Every apartment has an own pool. Though breakfast is provided and the staff is helpful, the restaurant's menu is limited. The room was large and tidy, and it's an ideal location to relax in an atmosphere of relaxation. The street lights are fairly dim from the main road to the villa at night. Overall, though, I like my stay at the villa.
整體住宿條件和支付的價格都被認為是物有所值的。開車出遊很方便。從大路出來,要進一條小巷,不過也不是很遠。服務很好,有人員幫忙搬東西,入住和退房方便快速。鹹水泳池深1.2米,設有寬大的浴缸,可供一人舒適放鬆。可調式冷熱水房間裡的水流不是很強,但也還好,有香皂、沐浴露、洗髮精、乳液,一般飯店的裝備都有。房間裡瀰漫著一股草藥味。有吹風機。提供小冰箱。住宿周圍的氣氛無論白天或晚上都很好。還有一個小馬厩。房間的空調是大型掛式空調,非常涼爽舒適。但睡覺的時候卻偷偷發出一點大聲的聲音。房間不是很新,但整體還可以,印象深刻。提供自助早餐。食物很好吃。沒有 Bang Wela 咖啡店就活不下去