



東京 MESM 酒店,傲途格精選
4.6/558 評價

東京 MESM 酒店,傲途格精選

東京鐵塔周邊 東京|距離源寶院0.95km
I am writing to express my deep disappointment regarding my recent stay at your establishment in May 2023. I had high expectations, as I had heard that MESM prides itself on providing an exceptional experience to its esteemed Ambassador members, with a dedicated Star Service and Ambassador service team. Unfortunately, my stay was marred by a disturbing low-frequency noise originating from the air conditioning system in the middle of the night. The noise abruptly awakened me three times at 3 AM, causing great inconvenience and discomfort. Despite the hotel’s advanced Pad, I was unable to communicate with any staff members. Left with no other option, I had to physically go to the front desk to seek assistance from the Star Service team. They promptly sent someone to my room to investigate the noise. However, I was disappointed when they refused to provide an alternative room or any meaningful solution. The only resolution offered was an electric fan and turning off the air conditioning system, which hardly sufficed. Even my request for earplugs was denied, with some other guests joking that their co-branded milk candies might be the best substitute. Left with no other choice, I had to venture outside on a rainy night without access to an umbrella. To my surprise, there was no staff available at the front desk near the entrance. I had to join other hotel guests, who were equally drenched, in running to a nearby convenience store to purchase earplugs. It wasn’t until I acquired the earplugs that I finally managed to fall asleep, exhausted, at 5 AM in the morning. During my checkout process, I took the opportunity to provide feedback in person, expressing my disappointment and detailing the challenges I encountered. At that time, the staff assured me that my concerns would be taken seriously and that I would receive a response regarding the matter. However, to my dismay, I have yet to receive any communication from the hotel, leaving me feeling neglected and unheard. PS: Mr. Hisashi Oinuma, thank you for the welcome letter that promised “an inspirational experience by getting mesmerized by your five senses through our unique content and service.” It truly represented a different kind of Japanese service. As a loyal customer, I had expected a higher level of accountability and swift action in resolving the issues I encountered. It is disheartening to see that my feedback has gone unanswered thus far.
4.8/585 評價


東京市中心 東京|距離源寶院0.97km
這個點評會很難寫,很不錯的酒店但我也覺得很難推薦給遊客。房間:東京塔景房晚上很漂亮。牀很舒服。我不喜歡在睡覺區對面的壁櫥,我發現包裝/準備就緒時非常不方便。對於2016年開業的酒店來說,電視很小,需要更大。伊索產品很好,有水泵的大瓶子(我更喜歡小瓶)。他們也有最酷的拖鞋!服務:禮賓部幫我預訂了晚餐,並在辦理入住時準備了確認信。入住/退房快捷方便。他們在休息室提供免費HH,我驚喜地發現現場表演!HH期間提供的食物很基本,但沒關係,因爲我寧願在城市裏吃飯。晚上夜牀服務可以加強一點,可能需要向君悅的同事借一頁 ;) 位置:這是真正吸引遊客的地方的一件事。托拉諾蒙山是一個非常商業重的地區,下午6點後的一個鬼城。沒有百貨公司,沒有購物,附近只有兩家便利店,晚上9點後幾乎沒有任何餐飲選擇。要做什麼你需要從酒店乘坐地鐵/出租車。到地鐵站的步行坦率地說比我喜歡的長一點,但它是室內地下,對於寒冷和下雨天來說很好。總的來說,如果你在工作旅行,你的辦公室在該地區,我會推薦在這裏住宿。或者,您只需要從水桶列表中查看這個地方,因爲它的設計或東京塔景觀的房間。作爲東京典型的遊客,他重視方便和方便的餐館和購物,我可能不會回來了。這是一個恥辱,因爲這個地方有這麼多的潛力,如果它在一個更好的區域,但我猜你不能擁有它!
4.3/5118 評價


東京市中心 東京|距離源寶院0.99km
The hotel is centrally located and I think that’s basically the sole reason I may consider staying at it again. Checking in was smooth (thanks to the HK colleague seconded from Ritz Carlton HK), and other than that, I think your hotel staff needs re-training, especially the concierge team! Terrible service and clueless! My friends who were also traveling were not as lucky at check-in. One wasn’t able to get his room at 6pm and was asked to wait (20 mins), and when he finally got his key, he went into the room where someone was already in it. Who could expect this kind of mistake happened in a “modern luxury hotel”? My other friend nearly traumatized trying to check-in with a staff who can’t really speak English and don’t understand what “confirmation number” means. To me, the only disappointment was no upgrade at all even I was a Titanium member then. But well, I of course understand it is “subject to availability”. Hotel itself and its location is superb and definitely create a modern luxury feeling. But I’m staying in a HOTEL and HOSPITALITY and SERVICE should be the most important. And Edition Tokyo fails in all aspect, and maybe this is how you want to create a “lasting memory”? The short lady at the concierge was rude and impolite. When I was trying to ask about the timetable of the airport bus and where the stop is, she simply said why don’t you check it online cos you need to use your credit card and book anyway! I cannot believe this kind of service in Japan, let alone at a 5-star Marriot managed hotel. In the end I let my friend to handle it and she told me she talked to 3 different concierge colleagues and each gave a different answer, in the end it had to escalate up to the duty manager to get a concrete response on how to take the airport bus to Narita. Crazy! Then on separate occasions we went to the lobby bar. We requested to sit by the window and the waiter there said “it is reserved” on every occasion. In the end of course the sofa by the window was empty (and on one occasion it was empty till the bar was closed). I got annoyed and asked for the restaurant manager and I said “if you need a minimum spending just say so, why you have to put us at the bar table?” She said she would look into it and of course no one has yet to give us a good reason why is it the case. And service at the bar was appalling and to a certain extent I would even use “racist” to put it. As a Titanium with Marriot Bonvoy and a Globalist with World of Hyatt, I must say I made a terrible mistake staying at Tokyo Edition. I am sure I would receive better treatment and a better holiday experience if I stay at Andaz Tokyo which is across the street!





相鐵FRESA INN 大門站前
4.6/5154 評價

相鐵FRESA INN 大門站前

東京鐵塔周邊 東京|距離源寶院0.34km
4天前從官方應用中預訂,儘管嘗試在自助入住機上辦理入住,如果沒有登記,‼多次也是一樣。結果告訴前台工作人員辦理入住手續‥‥ 究竟是自助辦理入住機什麼的⁉還有酒店原創優惠,特意從拖鞋等處分一分託收的操作‼這是否最好從開始到前台辦理入住手續⁇⁇特意在自助辦理入住機辦理入住後到前台辦理我覺得這只會再費力一次!!!自助辦理入住機的導入費用不貴嗎⁉ 怎麼說呢,在無現金酒店不接受現金,至少現金返還只能現金‼⁇‼⁇ 房費是ca沒有現金返還現金誰不認爲酒店官員是有趣的支付現金?無現金也只有信用卡和QR碼支付,雖然是位於車站chika的酒店,但是Suica等交通IC卡不可用‼當然Edy,waon,nanaco等電子貨幣也不可用‼現金可以使用的無現金服務是有限的,但不方便。房間很小,但與單元浴室沒有樓梯的無障礙設計。沒有衣櫃,但有6個衣架。有摺疊行李。有SHARP加溼空氣淨化器。TV由TOSHIBA製成的40英寸androidTV。YouTube,Netflix,Ameba等網絡服務可在TV上觀看。BS可以觀看,但CS不能觀看。您還可以確認洗衣店的使用情況和餐廳的擁擠狀況。牀寬140cm。頭板有各種照明開關、插座和USB端子。冰箱是託希巴製造的小1門。桌子是寬40cm以下的小東西。桌子上也有插座,USB端子和LAN端子。有TIGER熱水壺。酒店內的水似乎都是淨水。2F有洗衣店,製冰機和微波爐。順便說一下,洗衣店可以用電子錢支付。1F電梯前有熟悉的便利店。咖啡和茶等速飲設施,牙刷,剃鬚刀,洗身體等需要的東西。相反,客房裏什麼都沒有‼從客房裏眺望,可以看到東京塔尖。還看到了愛宕綠色山和虎之門山的高層。因爲剛剛在1/26開業,所以很漂亮。酒店周圍幾乎都是辦公樓,所以可以安靜地度過。



3.9/50 評價
這家酒店點評的不多,提供一些經歷。 位置:就在芝公園的馬路另一邊,一街之隔,去東京塔超級方便。夜色還是很美的。距離機場接送半小時車程很方便。 環境:酒店挺大氣,大堂寬敞明亮,遊人也不多。前台都很友善,說英語。住了五晚,沒聽見國人的聲音。整體周邊環境都很清靜。 房間:兩大一小訂的中等雙牀房,小孩8歲,不成問題,房間也算比較寬敞了。衛生間小點,居然還有個不低的台階,老人不太方便。有小冰箱很方便。 早餐還不錯,人也一直不多,環境不錯在一層。 周圍購物:酒店樓下不是熱鬧的景點區,早上可以感受到上班族的匆忙與沉默。往JR線方向走七八分鐘有全家超市,支付寶結算。 吃飯:附近有餐館,還挺方便,每晚換着館子吃。基本英語交流也不順暢,比劃着點餐挺有意思。有一家白布帘子可以吃高知餃子的館子,居然沒有點餐的圖片,全靠懞啊。啤酒和餃子都好味道。 服務,很好,中間換了一次房間。確實有中文服務,那天中文員工不在,溝通困難,前台給中文員工打電話,在我們之間翻譯。很好,住這個酒店不用顧慮了。 總體感覺挺不錯的,十一房價稍貴。如果喜歡購物還是得住在銀座新宿附近。這裏距離銀座兩站地,打車都小100元人民幣。
4.6/553 評價
Goood體驗非常好,還可以免費借到捲髮器、直板夾、switch 等等真的太讚啦,但我們安排到的房間看不到東京鐵塔超級可惜😭😭😭😭房間算是寬敞,也很乾淨明亮整齊,洗衣機,廚房用品等等也都很齊全讚。各位小仙女~~~這是一個好評模板,不要看了,下面都是廢話。因為本仙女很懶,不想每個寶貝都寫好評,所以才模仿網友的好評模板。真的太好啦!!!!不知道還要說什麼,但他字數最少要200才能借switch,給大家參考。
4.5/599 評價
1)房間乾淨,服務一11點退房可寄存行李,樓下有餐廳,可自行增早餐,有米飯可配咖喱,味噌湯等,有麪包&腸或烤牛排骨,有蔬菜果汁,自製薄餅甜品;2)周邊離景點很近,增上寺,御成門,鐵塔,都是幾百米步行即可到,還有港區役所和慶應大學醫學部,在鐵塔周邊轉轉就有人遛狗,芝公園休閑下吧,晨跑的人不少;3)樓邊就有Family和Lawson; 4)交通,離大門站和御成門,濱松町都近的。出站時無電梯,要提箱子的! 總之,性價比優值得推薦
4.7/576 評價
京急EX INN東京濱松町大門站前
4.4/546 評價
Excelente!! Quarto pequeno, mas completo, com tudo o que se precisa para uma boa estadia, e até muito mais!! O banheiro é excelente, com xampus, sabonetes e as fomosas privadas ou vasos sanitários japoneses. Recepção ”contactless”, ou seja, o check-in é feito em uma máquina, mas há funcionários à disposição ao lado. Café, chá e diversos itens disponíveis gratuitamente na recepção (escovas de cabelo, escovas de dente, pasta de dente, etc). além de lavanderia (com tarifas boas). Localização, excelente, com bares e restaurantes na própria rua e na rua ao lado. O hotel se encontra exatamente em frente à saída A5 da estação Daimon do metrô. Há trens/metrô diretos do aeroporto de Narita para essa estação Daimon, mas há que se informar sobre os horários na loja Keisei no aeroporto de Narita (pagamos menos de 2.000 ienes por pessoa). E bem perto (a menos de 200 metros) da estação de ”monorail” para o aeroporto de Haneda (pagamos 500 ienes por pessoa). Para Tóquio, excelente ”rapport qualité-prix”!!
相鐵FRESA INN-濱松町大門
4.4/588 評價
第一次自己在日本旅遊,這次住相鐵 FRESA INN 是位於浜松町大門附近,環境真的很棒,走三分鐘就可以到東京大門站,超級方便 房間內空間也算可以,完全不會太小間(適合夫妻或情侶來住) 廁所一定是乾濕分離,也一定要有的浴缸(174/97都可以泡) 客房服務: 看自己有沒有需要每天請他們打掃,不用每天請他們打掃的話,就貼著不需打掃的磁鐵貼,要就貼需打掃就可以了 如果有需要叫醒服務的話,可以直接使用房間內的電話,打你需要叫醒的時間,很方便也不用跟櫃檯人員溝通XD





東京有1097家精品酒店,Trip.com能為您提供最高20%的折扣。在東京尋找酒店時,準備每晚771 HKD左右的預算,應該能找到不錯的住宿。東京有35家五星級酒店,平均每晚2971 HKD。東京有88家四星級酒店,平均每晚1099 HKD。東京有458家三星級酒店,平均每晚819 HKD。東京有245家二星級酒店,平均每晚467 HKD。現在,有許多知名連鎖品牌酒店已經入駐東京了。不少到東京的遊客都會預訂諾富特的酒店。諾富特酒店是當地其中一個最有人氣的酒店品牌。東京池袋大都會飯店(Hotel Metropolitan Tokyo Ikebukuro)東京中較具人氣的熱門酒店之一。假若您還有猶豫,Trip.com推薦您入住東京新宿格拉斯麗酒店(Hotel Gracery Shinjuku Tokyo)

倘若您住在東京市區的酒店,可以優先遊覽附近的景點,比如新橋, 筑地市場, 銀座。若想與家人度過一個愉快假期,可以到柴又, 石神井公園一遊。除了之前介紹過的景點外,澀谷, 東京塔, 新宿也是比較有名的。若您希望購買一些當地特產,可以考慮去當地的商業區淺草橋, 表參道·青山, 寶格麗(銀座店)逛一逛。










