

4.7/566 評價
我們在2022年6月3rd-6th房間的時候在這家酒店住了三晚-當我們到達房間的時候,它有一個非常舒適的雙人牀,沙發牀,大小電視,大小浴室,還有充裕的充電點來充電我的電器。我也喜歡北歐的所有洗漱用品和房間的設計。設施-在酒店的時候,我們在主要的酒店餐廳吃了早餐。-萊克。自助早餐有很好的歐陸性食物(肉、奶酪)、一些熱食和麪包和糕點的選擇。由於這家酒店提供免費早餐,並提供房費,我覺得早餐供應在這家酒店非常好。第一天晚上,我們在酒店酒吧喝了幾杯飲料,那裏有很好的當地啤酒和 Gins 選擇。位置-這家酒店有位置的10/10-它靠近所有主要景點,景點,購物等。酒店隔壁就是斯德哥爾摩中央車站,可以搭乘Arlanda快車到機場。大約需要18分鐘,每20分鐘一班火車。Gamla Stan(老城區)距離酒店步行約20分鐘,附近有很多咖啡館和餐館。如果你喜歡ABBA,你應該去Abba博物館。博物館位於Djurgarden島上,距離酒店步行約35分鐘。另外,斯德哥爾摩四周是水,你可以很容易地乘坐渡船到達其他島嶼。渡船頻繁,價格合理。我也會建議去瓦薩博物館。距離Abba博物館大約五分鐘的步行路程,瞭解船的歷史非常有趣這是史詩。最後,我建議在斯德哥爾摩附近做一次羣島船遊。這次旅行大約需要2-3小時,每人大約需要345瑞典克朗。斯德哥爾摩餐廳也很幸運,在這座城市擁有大量的餐館。如果你有興趣尋找美味的北歐非正式餐點,我建議你去Bistro Bestick。餐廳距離酒店步行約五分鐘,食物很棒-你應該試試********的Loin和Truffle Crème Burlee。如果你正在尋找一家現代的現代餐廳,我建議你去羅爾夫斯角。從酒店步行約12分鐘即可到達這家餐廳。雖然食物很貴,但絕對值得在這裏至少吃一頓晚餐。食物很棒,你應該試試牛肉 Entrecôte 和 Ox Cheek - 太好了!總的來說,我喜歡我在酒店和斯德哥爾摩的住宿,如果我回到這個城市,我會考慮住在這裏。
4.3/564 評價
Bw Bromma Hotel 酒店絕對令人驚歎!比預期的好得多,價值兩倍的價格。停車(困難的App EV充電),不錯的接待服務w免費打印均勻和歡迎水果,有史以來最好的早餐之一,房間好w巨電視,很多小細節!10/10除了位置遠離中心,但預計。感謝酒店:)
4.1/572 評價
We booked a superior room here and let me tell you, it was very disappointing and not what we expected. At first, the lobby seemed nice, but upon closer inspection you could see various moldy and dirty spots on the ceiling and that the carpet is quite dirty as well. Overall, the hotel has probably had its best days and you can see it. After checking in, we were a bit shocked by our room. The furniture is old and has cracks and scratches basically everywhere, there were weird stains on our desk, and the floor was scratched all over. The bathroom had moldy spots in the corner of the shower, later we realized that the shower door did not completely close so that the bathroom overflowed every time we took a shower. We immediately complained about this to the staff and were shown another room but it was the same there, plus the room was even smaller and we were not offered any kind of discount, not even an apology. The bathroom has only glass walls, with a very thin, white curtain in front of it, so that you have basically no privacy. A wooden slide door which was very hard to slide since it got stuck every couple of inches at least blocks a bit of the view but even as a couple I think you like a bit of privacy in the bathroom. We did not have a plug in our sink so that we had to look down a dirty drain, and the plug we were given as an extra one was too big so that the water could not flow. Upon closer inspection we saw that the window was moldy and not cleaned in a long time, and shortly before leaving after three nights we were shocked to see that the mini bar had opened candy in it - we did not touch the minibar since we felt it was completely overpriced and obviously, nobody from the cleaning staff had touched it in a long time either. The breakfast was okay on the weekend, but could have been better on Monday (there were no eggs due to salmonella outbreaks but at least some pancakes on the weekend, none on Monday and in general the quality was a bit worse on Monday). The staff was nice, not overly friendly but not impolite. The only good thing about the hotel is probably its location, which however makes it quite noisy at night, and I am convinced you can find better hotels in this price range in similarly central locations in Stockholm. We would not come back here and cannot recommend this hotel.
4.4/5109 評價
我在11月初在這裏住了3晚。 207房間(標準雙人間-單人入住)很舒適,裝飾精美,舒適。儘管靠近電梯,但沒有干擾或噪音。帶連接浴室的確確實有排水管,但除了乾淨之外,還提供了像樣的淋浴,放大鏡和吹風機等清潔設施。有一個迷你吧,但沒有保險箱,所以我把護照放在接待處的保險箱中。區域。 工作人員始終愉快而熱情。他們為我們提供了所有查詢,幫助了我們(我正和旁邊有我房間的姐姐一起旅行),並讓我們打印出登機證。 雖然很合算,但是如果住超過1晚,一對夫婦可能會發現標準的一小點小。 這家餐廳是比利時的-主題美食,還算不錯-但是晚上很溫暖,擁擠時可能會讓人感到壓抑。早餐分散在不同的車站,狹小的空間意味着客人彼此相撞。如果可以,請避免在繁忙的時候。食物很好-有一個華夫餅乾-製造商,當地麵包,切肉或熱早餐。土耳其酸奶是我的最愛-濃郁而乳脂狀。 位置-明智的選擇是,弗雷斯(Freys)無法超越。 小貼士:即使外麪很冷,晚上也可以在溫暖的斯德哥爾摩餐廳收拾些東西。
4.1/596 評價
Lovely hotel in Gamla Stan, perfect for sightseeing, stopovers, winter trips. Couldn't get enough of the beautiful surrounding! Cosy rooms in a 16th century building, definitely something special! Super friendly staff.
4.2/596 評價
我們在這家酒店訂了3晚,17th-19th。房間很小,空調是中央控制的,出汗很大。。最後他們給我們提供了2個風扇。電話不通。經過多次抗議,酒店的人答應第二天下午住一個更好的房間。但是第二天我們回到酒店時,我們不僅累得不能換班,而且已經散開了。客房清潔人員忘記打掃我們的房間..早餐傳播還可以..酒店唯一要做的事情是它的位置..Arlanda Express 和中央車站很近。從酒店外面乘搭巴士/下車。外面有很多食物店..接待處的人只對他們缺點表示遺憾。我們根本不喜歡在那裏呆。





如果你還在煩惱去斯德哥爾摩要訂什麼四星級酒店,Trip.com 一站式網上旅遊平台會是您的最佳選擇。旅行前要做足準備工作,應該要事先規劃好要參觀的斯德哥爾摩景點再選擇適合的酒店。作為一個著名的旅遊勝地,斯德哥爾摩的旅遊配套設施十分不錯。多個知名的國際連鎖酒店坐落於斯德哥爾摩,立即預訂讓家人享受舒適的旅程。




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