提前為您準備好電熱水壺和咖啡壺/茶壺,以滿足您的飲水需求。浴室配有拖鞋、24小時熱水和吹風機。酒店設有酒吧,您可在這裏放鬆身心,享受貼心的服務。旅客想要在自己的房間邊聽音樂邊享受美食,衹需呼叫送餐服務。除此之外,周邊餐飲種類繁多。Easy Speaking Restaurant(អ៊ី​ហ្ស៊ី​ស្ពីក​ឃីង)(東南亞菜)供應一流的推薦美味-柬埔寨阿莫克魚,Spoons(東南亞菜)提供的烤魚備受好評,Khmer Family Restaurant - Pub Street(ភោជនីយដ្ឋាន​​គ្រួសារខ្មែរ)(東南亞菜)的酸湯加魚肉也是來這裏遊玩不容錯過的美味。酒店種類繁多的休閑設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閑空間,這其中包括室外泳池和按摩室。酒店配備有會議廳和商務中心,可供旅客使用。多國語言工作人員的服務,將為您消除在異國的語言障礙。

訪客 2023.09.15
Sarai Resort and Spa delivered above and beyond in every aspect of a luxury boutique hotel experience. We are so glad we decided to stay here! Customer service from Rose, Anna, David, Tim and the rest of the staff (many more!) was excellent and made us feel so welcomed from arrival to departure to when we had to return after having Visa issues. The service was really above and beyond across every touch point. The hotel also packed us a super cute and large breakfast basket for our sunrise Angkor Wat tour. This had to be one of the best value for what we received too. Nice, clean, spacious room, free breakfast, free airport transfer, free welcome drink, free 30 min massage (which was excellent) for 2. Final price also included taxes and fees, no hidden costs. We want to say thank you to the entire staff of Sarai for making Sarai our home in Siem Reap!
拉迪爾特權客房酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
拉迪爾特權客房酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店拉迪爾特權客房酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
婆廟 |
位於暹粒市中心地區,地理位置優越,拉迪爾特權客房酒店是出行暹粒的理想出發點。 在這裏,住客們可輕鬆前往市區內各大旅遊、購物、餐飲地點。 酒店住宿優越的位置能夠方便住客前往市區內的熱門景點。相信拉迪爾特權客房酒店的周到服務和一流設施會讓您此行終生難忘。 為了給客人提供更舒適和更便利的服務,酒店配備了24小時送餐服務, 免費房內無線網絡, 24小時安保, 便利店, 每日客房清潔服務。大部分客房都配有平板電視, 免費速溶咖啡, 免費茶水, 電熱毯, 免費迎賓飲料,再講究的客人也能感受到酒店服務的誠意與品質。 室外游泳池, 水療中心, 花園能讓您玩足一整天,開心一整天。 想在暹粒尋找舒適又便捷的酒店,就一定要考慮拉迪爾特權客房酒店,能帶給您賓至如歸的感覺。

訪客 2023.03.02
We had a nice room with pool access, clean and tidy. Silent during night times. The best part was driver Dara, who happened to pick us up from the airport. He was very professional and spoke quite good english, We hired him for every trip, also to the sight-seeing spots during our week of stay.
奇塔公寓 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
奇塔公寓 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店奇塔公寓 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
暹粒NhumBai, The Village Experience酒店
位於暹粒,2021-12-31開業的奇塔公寓,將是您旅途中的不二選擇。著名的景點Sok Ly Siem Reap Tuk Tuk Driver、My Fly和Trusty Tuk Tuk均可步行很短距離到達。從酒店到Chreav村莊遊覽很方便,大榕樹農村和Phsar Leu Thom Thmey也均在附近。所有極具特色的客房都配備有國際長途電話、熨衣設備和空調,讓您感受到更加貼心細緻的入住體驗。電熱水壺和咖啡壺/茶壺可供使用,便捷的客房設施定能讓您倍感舒適。浴室內提供拖鞋和24小時熱水,讓您感受到賓至如歸的享受。酒店設有酒吧,您可在這裏放鬆身心,享受貼心的服務。旅客想要在自己的房間邊聽音樂邊享受美食,衹需呼叫送餐服務。如果您覺得在入住飲食方面僅限於此,那不妨去看看附近Temple Coffee n Bakery(咖啡店)、Banlle Vegetarian Restaurant(素食)和New Leaf eatery(東南亞菜)絡繹不絕的人流吧!柬式春捲、泰式炒河粉和柬埔寨阿莫克魚分別是每家為您精心推薦的美食。健身室讓閑暇時間更加充實,按摩室讓悠閑時光更加完美。酒店配備有會議廳和商務中心,可供旅客使用。酒店設有24小時前台諮詢服務,為下榻至此的您提供最貼心的行程安排。

訪客 2023.09.13
It was a stunning experience to enter and see everything for the first time. The lobby and rooms have wonderful interior design that's both spacious and cozy, and the exterior design with the swimming pool perfectly matches everything else. We were also greeted by friendly and helpful staff who assisted us with every part of our stay. The food was also filling and delicious.
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訪客My first time to experience such a world class treatment from all the staff. I was picked up from the airport and offered me a cold towel and a cold drink. When i arrived at the hotel, i was greeted with a welcoming drink and another cold towel. The buffet breakfast were so superb. Every time i sat at the table, they would again gave me a cold towel. (Seriously, this hotel has tons of cold towels 😂). Every time i went to the pool, there was a hot tea and an unlimited banana chips being served immediately. My room was insanely beautiful. I was welcome with a personalised note in my bed, great view of the balcony and very chic bath tub. The room's interior design is also to die-for. 😍 To the staff, thank you guys for being so friendly, approachable and professional. Special mentions to the Supervisor who always greets me with a welcoming smile whenever he sees me (sorry i forgot your name sir). To Ms Chet, who gave me a tour. To the guy who gave me a scarf upon checkout( sorry i also forgot your name, too. ☹️). To Mr. Myr whose very approachable. To the girl who helped me take my pictures in the pool (sorry i forgot your name too) and to my driver Mr Moe. Thank you guys for making my stay a memorable one. Just a little thing to add, I’m just not used about the cleaning protocol. I was startled and woke up many times by the hotel cleaning staff by automatically opening my door and asked me if i want to clean the room even though i did not put a signage in front of my door or informing somebody. However, those are just small matter than can be fixed. Truthfully, i don’t have anything bad to say about this hotel. I don’t mind staying here for a long time. ❤️❤️❤️
高棉宅邸住宅酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
每晚最低價格: HKD 531
訪客Sala Lodges in the enchanting city of Siem Reap is nothing short of a hidden gem that boasts not only of charming aesthetics but also of exceptional service that made our stay unforgettable. Nestled quietly away, this hotel provided a tranquil retreat that was much needed during our travel. The service at Sala Lodges was commendable, embodying the true spirit of hospitality. The staff were attentive, approachable, and consistently willing to assist us in organizing our trips around Siem Reap, making the overall experience hassle-free and enjoyable. A special shoutout to the Swiss owners who were genuinely amiable and made us feel warmly welcomed. As for the accommodations, the rooms in Sala Lodges were a delightful surprise. Each room bore discrete charm with its tasteful decoration, seamlessly blending traditional and contemporary elements. The authentic Khmer old houses are full of charm, yet modern and well preserved. The hotel’s kitchen offered a menu that might seem simple at a glance but was satisfyingly delightful upon tasting. Every dish we tried was prepared well, with fresh ingredients and flavors that are comforting yet exciting to the palate. The breakfast, in particular, deserves an extra note of praise for being consistently good, providing a delightful start to our days of exploration. Adding to the hotel’s allure was the inviting swimming pool, serving as a refreshing sanctuary after a day of touring the magical temples and vibrant markets of Siem Reap. During the wet season, the atmosphere around Sala Lodges was even more calming and soothing, with the soft sound of rain providing a comforting backdrop to our stay. To sum it up, our experience at Sala Lodges was nothing short of magical. From the excellent service to the beautifully appointed rooms and delightful meals, every aspect of the hotel contributed to a stay that was serene, comfortable, and absolutely enjoyable. Whether you’re traveling in the wet season or not, Sala Lodges offers a cosy retreat that will surely enhance your Siem Reap adventure. Highly recommended!
薩拉酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
婆廟, 暹粒
每晚最低價格: HKD 1055
訪客春節在暹粒兩天,兼具了充滿異域風情的景點+很好的住宿條件,玩得特別開心,有這家旅館的功勞。遺憾就是衹玩了兩天吳哥窟,也衹在旅館住了兩晚。 攝影技能賊爛的我,原圖直出都很美。 衞生:好,洗手間超級大,裡邊都是真植物,浴缸很大,配了浴鹽。 環境:好,最後一天下午在泳池邊愉快躺了幾小時。 服務:好,風塵僕僕下飛機後,帶毛巾和椰子的免費接機真的很爽。瘋狂玩了一天後,有全身spa很棒。員工有會中文的,大部分都會英文,我的塑料英語交流完全沒問題。 我是第一次來東南亞,真的很享受。 Ps:可以帶上迷你吧免費的飲料出去玩,一般包的tuktuk車後備箱都要冷凍箱,大熱天的喝冰鎮可樂很棒; 我發郵件給旅館用qq 郵箱他們沒收到,163收到了;當然直接打電話也可以,打到柬埔寨的國際漫遊不貴,具體費用可以問運營商。
新塔納薩亞之家 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
每晚最低價格: HKD 783
吳哥回憶精品酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
塔普爾村, 暹粒
每晚最低價格: HKD 296
PpassportfullofrosiesposiesThis hotel, particularly the service, has made me in love with Siem Reap. Mr Phea, Ms. Thida and Ms. Annie truly deserve my recommendation for their great hospitality, genuine care, and friendliness. I was first greeted my Mr Phea at the airport for the pick-up by TukTuk. It was a complimentary by the hotel. He was welcoming and so was Ms Thida when I arrived at the hotel. Not only with her warm smiles, I was also welcomed with a cold towel and a refreshing lemomgrass drink. We chatted like as if we had already known each other! As the room was already available on my arrival , I was granted early check-in to my room. Thank you, Ms Thida! I love my room. It was spacious and cosy. I wished the mini bar was complimentary but no biggie as there's a small grocery store just across the road where you can buy instant noodles, snacks, drinks and toiletries etc I spent the rest of my day out on a TukTuk for sightseeing and lunch. Mr Phea was my loyal TukTuk driver throughout my stay in Anjali. He was also like a tour guide and a friend to me. He brought me to an area where the Muslim community lives. There's a mosque and plenty of Halal food/restaurants. I truly appreciate Mr Phea doing this for me. Because of this, I had the opportunity to devour the delicious Cambodian dishes of Beef Lok Lak, Amok Fish, etc, without having to worry if it was pork-free and safe for me to eat. He brought me for a drive along the paddy fields and to watch the sunset. When I returned to the hotel, I was greeted by Ms Annie and Mr Panha. They were friendly too! Breakfast was alright to me. My first morning, I had my breakfast prepared and packed in a tiffin carrier as I left at 4am to go for the Angkor Wat Sunrise Tour. They packed hard boiled eggs, croissants, bananas, and little baguettes with jam. Only one morning I went to the restaurant for my breakfast and I chose Waffles with fresh fruits. There's a buffet of bakeries (bread, pastries, cakes), fresh fruit juices, cereals, and salad. I would totally recommend that the hotel look into an airtight container for the cereals as the ones I ate were all kinda soft and stale. The salad too should be covered because it was 'covered' with fruit flies and flies feasting on it. My two other breakfasts were spent in my room as requested. One of it was exceptionally good. I requested for scrambled eggs with cheese and mushrooms and I got just that. It was creamy and fluffy! I requested for smoked salmon at the side but was given smoked salmon bagel with rocket leaves and The morning on my check-out day was sort of disgusting. The scrambled eggs were dry and two of out the croissants were cold. The watermelon Juice was good though. It could have been perfect if a glass of ice was served alongside with it.
塞蓬安佳里住宿 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
6號公路, 暹粒
每晚最低價格: HKD 739
TTing47親子出遊定了家庭房,有按摩+洗衣。首先酒店很好的地方是非常大,安靜舒服,泳池很好,孩子們喜歡。早餐也是不錯的。按摩也很舒服。TukTuk車每天一趟免費去pup street. 前台服務人員服務態度也很好。值得一提的是,首先他們自己沒有洗衣服務是要額外收取費用的,希望攜程能將頁面改過來,另外TukTuk車是每天晚上5-7點出去,其他時間需要自己付費,我建議免費的時間段也可以寫上去。但是總體來説我還是很喜歡這個酒店的很愜意,乾淨。如果還來暹粒我還會定Metta家庭房。
梅塔住宅及Spa酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
婆廟, 暹粒
每晚最低價格: HKD 305
柬埔寨暹粒盧布旅舍 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
婆廟, 暹粒
每晚最低價格: HKD 46
訪客They have confirmed my booking, two weeks ago I check they said they will cancel my booking bcuz I booked with the small room rate . I will not recommend this hotel. How come when we have booked with small amounts of room rate and they cancel you booking. If you don’t want to have that mistake like I did don’t book with this hotel
馬拉維拉酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
塔普爾村, 暹粒
每晚最低價格: HKD 121
訪客Guests should be aware that, although the webpage clearly states that rooms are equipped with a 21 inch television including cable service, this is deception. Technically yes, there is a tv, but no cable or antennae service, and no remote control. The front desk clerk told me that no rooms have tv service due to sidewalk re-construction , however no construction was evident at the time of my stay. I was checked into a 3rd floor room, and the internet signal was too weak. When I complained, I was moved to a 2nd floor room, so problem solved. If you choose to stay here, be forewarned that there are no elevators. Also, be aware that Pub Street is very close (across the street) and the very loud music persists throughout every night, until 6 AM. A good pair of ear plugs is an essential requirement. On my last night there I could not use the earplugs because I needed to set an alarm clock due to early morning travel obligations, and it was a sleepless night for me. On the plus side, the prices are reasonable considering these faults. The staff were friendly, including front desk clerks and the house keeping persons. On two occasions, however, the housekeepers failed to lock my room door after cleaning, so my belongings were vulnerable to theft until I returned to the room. The second time, the door was left ajar! I brought this to the desk clerk’s attention, so it didn’t happen again. The rooms that I saw were kept clean and well maintained, except TV service, as well as the lobby and hallways. I did not use, nor see the pool area, and was not advised by staff upon check-in, of its existence, so I cannot comment on that. This has a policy prohibiting you from bringing anyone to your room, unless they are a registered guest at the hotel. I would give this hotel a 2.5 stars rating, out of 5 possible stars, overall. There are numerous restaurants within a few minutes walk. Khmer Kitchen, just a three minute walk, on San Sok Road, was one of my favorites. The night markets are also close by as well. Tuk- tuk drivers are always readily available should you want to visit Angkor Wat or other sites.
里美成酒店 鄰近NhumBai, The Village Experience的酒店
索聖路, 暹粒
每晚最低價格: HKD 163


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