下榻開業於2023-07-06的珊瑚別墅,盛美利亞酒店,感受芽莊的獨特魅力。從酒店很方便到達ga Lương Sơn,僅有7km距離。鍾嶼石岬角距離酒店大約5km車程。所有極具特色的客房都配備有液晶電視機,讓您感受到更加貼心細緻的入住體驗。電熱水壺和瓶裝水可供使用,便捷的客房設施定能讓您倍感舒適。浴室內提供拖鞋和24小時熱水,讓您感受到賓至如歸的享受。在餘暇時間,可以選擇去酒店的酒吧喝上一杯飲料,驅走所有的疲憊。除了這些酒店內提供的餐飲服務,離酒店不遠處悦蓉閣(海鮮)供應的香辣蟹和H Q Western Food(快餐簡餐)、芽莊老成都 川菜館 海鮮餐廳(五指巖店)(海鮮)的美食,也是來這座城市出行不容錯過的美味之選。健身室讓閑暇時間更加充實,按摩室讓悠閑時光更加完美。工作人員可根據旅客需要安排接機服務。
先前去過越南多次,曾經住過河內傳奇索菲特,芽莊Amanoi,峴港 intercontinental danang sun peninsula resort,胡志明市park Hyatt,對於越南飯店的法式奢華,價格合理,服務卓越,餐飲美味有很好的印象,因此去年10月規劃新年假期就把越南列入首選,雖然amanoi我非常喜歡,但因為我妹妹行動不便必須坐輪椅,因此當我發現芽莊有新的五星級飯店我便直接寫email詢問是否有方便輪椅進出的villa,他們推薦我訂one bedroom suite pool villa,因此我在4個月前就已經全額付清3晚房費(Approximately US$5,500),但是當我2月10日第一天到達我就知道我的新年假期毀了,到達後我的villa入口有三階樓梯,我們很費力的把輪椅抬進房間後,房間的迎賓水果居然是切片水果(2片鳳梨,3片哈蜜瓜等的一小盤水果),很難想像五星級飯店這麼沒有衞生觀念,天氣這麼熱,也不知切片水果放在客廳多久,這盤水果放在我們客廳上直到我們退房時房務清潔人員都沒收走,然後我們又費力的去他們所謂的多國料理吃buffet,價格一個人約50美元,菜色少得可憐而且難吃,我吃了一點實在吃不下跑到樓下和經理抱怨,經理答應我明天換一間2房的villa給我並折扣20%可用於餐飲消費及spa,但是當天我查了Trip.com該飯店的價格,比我預訂的價格低了超過50%,我還是提前幾個在官網全額保證付款的,官網簡直跟詐騙網站沒二樣,第二天換到一個不是beach front的villa,但是跟第一天的房間除了入口沒有階梯,房卡不能作用,電視遙控器不能使用且跟先前的房間一樣毫無隱私,我可以從房間的陽台或是房間的窗戶看到隔壁的客廳,陽台甚至浴室(如附圖),當然我的鄰居也可以看到我的一舉一動,我的VILLA和隔壁的villa中間只隔著幾顆發育不良的樹,隔壁villa的人可以毫不費力地走到我的villa裏,villa裏的佈置和設施都是一些很低劣的商品,海灘和villa的海灘椅都是很粗糙的塑膠椅,沙灘的海灘椅連遮陽傘都沒有,房間體重計和保險箱也故障,第二天晚上整個渡假村WiFi 故障3小時電視也不能看,晚上去飯店西班牙吃飯,8道式套餐有3道都是茄子,味道同樣是難吃到不行,深夜我的villa的門也被風吹跑了,因為入住期間一直有他們的員工直接進入我的villa,沒有敲門也沒有告知為什麼進來(villa的門是有一個洞,外面的人可以直接手伸來開門,實在是令人驚嚇的設計),而且他們員工離開也𣎴會關門,第三天房間停電二次,雖然20%的折扣沒用完,但是我寧願坐計程車出去吃也不願吃他們的餐廳,villa的游泳池池中充滿白色的小漂浮物,令人噁心(如圖片),整個飯店只有我們的管家Nguyen是有五星的標準,幸好有她聽我吐苦水和幫我解決一些問題,不然我可能會瘋了,這家melia整個軟硬體都有很大的問題,房間半夜會有怪聲音,住客完全沒有安全感,對於我們全家是一個惡夢,我發誓我這輩子絕對不會再選擇全世界任何一家melia 隱藏部分內容
Overall, 10/10 The island, the accommodation, staff, everything is really good. We loved the pool & the shore, but I recommend everyone to buy breakfast & dinner, so you won’t have to think about it. They have room service, food is good but not as good as the buffet. Also: book the room with VinWonders tickets, it’s a great deal <3
芽莊馨樂庭海灣舫服務公寓位於芽莊陳富區黃金地段中心,該區是越南中南部的重點旅遊和經濟中心。該公寓酒店建於一個綜合開發項目中,該項目還配有三層零售商場和頂層空中酒吧。服務公寓周圍散佈着一些當地景點,如婆那加佔婆塔、巴赫溪、烏石島和海燕島。這裏也臨近多個旅遊勝地,如芽莊博物館、耶爾辛博物館、芽莊海洋研究所、三阮水族館以及著名的 Thap Ba 礦泉。商務出差人士可以便捷地前往金蘭國際機場,通過新建的沿海高速公路衹需40分鐘的車程;此外,賓客衹需50分鐘車程即可到達雲風經濟區及其他主要工業園區和海港。芽莊馨樂庭海灣舫服務公寓擁有310間格調高雅的單房式公寓及一房式公寓。該服務公寓還提供各種設施,包括游泳池、健身中心、住客休閑廊、會議室和商務中心,讓賓客在芽莊有賓至如歸之感。
The best Hotel/Residence in Nha Trang. Located in the center of Nha Trang tourist area with an absolute fantastic seaview/seafront balcony. The hotel is well maintained, quiet, safe and the staffs are very friendly. The service is exceptional. On locations there is a seafood buffet restaurant which also serve breakfast buffet for hotel guest or resident, and a Highland coffee shop adjacent to the hotel. The infinity pool is stunning, and gym is also great. I live there for over 1 year and half and I was a returning customer from few years ago. If you want the best location, the best seaview/seafront don't hesitate to choose Citadines Bayfront, this is the ultimate place to experience Nha Trang without any doubt. 5 stars!
從酒店很方便到達芽莊火車站,僅有1km距離。包括日出水療、Nhà Thờ Giáo Xứ Bắc Thành和耶爾辛博物館都在短距離內,入住酒店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。客房內的所有設施都是經過精心的考慮和安排,包括國際長途電話、房內保險箱和衣櫃/衣櫥,滿足您入住需求的同時又能增添家的温馨感。電熱水壺和瓶裝水可供使用,便捷的客房設施定能讓您倍感舒適。浴室內提供拖鞋和吹風機,讓您感受到賓至如歸的享受。您可以在大堂吧點上一杯,在優雅的氛圍中小酌一番。貼心的送餐服務可以滿足那些喜歡在私人場合進餐的旅客。酒店周邊的美食也等待着您的探索,QQ海鮮餐廳(海鮮)會供應一流的推薦美味椒鹽皮皮蝦,Ana Beach House Bar & Restaurant(海鮮)和巷子瓦片燒烤(燒烤)也會讓您大吃一驚,定會對泰式炒麪和椒鹽蝦讚不絕口。酒店種類繁多的休閑設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閑空間,這其中包括按摩室和健身室。酒店設有會議廳,為旅客提供高品質的商務服務。24小時開放的前台服務可為您隨時提供訊息,以幫助您探索這個魅力之都。
The hotel has a very good view and position in Nha Trang beach. I and my family enjoyed our wonderful weekend here. Services is excellent. I will came back here in the future. Hotel serve poolside BBQ with a beachfront view and the open atmophere. You can see the whole beautiful drone show event in Nha Trang Festival 2023. What a nice place!
訪訪客I like the way the receptionists work, they are enthusiastic and friendly, help me whenever and wherever I need it, I really like Bang and Ngoc Anh, the bellmans are also very cute, They brought all my luggage to the room for me, even very small packages. I really like Thien and Chuong, it made me experience Nha Trang very beautiful and lovely, I love this place.
訪訪客My wife and myself stayed here for 3 days and were very impressed with this hotel. We were welcomed at the door on arrival, and the front desk staff were very friendly and professional. We were offered an upgrade and gladly accepted. (nothing wrong with the first room) just thought the balcony spa would be a great idea. I would like to make a special mention to HA for her advice and recommendations. She has a fantastic attitude towards everyone. She helped to make our stay much more memorable. Kindest Regards Jerry & Sandy
訪訪客We stayed here for 2nights and any one looking to stay in the city next to the beach and to all the hotspots around Nha Trang city highly recommended this hotel. We stayed booked 3 rooms 2 were panorama view suits and the other were a balcony suit. Both has amazing views of the beach and the Nha Trang bay. Panorama suits do not have a balcony so anyone smoking or looking to open up their balcony we recommend the balcony suit. The rooms were super spacious clean and the views were amazing. The roof top have a small pool not the most picturesque. Early morning or late evening can just put on your swimwear and walk to the beach from the hotel. Few beach clubs like sailing club is couple of minutes walking distance from the property.
訪訪客The room is big enough, cozy and clean. We had a sea view. Cleaning was done everyday well. The service is on high level and people are nice. The staff is always ready to help. The only thing to fix is air conditioner. It is a bit noisy. The food provided was delicious and various. The hotel is in the city center. The beach, shops and cafes were near the hotel. Good that we had flip flops, but it would be also nice to have slippers as well. Overall, we enjoyed our stay in the Gonsala hotel.
訪訪客Je veux remercier Heri, elle nous énormément aidé, c'est grâce à elle que notre séjour s'est aussi bien déroulé ! Très attentionnée, et toujours disponible pour nous renseigner ! Nous avons obtenu un appartement beaucoup plus grand que prévu, face à la mer, afin de pouvoir effectuer le check-in plus tôt que prévu et cela sans aucun frais supplémentaire, seulement par gentillesse, car l'un d'entre nous était malade et que nous avions passé la nuit dans les transports 🙏 Heri, tu nous manques déjà !! 🥰
訪訪客The WORST resort ever.....!!! TOTALLY a SCAM !!! PLEASE READ before booking! FIRSTLY, we paid for 3 nights in a bungalow with a sea view, what we actually got was an appartment with a sea view. The resort does not have the typical bungalows you would expect to find in a tropical resort. SECONDLY, during our stay they were constructing a new area on the sea front near the pool and our appartment. We raised this with the resort as the noise was annoying when we booked a resort to rest and relax. One of the Managers discussed this with the owner and informed us that the work would stop for the remaining duration of our stay (2 days). Later that day in the afternoon they started to work again which we found strange. Later that evening on returning from the city we found a letter from the hotel in our room informing us that the work will continue for the coming days. We discussed with the Manager again (apparently only responsibile for the restaurant) and he was as supprised as us. We left it with him to discuss again with the owner. After being informed by the hotel that the work would stop for the coming two days to help us enjoy our stay at the resort, we thought amazing a hotel that really focuses on its guests experience....! We are really disappointed and feel that a hotel with such high ambitions should be more focused on its guests and when you say something will happen make sure it does....a promise is a promise. THIRDLY there is no PRIVATE beach, only a slab on concrete by the sea. On booking said the resort has a private beach, this is not true and maybe what they are trying to build..... We picked this resort because reviews seemed very positive, photos looked amazing and location was ideal for our need to take 3 days rest and relaxation. What we got was 3 days of banging, crashing, dust and diesel fumes whilst the construction continued.....Thanks for ruining our time in Nha Trang....! TOTALLY a SCAM !!!