



4.3/5172 評價


Other Receptionist are normal encounter except one. Lousy service from Receptionist Wan. I called to change a pillow case for the extra pillow I obtained from the cupboard at 10.30pm while preparing to sleep, as I reached hotel room at 10pm after a tour. The extra pillow case in the cupboard was definitely not changed, I could see it soiled, unclean, used by previous guest with hair on it. I asked the Receptionist Wan to come to my room to see, he was too lazy and not bothered and only called me on my hp insisted that the HK changed the pillow cases. I told him it was the pillow case in cupboard that needed a new case, but he insisted it was changed, without even coming to my room to inspect... unbelievable. Wan Receptionist accused me for making it dirty as I checked in at 2.30pm and blamed me for not checking it at that time when I received my room (who would inspect the extra pillow in the cupboard unless you are getting ready for bed btw??!!). He claimed that there is no Housekeeping staff to bring it to me. He did not bother to check or get the key to the housekeeping to retrieve a pillow case. I am smart to use my t-shirt as pillow cover though, despite his hopeless attitude in the hospitality service industry. This is my second visit to this hotel.I will come back again because of the hotel, but next time with my own extra pillow cases! For the peanut price I paid, I reminded myself not to expect any service after this encounter. Room number: 325 No. Of rooms: 2 In / out: 9-10 July 2022



3.9/5145 評價
房間還可以,但不是那麼寬敞。免費停車場。有一個室內游泳池,但我對此感到失望。我們想去泳池的時候已經是下午 6 點了,但天色有點暗,因為之前正在下雨。飯店沒有開燈,所以我的姪子很害怕。早餐還可以。
4.6/5610 評價
乾淨 風景超級好 價錢好 服務也不錯 雖然不是很熱鬧 但很鍾意周邊環境 落到樓下已經可以買嘢 食嘢 parking也很方便
4.2/5185 評價
OYO 89549 太平卡薩維拉酒店 - 市中心
2.8/517 評價
4.6/513 評價
如果你是一個懷舊馬來西亞的舊記憶的旅客,太平這個地方有間民宿名叫Sojourn Beds & Cafe 是必須要打卡和報到的地方,你會的。If you like to experience old-time stay in the historical city of Malaysia, Taiping...This homestay Sojourn Beds & Cafe is a MUST visit and pinpoint, you will.接待櫃檯在晚上七點以前關閉,民宿一樓是一間咖啡屋,二樓則是住宿處。在馬來西亞的六十年代,房子的設計充滿家庭的味道,而在這裏待一晚將使你有個難忘的經驗和特殊的回憶。The reception has to be done before 7 PM, the ground floor part is a cafe and the stays are on the first floor.In Malaysia '60s, the design of the house full of the family feels and you will have a very special and unforgettable experience if you stay a night here. 民宿的地理位置也相當適中,附近有Taiping Mall,如果你喜歡道地的美食就在馬路的對面。 The location is very convenience, Taiping mall is nearby if you like to have local foods which are just opposite the main road. 同時也靠近太平湖的美景,更適合情侶散步共同創造美好的回憶。 Also close to the best location of Taiping lakeside which is a good place for a couple to walk and enjoy the scenery for memories. 一些古跡建築就在十分鐘步行之距離,比如馬來西亞第一家博物館、太平鐘樓、太平市場等等。 Some heritage buildings are locating within ten-minute walking distance such as museums (the first museum in Malaysia), the clock tower of Taiping, the market place and so on... 我保證,你一定會有一趟超不一樣的體驗,特別是你住進了 Sojourn,你將會使你的旅程更加完整。 I promise, you will have a very exciting trip while you stay in Sojourn where you will complete your travel plan.


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在Trip.com網站或者Trip.com APP上您可以找到最新的太平酒店優惠。Trip.com有各類太平特價酒店優惠,您可以在這裡找到價格便宜的太平平價酒店住宿。比較有名的景點和市中心都是遊客們在太平旅行熱門的住宿區域。太平是一個熱門旅遊城市,太平一日遊或兩日遊行程是很受遊客歡迎的。


在Trip.com上,我們為您精心推薦了24家太平酒店。在太平尋找酒店時,準備每晚335 HKD左右的預算,應該能找到不錯的住宿。太平有3家四星級酒店,平均每晚738 HKD。太平有11家三星級酒店,平均每晚262 HKD。太平有4家二星級酒店,平均每晚293 HKD。入住太平當地的特色酒店能夠讓遊客得到不一樣的住宿新體驗。不少到太平的遊客都會預訂諾富特的酒店。在太平,連鎖酒店如諾富特是遊客們入住的熱門住宿。太平諾富特酒店(Novotel Taiping)太平中較具人氣的熱門酒店之一。假若您還有猶豫,Trip.com推薦您入住馬來亞旅館(Guesthouse Hotel Malaya)

另外,當地評價最高的景點還有:Taiping War Cemetery, Taiping Lake Gardens。
