


Via Privata Rubinacci, 1, 80067 索倫託, 坎帕尼亞大區, 意大利查看酒店詳情

歐瑞安娜黎萊斯別墅酒店 評論-真實住客評語

入住日期 2024年7月
發佈於 2024年8月13日
入住日期 2024年5月
發佈於 2024年9月1日
入住日期 2024年5月
發佈於 2024年6月25日
我們在奧麗安娜瑞萊斯別墅酒店度過了愉快的時光。酒店各方面都超出了我們的預期。工作人員非常熱情、友善、樂於助人,就像一顆隱藏的寶石。我們從那不勒斯搭火車到最近的車站聖安傑洛站(距離索倫託一站),然後搭計程車 15 歐元到飯店。我們每天步行到索倫托,大約需要 20 分鐘,但我們很喜歡步行,而且酒店位於一個安靜的地區,遠離繁忙的城鎮,這更好。每天早上的早餐都很棒,包括自製的蛋糕和乳蛋餅,均採用新鮮的當地食材製成,例如來自酒店果園的檸檬。我們肯定會推薦這個地方並再次入住。
原文由 Google 翻譯
入住日期 2023年4月
發佈於 2023年5月23日
旅途中臨時改了行程,運氣很好,提前1天就訂到了Villa Oriana Relais,入住體驗遠超於預期。 Oriana離索倫託市中心大概兩三公里,開車十來分鐘就到了,到波西塔諾卡普里什麼都很方便。Oriana在一個檸檬園內,進大門後會穿過一個滿是檸檬的樹林,步行3min左右到達別墅。辦理入住時host提供了welcome dessert,自製的蜂蜜蛋糕和檸檬水,味道很棒~ 預訂時頁面寫的房間面積25平,實際面積感覺大很多,也很乾凈。特別喜歡檸檬樹下的陽台,太讓人驚喜了!實現檸檬自由!本來訂酒店時糾結是訂看海的酒店,還是Oriana,最後看到性價比和超高的評分,決定嘗試一下,做了很正確的決定! 酒店工作人員很nice,門廳的走廊牆上貼了很多有用的tips,每天早上都會打印最新的天氣預報貼上。早餐雖然種類不算很多,但基本的都有,味道也不錯~ 可以面向大海悠閑地享用早餐~特別喜歡自製的蛋糕,好多種都很好吃。餐具蠻精緻,有點青花瓷的顏色,喜歡餐盤墊紙上的那句話 home away from home,Oriana的確給我帶來了這樣的感受。 在Oriana住了三天兩夜,走的時候非常不捨,有機會會再回來住!Love it so much :)
入住日期 2023年4月
發佈於 2023年5月5日
我是在距離到達索倫託僅有不到三天時預訂了這家酒店,非常隨意和匆忙的選擇。但不得不説,它給予了我遠超預期的絕佳體驗。首先,入口處的鐵門和佈滿檸檬樹的步道昭示了這是一個安全、私密的美好所在。而當我們步入酒店時,迎面而來的那不勒斯灣日落景色給了我們非常大的震撼,那一瞬間我就意識到,之前的二十五分鐘艱苦跋涉是絕對物超所值的。入住後的各項體驗都非常完美,Maria女士和staffs細心而周到的招待、歡迎蛋糕、檸檬水、房間的設施和裝飾等,沒有任何值得挑剔的地方。當然,酒店的位置或許有些偏僻,尤其是對於從碼頭或者巴士站出發的遊客來説,但這一切都是值得的。如果再次回到索倫託,villa oriana將會是我的唯一選擇。
入住日期 2024年9月
發佈於 2024年10月7日
Che dire?? Tutto perfetto, il giardino, la villa, il panorama, lo staff, ma la cosa più bella e la passione con cui le proprietarie gestiscono il tutto, tengono cura di ogni dettaglio, in primo posto sicuramente la colazione , perché è li dove noti l’amore verso il proprio lavoro, la scelta dei prodotti valorizzando quelli del territorio e produttori locali, già dalle prime ore del mattino si sentono i frofumi dei cornetti appena infornati , una quiche di provola affumicata, fatterini gialli e basilico( buonissima) treccia con la nutella, ( ancora calda , un impasto sofficissimo) la torta caprese riivisitat con cioccolato bianco , le marmellate, mozzarella di giornata , ecc, davvero un grande grazie per tutto quello che fate, per tutti noi è stata una bellissima esperienza e torneremo sicuramente!! Bravi tutti❤️
來自住宿之回應: Gentili ospiti, grazie a voi per la vostra gentilezza e cordialità. È bello scoprire che, anche se in piccola parte, il nostro lavoro abbia reso ancora più speciale il vostro soggiorno nella nostra meravigliosa terra. Le vostre parole e la vostra dettagliata recensione ci colmano di gioia e ci stimolano a fare sempre meglio. Grazie di cuore. Speriamo di rivedervi presto. Saluti da Maria e tutto lo staff
Saba H
入住日期 2024年8月
發佈於 2024年9月13日
Unser Aufenthalt im Villa Oriana Relais war absolut traumhaft! Schon bei unserer Ankunft wurden wir von der unglaublich herzlichen Besitzerin willkommen geheißen, die mit ihrer freundlichen und aufmerksamen Art dafür gesorgt hat, dass wir uns vom ersten Moment an wie zu Hause fühlten. Der gesamte Service ist ein echtes Highlight – immer hilfsbereit, warmherzig und persönlich. Das Frühstück, bestehend aus hausgemachten Marmeladen, frischem Kuchen und anderen Leckereien, war ein täglicher Genuss. Die Liebe zum Detail und die familiäre Atmosphäre machen diese Unterkunft zu einem wahren Juwel in Sorrent. Unsere Erfahrung war einfach herausragend, und wir können es kaum erwarten, wiederzukommen. Ein Ort, an den man sich gerne zurücksehnt!
來自住宿之回應: Dear Saba, Elham, Melisa and Maximilian, What a pleasure to read such an incredible title and review for a one night stay. We are really happy we managed to make your stay in Sorrento so special for you. We thank you sincerely for the kindess of your words and your compliments to the staff and breakfast, knowing that you felt like at home is the best compliment we could ever receive. Know that your Italian family will be glad to welcome you back whenever you would like to.Warmest regards, Maria and her staff
入住日期 2024年5月
發佈於 2024年6月29日
Sehr familiärer Empfang & Umgang mit uns. Haben direkt zum Check-in selbstgemachten Zitronenkuchen und Zitronenlimonade bekommen. Das ganze Frühstück war Eigenproduktion (3 verschiedene Kuchen, Quiche, Mozarella, Marmeladen) Tomaten und Obst waren regional - es war alles perfekt & wir wollten auch nicht mehr weg. Zum Abschied kam die Eigentümerin und hatte uns noch umarmt. Obwohl wir bloß zwei Nächte dort waren, fühlten wir uns als wären wir zuhause.
來自住宿之回應: Dear Bianca and Angela, Many thanks for the wonderful review following your recent stay with us. It really makes it all worthwhile when somebody enjoys a visit as much as you did and we were delighted to read how much you appreciated the breakfast with our homemade cakes and local products. Maria thanks you very much for your kindness and she hopes to see you very soon in Sorrento. With best wishes, Maria and her staff
Urs S
入住日期 2024年5月
發佈於 2024年6月23日
Wir können diese Unterkunft sehr empfehlen. Sehr ruhige Lange und über einen alten Pfad ist das Zentrum gut zu Fuss erreichbar. Das Anwesen ist absolut perfekt, inmitten von Zitronenbäumen. Das Frühstück ist von sehr guter Qualität und die Kuchen/Quiches werden jeden Tag mit heimischen Produkten frisch zubereitet. Die Zitrusfrüchte vom eigenen Garten sind unbeschreiblich. Habe noch nie einen so feinen Zitronentiramisu gegessen. Die Zimmer sind sehr stilvoll eingerichtet und sehr sauber.
來自住宿之回應: Dear Margherita and Urs, Thank you for your wonderful review! We are extremely pleased to hear how much you enjoyed your time with us and that you enjoyed breakfast and peaceful of our surrounding gardens. We hope to have the opportunity of welcoming you back in the nearer future. A presto, Maria and her staff
Bernadette H
入住日期 2024年5月
發佈於 2024年6月15日
VILLA ORIANA RELAIS Take us back to Sorrento! If anyone is looking for a unique quiet getaway, please consider staying at this hidden gem! We had the most wonderful time, and we felt like family when we left. I would, without a doubt, look no further if you are looking at hotels in Sorrento. This one takes the CAKE! Speaking of cakes, the host makes special recipe cakes as well as other specialty items. The staff is amazing willing to help go the extra mile if you need any assistance. The view from the balcony is looking over the harbor, as well as Mount Vesuvius! We plan on going back again it holds a special place in our hearts. Maria made a special birthday cake for my husband, which was so sweet and thoughtful!
來自住宿之回應: Dear Bernardette and James, Thank you so much for writing this review and for choosing us to celebrate your birthday! We couldn't be any happier of our job when having the opportunity to host and meet such lovely guests as yourselves. Thank you for your compliments, we are really glad to hear that you enjoyed our Villa and most of all our breakfast and our view. Your kind words really warm our hearts! We hope to meet you again in the future. Our warmest and kindest regards, Maria and her staff
入住日期 2024年5月
發佈於 2024年6月13日
Hace mucho tiempo que no escribo opiniones pero este lugar maravilloso lo merece 100%. La atención es muy cálida, da la sensación de estar con puras “nonas” o abuelas cariñosas por la forma de atenderte, te muestran cada torta, queque, kitch, etc..cada una de las delicias y se muestran felices al ver tu cara de disfrute (todo está hecho con ingredientes de la zona y sin pesticida). El entorno es sublime, silencioso, sólo se escuchan los pajaritos. Está inmerso en un “bosque” de cítricos, sobre todo limones, con una vista al mar privilegiada. Las anotaciones son muy espaciosas y agradables, todo pulcro, impecable y con sensación a campo. Disfrutamos mucho de nuestro balcón sus sillas y repisaras tan agradable después de nuestros paseos por la Costa Amalfitana, que la recorrimos en un barco tour que paraba en Amalfi y Positano por 45 euros por persona. La dueña del hotel ha vivido toda su vida en la casa que se encuentra al lado del hotel y ella proyecta el amor que siente por el. En resumen todo MA RA VI LLO SO Muchísimas gracias Hasta siempre
來自住宿之回應: Queridos Karin y Edgardo, Muchas gracias por escibir un tan amable comentario sobre su reciente experiencia aquí con nosotros. Con pocas palabras han resumido la esencia de Villa Oriana Relais y les queremos agradecer por las palabras tan bonitas y los complimentos hacía el personal y el desayuno. Esperamos volvernos a ver pronto! Les deseamos lo mejor, arrivederci! Maria y su equipo
入住日期 2024年5月
發佈於 2024年6月13日
Villa Oriana is elegance and tranquility. We highly recommend enjoying this experience - spacious rooms, terraces with exceptional views, one of them with a 360 degree panorama, a fragrant lemon garden and jasmine. Peace and quiet, broken only by birdsongs. Incredibly delicious breakfast, very rich, made from high quality homemade products and with a lot of love and care from Maria, her sister and their helpers. A feast for the senses! A place we want to return to again and again. Thank you, lovely people at Villa Oriana, for making our stay so special and unforgettable!
來自住宿之回應: Dear Penka and Dimitar, Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts about your experience at Villa Oriana Relais. We are honored to read that we made your time in Sorrento one to remember and we are delighted to learn that you have enjoyed the views and the unique atmosphere of our Villa. It is very important to us to provide a perfect guest experience from the moment you pass the door until the moment you leave the hotel. We look forward to welcoming you back soon for another wonderful stay. Kind regards, Maria and her staff
Amber S
入住日期 2024年4月
發佈於 2024年5月22日
Wonderful staff, beautiful panoramic views, immaculate rooms! Truly felt like we were home with family! The breakfast every morning is homemade and amazing! So quiet and peaceful! Perfect place to spend our 20 yr anniversary! We hope to return one day! Thanks, Tommy & Amber Smith
來自住宿之回應: Dear Amber and Tommy, Thank you very much for taking time to write down your experience at Villa Oriana Relais, it really means a lot to us. We cannot express the happiness knowing that you found our Villa so peaceful and beautiful and that you choosed us for such an important event as your 20th wedding anniversary! We thank you sincerely for the kindess of your words, knowing that you felt like family is the best compliment we could ever receive. We hope to meeting you again in Sorrento very soon. Our best wishes Maria and her staff
入住日期 2024年4月
發佈於 2024年5月18日
Fantastic stay. Comfortable spacious room with 2 fully equipped bathrooms which was perfect for us. One bathroom even had a Dyson hair dryer. The high points were Lucia’s incredible bakes at breakfast - 3 fresh cakes and a quiche/savoury tart every morning with no repeats over the 4 days we were there. The views are gorgeous - incredible sunsets. Lemon and orange trees laden with fruit greeted us when we entered the property. The property is a real haven with only 6 rooms. The only downside would be the hike up and down from the property to the town but one can take the shuttle from Hotel Cristina.
來自住宿之回應: Dear Anshu and Sameer, What a nice gift your review of your recent stay at Villa Oriana Relais. . Thank you so much for your kindness and the wonderful words you used to describe us, the Villa and the details of our rooms. It is a pleasure to hear you enjoyed our home made breakfast and we hope you will come back someday so we can spoil you with more fresh cakes and quiches. Our best wishes, Maria and her Staff
Francesco T
入住日期 2024年9月
發佈於 2024年10月28日
Ho soggiornato in struttura insieme alla mia fidanzata, accoglienza e cura dei dettagli al top, tutto perfetto dalla camera al personale. Ci si sente coccolati come a casa. La signora Maria, proprietaria della struttura, prepara con amore e cura la colazione per tutte le mattine, spaziando tra dolce e salato! Esperienza FANTASTICA e CONSIGLIATISSIMA!! Sicuramente ritorneremo!
來自住宿之回應: Carissimi Elisabetta e Francesco, E' veramente un onore per noi ricevere questa fantastica recensione ed è bello scoprire quanto il nostro lavoro possa aiutare i nostri ospiti a vivere momenti indimenticabili anche se per un breve soggiorno come è stato il vostro. La signora Maria vi ringrazia per le belle parole spese e per il vostro affetto che di certo ci stimolano a fare sempre di più e sempre meglio. Sarà un piacere e un onore ospitarvi di nuovo a Villa Oriana. Vi aspettiamo presto.