正在尋找Coyote Ugly Saloon Roppongi附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


探索Coyote Ugly Saloon Roppongi附近的熱門酒店


4.7/545 評價


六本木 東京|距離Coyote Ugly Saloon Roppongi0.57km
我們蜜月之初在日本,就選擇了這家酒店,住了5個晚上。這是我們第一次來東京,很高興能夠住在這麼好的酒店裡。我們當時找這家酒店的過程,還有些戲劇性。我們從最近的地鐵站打車只花了500日元,這價錢有點尷尬,原來離酒店如此之近。第二天我們發現有巴士服務,大約每20-30分鐘,就有輛車去地鐵站,後來我們就一直搭乘這個巴士。 酒店的招待人員專業而且友好。我們午夜到的,很快就有人帶我們去房間,還幫忙拎行李。我們的房間時尚,舒適,寬敞,乾淨。早晨我們才發現,外面的景觀真的很不錯,還能看到富士山呢!右邊有個湖,挺大的,周末的時候那裡還有跳蚤市場。 我們預訂的住宿業務里還包含早餐,我們既品嘗了日本的傳統佳肴,還嘗試了西方早餐。不得不說兩種風味我們都喜歡。品種豐富,服務周到,一切都好極了。 還有一件小事挺觸動人的,下雨的時候,你只要向前台要傘,他們會把準備好的雨傘欣然奉上,還伴有迷人的微笑。 東京的地鐵系統很不錯。遊玩半天之後,我們回到酒店休息,很方便。我們每次去地鐵站的時候,酒店的大巴都已經等在那兒了,這太便利了。休息一兩個小時,我們又可以重新出發了,沒有任何問題。 政府大樓是遊客們的必游之地,而它恰巧靠近酒店。我們去那可以鳥瞰整座城市。周圍還有個不錯的紀念品店,我們在裏面轉了半個小時,買了不少東西。日本人知道怎麼製作好的紀念品! 我極力推薦這家酒店,我們還想回來住。



4.1/5123 評價


六本木 東京|距離Coyote Ugly Saloon Roppongi0.12km
Overall this place was just ok. Japan has a high bar for hotels, most of them are going to be good, if not great. This hotel just has a lot of small annoyances that add up and made it my least favorite hotel out of the four I stayed at on this trip. First the good: Good location within walking distance of the two big malls in Roppongi, Tokyo Midtown and Roppongi Hills. Two metro lines stop nearby. The hotel itself is nice but feels slightly dated. There’s a view of Tokyo Tower from most of the rooms but especially higher floors. Overall I liked Roppongi. It seems like a place where real Tokyoites live and work as opposed to the more popular places mobbed by tourists. The bad: The bathrooms. Incredibly small, with absolutely no space between the toilet, bathtub, and sink. I know Tokyo rooms are small but this bathroom is especially bad. Also, the floor in the bathroom is sunken, as in lower than the rest of the room so you have to step down every time you enter. This caught me by surprise more than once. Also the floor felt a bit unstable…kind of like it was made of a plastic layer you stand on above the real floor. At least it was clean. There’s a lot of weird unsafe parts of the room, which is especially a worry with kids. The step down into the bathroom I mentioned. There’s a sharp edge next to the bed on the couch/nightstand that I scratched myself on. There’s a glass table with pointy edges that just feels out of place in the tiny room. The plugs and light switches are right in the middle of the bed headrest which makes them easy for kids to play with and makes it so your charging cables are running across the bed. The elevator is annoying. It ALWAYS stops on the 3rd floor (reception) no matter what. The ground level exit is on the 2nd floor, so you always stop unnecessarily on 3 when either entering or exiting the hotel. The 1st floor is inexplicably the parking area behind the hotel, don’t get caught assuming the first floor is the ground level exit. There’s a real lack of breakfast in the area. The hotel breakfast opens later (7:30?), we never went because it was too late. One day we just gave up and ate breakfast at FamilyMart. Roppongi is not well connected to the rest of Tokyo on the Metro. Most places you want to go are going to require a transfer. Neither of the lines that stop near the hotel go directly to Tokyo station. Both Haneda and Narita require extra transfers. Even Shibuya which is not far away at all requires two trains or a bus. Especially annoying if you have luggage or kids in tow.





正在搜尋Coyote Ugly Saloon Roppongi附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
3.7/558 評價
這次,在赤阪選擇了控制在8000日元以內,不過,作爲新開價在赤阪的行情確實便宜。(即使經由最近的代理店手續費很高,但 這裏的集團的HP和代理店(特別是樂天)每天上下。100日元左右可以忍受,但是最壞的時候一天1000日元也上下 酒店的住宿條款中“從5天前開始發生30%的取消費”,但無法處理緊急的變更(我們也有1天2天的變更)很遺憾。我想如果是旅遊而不是商務。之後,如果有門鑰匙(卡式)的丟失的話,會被傳入9000日元的內容,心情就滅了,因爲沒有插入門關上電(有的意思,充電,冰箱的溫度可以保持一定,但是如果覺得萬一的話就滅了。(如果我是關東人的話,也可以抑制關東圈使用的卡,但是因爲是關西人,關東和關西使用的卡類不同,所以電子錢) 我住了一個月不到開放的時候,但是由於TV是黑色的,所以配備了“一個月的灰塵”的微波爐很好。可以使用。酒店位置很好,但從電梯到房間的走廊狹窄(如果遇到不讓,肩膀會碰到的位置)是住宿的好選擇。
相鐵FRESA INN 東京六本木酒店
4.3/5152 評價
本來是為了離堂吉柯德近訂的這家酒店,為了出去玩一天,夜裡回來還能逛街,沒想到喜出望外。 這家酒店離地鐵站太近了,東京那麼大,出門必坐地鐵,這一點是最實惠的方便。樓下全是各種吃的,和堂吉柯德,非常方便。 酒店用品非常齊全,是我住過的最齊全的酒店,卸粧油,洗面奶,化粧水,乳液,面膜,發膜,浴鹽,一大全套。睡衣也不是好看不實用的浴袍,而是非常舒服的那種睡衣。甚至有各種捲髮棒可以用。我甚至覺得住這個酒店,可以少帶三斤東西。 不過床太小了,一米二的床,情侶肯定住不下,我帶娃都快住不下了…… 另外,這是個彩虹友好店呢~
4.2/579 評價
4.1/5123 評價
Overall this place was just ok. Japan has a high bar for hotels, most of them are going to be good, if not great. This hotel just has a lot of small annoyances that add up and made it my least favorite hotel out of the four I stayed at on this trip. First the good: Good location within walking distance of the two big malls in Roppongi, Tokyo Midtown and Roppongi Hills. Two metro lines stop nearby. The hotel itself is nice but feels slightly dated. There’s a view of Tokyo Tower from most of the rooms but especially higher floors. Overall I liked Roppongi. It seems like a place where real Tokyoites live and work as opposed to the more popular places mobbed by tourists. The bad: The bathrooms. Incredibly small, with absolutely no space between the toilet, bathtub, and sink. I know Tokyo rooms are small but this bathroom is especially bad. Also, the floor in the bathroom is sunken, as in lower than the rest of the room so you have to step down every time you enter. This caught me by surprise more than once. Also the floor felt a bit unstable…kind of like it was made of a plastic layer you stand on above the real floor. At least it was clean. There’s a lot of weird unsafe parts of the room, which is especially a worry with kids. The step down into the bathroom I mentioned. There’s a sharp edge next to the bed on the couch/nightstand that I scratched myself on. There’s a glass table with pointy edges that just feels out of place in the tiny room. The plugs and light switches are right in the middle of the bed headrest which makes them easy for kids to play with and makes it so your charging cables are running across the bed. The elevator is annoying. It ALWAYS stops on the 3rd floor (reception) no matter what. The ground level exit is on the 2nd floor, so you always stop unnecessarily on 3 when either entering or exiting the hotel. The 1st floor is inexplicably the parking area behind the hotel, don’t get caught assuming the first floor is the ground level exit. There’s a real lack of breakfast in the area. The hotel breakfast opens later (7:30?), we never went because it was too late. One day we just gave up and ate breakfast at FamilyMart. Roppongi is not well connected to the rest of Tokyo on the Metro. Most places you want to go are going to require a transfer. Neither of the lines that stop near the hotel go directly to Tokyo station. Both Haneda and Narita require extra transfers. Even Shibuya which is not far away at all requires two trains or a bus. Especially annoying if you have luggage or kids in tow.
3.9/50 評價
4.5/5220 評價
在六本木Remm和銀座五丁目酒店糾結了一下,結合我們在東京的行程,以及看好Remm房間裏的按摩椅,最後還是定了這裏,總體是個不錯的選擇。從鎌倉回東京乘湘南新宿線可以到惠比壽,日比谷線2站就到六本木了。這裏距離六本木hills和Tokyo Midtown都步行可達。我們要去的哈利波特東京影城可以坐大江户線不用換乘,去銀座購物也可以日比谷線直達。因為要泡澡所以定了24平米的雙床房,兩個人住完全夠用。房間窗户可以看見東京塔。第一天比較累直接就在酒店二樓的敍敍苑解決了晚餐。户型有點奇怪開門先看見的是床,床對面才是洗漱台和衞生間。前台服務比較冷漠,自助辦理入住入住及退房時,服務稱不上熱情。


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東京有1097家精品酒店,Trip.com能為您提供最高20%的折扣。在東京尋找酒店時,準備每晚771 HKD左右的預算,應該能找到不錯的住宿。東京有35家五星級酒店,平均每晚2971 HKD。東京有88家四星級酒店,平均每晚1099 HKD。東京有458家三星級酒店,平均每晚819 HKD。東京有245家二星級酒店,平均每晚467 HKD。現在,有許多知名連鎖品牌酒店已經入駐東京了。不少到東京的遊客都會預訂諾富特的酒店。諾富特酒店是當地其中一個最有人氣的酒店品牌。東京池袋大都會飯店(Hotel Metropolitan Tokyo Ikebukuro)東京中較具人氣的熱門酒店之一。假若您還有猶豫,Trip.com推薦您入住東京新宿格拉斯麗酒店(Hotel Gracery Shinjuku Tokyo)

倘若您住在東京市區的酒店,可以優先遊覽附近的景點,比如新橋, 筑地市場, 銀座。若想與家人度過一個愉快假期,可以到柴又, 石神井公園一遊。除了之前介紹過的景點外,澀谷, 東京塔, 新宿也是比較有名的。若您希望購買一些當地特產,可以考慮去當地的商業區淺草橋, 表參道·青山, 寶格麗(銀座店)逛一逛。










