

Hotel Around Takayama, Ascend Hotel Collection
4.8/5156 評價
Ein sehr nettes Hotel, welches erst seit 1 Jahr in Betrieb ist, und in den Bergen liegt. Die Zimmer sind sehr hell und modern eingerichtet. Dort waren wir für 2 Nächte während unserer Rundreise untergebracht. Das Frühstück war nach japanischer Art und wurde am tisch serviert, was natürlich etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig war, aber trotzdem sehr gut war.
4.4/518 評價
我的鞋子被偷了!昨天剛剛離開店裡,但是鞋子被偷!酒店的處理方式是給了我一對舊的而且比我腳大很多根本不合腳的鞋子來解決問題。說真的,這個處理方式我們很不滿意!加了店員聯繫,那邊解釋衹是說可能有人拿錯了,不過我的鞋子跟那人的鞋子實在差距很大!我的是布鞋,別人那對是漆麪,而且形狀鞋帶都不一樣,如果別人拿,那也太那個了……餘下來我還要去其他城市旅遊,現在穿着店給我的不合碼的舊鞋子,也找不到鞋店,相當痛苦!這是我的經歷…如果來這裏住,可能你要多備一對鞋子了!My shoes have been stolen! Just left the store yesterday, but the shoes were stolen! The way the hotel handled it was to give me a pair of old shoes that were much bigger than my feet and didn't fit at all to solve the problem. Seriously, we are not satisfied with this way of handling! Added the clerk to contact, over there explained that someone may have taken the wrong shoes, but my shoes and that person's shoes are very different! My shoes are made of cloth. Other people's shoes are painted with different shapes and laces. If others take them, it's too much... I still have to travel to other cities. Now I can't find a shoe store in the old shoes that the store gave me. It's very painful! This is my experience... If you come here to live, you may have to prepare another pair of shoes!
4.7/550 評價
設施:新酒店一切都很新,有設計感 衛生:衛生沒得說,好 環境:位置很好就在上三町,古街就在旁邊,斜對麪就是可以品嘗飛彈和牛和日本酒的味之與平。去宮川朝市,高山陣屋,車站,去吃米其林法餐,都可以步行去 服務:有配備簡單的泡湯吃,泡湯出來可以免費雪糕冰激凌。住店的客人晚上可以暢飲各種酒水。很有體驗感。 住這家酒店的絕大部分是歐美遊客,有八成吧。說日語的說中文的都很少。 除了酒店價格偏貴一些,其他沒毛病。
4.7/556 評價
作爲我們旅遊團的一部分,我們住在高山Associa Resort酒店。我們在阿爾卑斯山翼15樓有一個寬敞的雙牀房,這是我們旅遊中最大的房間。房間和牀一樣很舒服。房間和浴室一塵不染。房間裏有茶水和咖啡設施。度假村在高山郊區,但有班車進入市中心。酒店內餐廳有限,到我們到達時其中2家已經訂完了。我們設法訂進了日本餐廳,在那裏吃了一頓美味的飯。自助早餐沒有麥片。一樓有自助洗衣店,裏面有若干洗衣機/烘乾機,它們自己分配洗滌劑。
4.5/5102 評價
咁既價錢有咁既質素~正!! 最高層有幾間露天温泉~都好多人浸~ 浸温泉係先到先得~每間房門口有個牌~if使用中就要等了~ 不過我就無等~我去到23:00先再上去睇有冇位~咁夜係少人d~ 望住個天浸係幾舒服,但,我浸右手邊數第二間温泉房,d 温泉味好勁,我唔係好頂得順,浸左陣就走了,但,我老公又唔覺得難聞~其他温泉房我哋無試,所以唔知d味係咪一樣~ 由高山巴士站行去酒店大約10分鐘~間房好大~但,燈光好暗~ 但~咁既價錢有埋温泉超抵~ 仲有~櫃檯姐姐英文好得,但,佢竟然無比key card我~真係唔好以為人地pro就放鬆,最後我哋落返去,佢都即刻比返我~
4.7/563 評價
This hotel provided great service and clean accommodations. I love that hotels in Japan provide pajamas and toothbrushes. This hotel had two public baths. It's nice that they have one bath where the water is not as hot. We had the dinner buffet. It included American and chinese offerings. You receive a ticket for one serving of the Hida beef. I thought the food was good. I like that the portions are small, so you can try a lot of things. We also had the breakfast buffet which included Takayama specialty items too. There is a large souvenir shop in the hotel, so you are able to pick up gifts. I thought the prices are comparable to other gift shops. The hotel offers a free shuttle to the train station. It is a 7 minute walk to the train station, so it's not so bad. They only have two shuttles that go to Takayama Jinya (government house) which is across the bridge from Sanmachi Suji. Otherwise it's at least a 20-25 minute walk. I wish they had more shuttles to that area. There is not much to look at on the way from the hotel to Sanmachi. As Takayama becomes more popular with tourists, most of the hotel staff and store owners are able to communicate in English. Overall, I enjoyed my time at the hotel and would stay there again.





高山市(たかやまし),是日本岐阜縣北部的一個市。高山市日本面積最大的市(2179.6705平方公里),甚至超過香川縣和大阪府,相當於整個東京都的面積,該市有“飛驒的小京都”之稱,每年都有很多日本國內外的來此觀光。 高山市是修建於16世紀的高山城的“城下町”(以諸侯的居城為中心發展起來的城鎮)。整個高山市以木建築為主,精湛的木工手藝使得整個高山市古色古香,自古以來,飛驒木雕工藝技術就居全國之冠,飛驒的木匠一直被徵召為日本皇室建築宮殿屋舍,京都奈良地區的寺院也大多出自飛驒工匠師傅之手,至今這些傳統工藝仍然歷久不衰,為全日本的工藝精華,高山的許多街道依然維持著古代典雅的氣息,許多古迹値得遊客深入探訪,這裏的寺廟、神社、河流橋梁都具有京都的神韻,某些方面有著連京都也比不上的妙處。
