若想要遊覽高松,高松東急REI酒店(Takamatsu Tokyu Rei Hotel)將會是一個不錯的的住宿之選。高松機場乘坐巴士僅需30分鐘,下車即是酒店,交通都很便捷。著名的景點高松市美術館,高松城和高松中央公園均可步行很短距離到達。去著名景點屋島,您衹需搭乘出租車很方便到達。酒店提供的休閑設施,旨在為旅客營造多姿多彩、奢華完美的住宿體驗。酒店設有24小時前台諮詢服務,為下榻至此的您提供最貼心的行程安排。酒店免費提供WiFi服務,並且設有日式,西式等種類豐富的早餐。臨近商店街,飲食與購物也十分方便。
距離JR車站有段距離但離商店街很近,逛街買東西吃飯都很方便,不過風化區也在附近,晚上進出要小心別走錯。飯店房間乾淨舒適,浴室跟廁所分開,浴室內備有錢湯常見的小椅子跟小水盆,洗手台設置在電視旁邊是有點奇怪的設計。為參觀附近的栗林公園中午就先抵達飯店寄放行李,輕裝前往觀光,晚上吃飽飯回飯店辦check in 時,櫃檯人員已事先把寄放的行李送進房間了,雖然只是一個小動作卻讓我有五星級服務的感受,下次到高松住宿會優先考慮hotel wing.
DDK97The premises is at a convenient location, very close to the covered shopping avenue.
The lift access is good for suite case travellers.
The room is clean and spacious enough to accommodate 4 px.
One draw back was the lack of information on the need to check in through the Royal Park Hotel which is about 10 minutes walk from the premises. That was very frustrate to stay outside the lift lobby for an hour, before meeting a group of Japanese young men whom told us to check in through the hotel.
Apart from the troublesome check in experience, everything was fine.
訪訪客Good room. Large for Japan. Staff were very friendly, even though I spoke no Japanese.
Easy to get to, by bus number 3, from train station. But only the bus 4 and 8, at 9.20 and then 10.40, to get to port or train station in the morning. Ended up booking a taxi (1350 yen to the train station) which worked great.