來自住宿之回應: Thank you very much for staying with us.Thank you also for taking time out of your busy schedule to write this review.All of our employees place the highest priority on our guests' residences.We hope that your stay at our facility provided you with a little bit of a different experience from your everyday life, and that you enjoyed our homey atmosphere.Your compliments encourage all of our employees to provide you with even better service.We will continue to strive for customer satisfaction in the future.We hope that you will come back to our hotel again.All of our employees look forward to serving you again.-------------------------------------MONday Apart Premium NihonbashiFront Desk
入住日期 2025年1月
發佈於 2025年2月11日
來自住宿之回應: Thank you very much for staying with us.Thank you also for taking time out of your busy schedule to write this review.All of our employees place the highest priority on our guests' residences.We hope that your stay at our facility provided you with a little bit of a different experience from your everyday life, and that you enjoyed our homey atmosphere.Your compliments encourage all of our employees to provide you with even better service.We will continue to strive for customer satisfaction in the future.We hope that you will come back to our hotel again.All of our employees look forward to serving you again.-------------------------------------MONday Apart Premium NihonbashiFront Desk
來自住宿之回應: Thank you very much for staying with us.Thank you also for taking time out of your busy schedule to write this review.All of our employees place the highest priority on our guests' residences.We hope that your stay at our facility provided you with a little bit of a different experience from your everyday life, and that you enjoyed our homey atmosphere.Your compliments encourage all of our employees to provide you with even better service.We will continue to strive for customer satisfaction in the future.We hope that you will come back to our hotel again.All of our employees look forward to serving you again.-------------------------------------MONday Apart Premium NihonbashiFront Desk
來自住宿之回應: Thank you very much for staying with us. Thank you also for taking time out of your busy schedule to write this review. All of our employees place the highest priority on our guests' residences. We hope that your stay at our facility provided you with a little bit of a different experience from your everyday life, and that you enjoyed our homey atmosphere. Your compliments encourage all of our employees to provide you with even better service. We will continue to strive for customer satisfaction in the future. We hope that you will come back to our hotel again. All of our employees look forward to serving you again. ------------------------------------- MONday Apart Premium Nihonbashi Front Desk
來自住宿之回應: Thank you very much for staying with us. Thank you also for taking time out of your busy schedule to write this review. All of our employees place the highest priority on our guests' residences. We hope that your stay at our facility provided you with a little bit of a different experience from your everyday life, and that you enjoyed our homey atmosphere. Your compliments encourage all of our employees to provide you with even better service. We will continue to strive for customer satisfaction in the future. We hope that you will come back to our hotel again. All of our employees look forward to serving you again. ------------------------------------- MONday Apart Premium Nihonbashi Front Desk
入住日期 2024年4月
發佈於 2024年5月15日
第一: 我們住了三天,沒有一天進來打掃過房間,就連基本的收垃圾也沒有,更莫講話要收拾房間。
第二:店員態度非常惡劣,同行金太太懷孕和四歲女,房間只配備兩個很硬很高不太舒服的枕頭,然後向職員要求枕頭時,職員用英語語氣很差地向我解釋因為同行小童不收費,所以沒有bedding, bedding is not included。這是我破天荒第一次聽到的,就算今次旅行於東京、京都、梅田和河口湖住了四五家酒店,也沒有聽過一家酒店如此職員所解說的,因為同行小童沒有收費,所以不包括任何用品。加上他的態度令人反感,完全令人傻眼。我嘗試解釋因為同行有孕婦和幼童所以才要求多一個枕頭,職員完全拒絕。及後又無故敲門,前來給我們一個枕頭,老實說在他拒絕我們之前他也也有查看訂單紀錄,也是非常明確拒絕,及後無故那一個枕頭來,我也不知道那個枕頭是乾淨還是污糟的所以也不敢用。那個晚班職員的服務態度令人沮喪。
來自住宿之回應: Thank you very much for staying with us.Thank you also for taking time out of your busy schedule to write this review.All of our employees place the highest priority on our guests' residences.We hope that your stay at our facility provided you with a little bit of a different experience from your everyday life, and that you enjoyed our homey atmosphere.Your compliments encourage all of our employees to provide you with even better service.We will continue to strive for customer satisfaction in the future.We hope that you will come back to our hotel again.All of our employees look forward to serving you again.-------------------------------------MONday Apart Premium NihonbashiFront Desk
來自住宿之回應: Thank you very much for staying at MONday apart Premium Nihonbashi.We also apologize for the inconvenience caused during your stay. In the event of an emergency, we will make every effort to provide a comfortable experience for our customers, starting with advance notice. Thank you very much for taking the time to share your valuable feedback. All of our staff are looking forward to your next visit.
來自住宿之回應: Thank you very much for staying with us.Thank you also for taking time out of your busy schedule to write this review.All of our employees place the highest priority on our guests' residences.We hope that your stay at our facility provided you with a little bit of a different experience from your everyday life, and that you enjoyed our homey atmosphere.Your compliments encourage all of our employees to provide you with even better service.We will continue to strive for customer satisfaction in the future.We hope that you will come back to our hotel again.All of our employees look forward to serving you again.-------------------------------------MONday Apart Premium NihonbashiFront Desk
來自住宿之回應: Thank you very much for staying with us.Thank you also for taking the time to write this review.We apologize for any inconvenience caused. We sincerely apologize that our service did not meet your expectations and for your discomfort.Your stay should have been comfortable and we deeply regret that we could not provide that.We will make every effort to ensure that similar problems do not recur in the future. We will also take your valuable feedback seriously and strive to make improvements.Once again, we sincerely apologize.If you have any questions or requests, please do not hesitate to let us know.-------------------------------------MONday Apart Premium NihonbashiFront Desk