Just came back after staying two nights at the hotel for 2 nights with my elderly parents. They stayed in a suite and I stayed in a premier room. Both rooms are super spacious and luxe!!! Hotel staff are friendly and attentive. Breakfast is not buffet style but they gave you a choice among western (with a few choices for main), chinese and japanese. You can also help yourself with unlimited coffee by using the professional nespresso machines there, which is quite fun. There's a happy hour at hotel serving free drinks but I didn't get the chance to try it during my stay. The hotel is centrally located and within 5 to 15 minutes' walk to 101 building, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi, Eslite xinyi store (with one floor of books and groceries which is 24 hours open) as well as Songshan Cultural & Creative Park. Very convenient. We had a really happy and memorable stay at the hotel. Highly recommended!
極佳地點,距東區商圈,忠孝復興捷運站三分鐘,台北市第二家凱悦酒店 - 「台北大安伊普索凱悦尚選酒店」地處繁華熱鬧的大安區,以搶眼色調打造全館不同風格的客房,不衹坐擁101夜景的景觀客房,還有私人陽台及浴缸的豪華房。客房以音樂及復古為設計主軸,温暖高彩度傢俱、配件及每房備有復古黑膠CD播放器,及EPISODE精選CD,帶領旅人重回經典金曲年代。 客房內皆精選奢華備品,提供高級寢具包含多家飯店採用的席伊麗床墊、精軟厚實的400織床單、降噪耳塞等;並選用紐約現代簡約保養品牌MALIN+GOETZ沐浴備品、韓國美髮沙龍御用品牌UNIX吹風機,並於房內提供臉部穴道按摩器等。 酒店的另一大亮點,是與臺中指標酒吧Lay Low合作打造的「The Social by Lay Low」空間,結合音樂、調酒、餐食、文藝及整面的黑膠唱片,將飯店傳統的大廳區域打造成宛如家裡客廳般慵懶舒適,同時提供入住旅客全天候享受多款免費零食及特色飲品,也將邀請DJ與爵士樂團駐點演出。