



4.7/553 評價


東京站/日本橋 東京|距離橫山大觀紀念館2.72km
我很幸運,每年住一兩次高端酒店。首先,我要說的是,我對大多數高端連鎖店和標準的威斯汀/萬豪/希爾頓酒店等都漠不關心。四季酒店與衆不同你總能看到並感受到你所付出的一切。奧的新四季酒店就是明證。不用說,公共空間和房間都很美。設計和執行都是宏偉的。如果你是建築質量的鑑賞家,你會明白我的意思。從合適的和完成的角度來看,它對建築來說就像雷克薩斯對汽車一樣。不過,比物理空間更重要的是員工。在來到這裏的一天之內,似乎每個人都知道我是誰(所以要表現得好一點,因爲你不想在這裏發展壞名聲)。我在這裏吃早餐(隨房間一起吃),在意大利餐廳吃一頓午餐,在酒吧吃一頓晚餐。食物雖然一般不是日式食物,但具有日本風味。我第一天早餐沙拉里的薰三文魚特別好吃,午餐吃的是小牛肉沙拉和純毛大。日本早餐的特色是魚浸泡在味裏,這是我喜歡的,它沒有讓人失望。我晚餐吃的 Waygu 漢堡比很好,但與我在洛杉磯最喜歡的漢堡相比,在切切酒吧的漢堡店並不匹配。服務員很細心,沒有懸停,而酒吧服務員Keith Motsi去年被評爲亞洲最好的酒吧服務員,我並不感到驚訝。他以熟悉海明威的飲酒習慣,以及他完美的表演,幹了,攪拌了馬丁尼(他在倒酒之前用嘴沖洗了卡拉菲和玻璃杯)。游泳池令人驚歎,雖然我對它沒有深水的盡頭感到有點失望。唉,淺水池似乎是所有酒店現在的方式。新酒店通常要經歷一段搖搖欲墜的時期才能找到立足點,對我來說很清楚,大四季已經紮根了。目前,價格昂貴,但並不瘋狂。我祝願他們取得更大的成功。
4.7/579 評價


東京站/日本橋 東京|距離橫山大觀紀念館2.73km
I have to say I was excited and looked forward to my stay. At the end. I don’t think it was worth it. And it was because of what Hoshinoya Tokyo is, it is a ryokan, not a hotel, and it is a Japanese chain. It was not imbued with the spirit of providing utmost comfort and pampering to its guest. It is more focused on the onsen, the Japanese culture, and the provision of daily meals. 

It is not where you should stay to hear a lot of Yes. No concierge service, so they won’t help you get a reservation because they provide meals in the ryokan (which hotel doesn’t?). No early check in or courtesy late check out. If you want to check out late, it’s 9,000 JPY per hour - even when it doesn’t cost the hotel anything. No currency exchange service. If you want to order meals, you have to place the order the day before. No bathrobe provided, and when asked, first they said they didn’t have them, then they provided but warned me I should only wear them inside the room (I don’t remember a time in my life when I wore bathrobe walking around any hotel), and that since the quantity was limited, they would not change the bathrobe during my stay - it all sounded like a conversation I would have with my school principal, one that was not so friendly.

The fancy picture of the centerpiece which flooded Instagram was one place on the hallway, first floor, where we took off our shoes before entering the hotel. Reception is on the second floor, and the interior was a mixed in style, I don’t know how to call it. It was dated and furnished with uncomfortable sofas and chairs. We and other guests were not allowed to checked in until 3 pm (regardless whether a room was available) so we could see several parties, some with small children hanging out on those sofas like at a train station. Not all of us can time our flight to arrive at the hotel at exactly 3 pm, so it was a tiresome wait during which we were provided with one cup of tea per person the whole time. After that long wait, the welcome ritual with snacks at the lounge on our floor became quite pointless. We already did not feel welcomed. Service at Hoshinoya Tokyo was also not great and definitely not 5 star. As a guest pointed out, it’s difficult to get to the entrance via taxi. The basement entrance was dark. Room cleaning was not reliable - we left the room for 3 hours in the morning, came back at 1 pm and the room was not cleaned. But if you stayed in (which well, what you are supposed to do at a ryokan), they wouldn’t go in to clean or even asked if you wanted the room to be cleaned. On such a day, I asked if I could get new towels when we left for dinner, the staff said yes, but nothing happened when we came back and no follow up call to let us know why. There’s no view from our room (executive room at the corner). The hotel is surrounded by other taller buildings. When we opened the window screen, we could see people from the other building office and they could see us. It’s all grayish. 

 Staying at a ry









4.5/599 評價
3.3/58 評價
我突然改變了出差時間表並進行了預訂。 我在辦理登機手續之前在線預訂了房間,但他們的迴應很客氣。 設施乾淨整潔,我沒有任何抱怨。
3.4/51 評價
酒店位置很好,就在上野公園馬路對麪,旁邊就是JR 上野站,到地鐵上野御徒町走路大約3分鐘的距離,非常方便。房間裏洗漱用品齊全,不用自己帶,有熱水壺,沒看見吹風機,估計找前台要也會給的,我頭髮短也用不上,所以沒問。酒店不管早餐,但旁邊吃飯的地方挺多,有個拉麵館早五點就開門了,早起出門的可以那裡解決,7-11也可以就在旁邊100處。前台都是老大爺,不過簡單英文可以溝通,實在不行還有翻譯軟件。免費寄存行李。總之性價比高的酒店。
3.5/520 評價
旅舍是一個美妙的發現,真的是一個隱藏的寶石。價格點令人難以置信的合理,但氛圍相當可愛。設施無可挑剔的乾淨和現代,擁有所有必要的設施,包括一個令人愉快的共享空間,非常適合享受您的用餐。 就噪音而言,晚上可能會播放一些音樂,然而,它不是壓倒性的,如果你覺得它麻煩的話,耳塞是免費的。就個人而言,我根本沒有發現這是一個問題。位置可能不是最風景如畫的,但它並不不安全,能夠步行到Aki的便利是一個令人愉快的獎勵。我強烈推薦這家旅館,將來肯定會回來。
3.5/543 評價
宿泊した上で、良かった点、気付いた点を記載します。 ■良かった点 (1)喫煙可能な客室であり、愛煙家にとっては助かりました。 (2)ファミマが目の前にあり、駅からも近いので、立地は最高でした。 (3)きれいなロビーまで備えたホテルでした。リーズナブルな宿泊料金でしたので、雑多な雰囲気をイメージしていましたが、予想に反してきれいなホテルでびっくりしました。 (4)バス用品(アメニティなど)も手抜きしておらず、とても良かったです。 ■気付いた点 特になし 宿泊料金を鑑みると、かなり満足できるホテルかと思います。もちろん、1泊何万もするようなシティホテルとは比較になりませんが、1泊数千円で宿泊できるビジネスホテルの中では満足度は高いホテルになるかと思います。
4.4/537 評價
I really would like to give this Hotel 4/5 or 5/5, however there is something mentioned from other reviews; THE SMELL. omg. I stayed in a lot of capsule Hotels so far, and the smell is really making the sleeping quality go down..which is what a hotel is about after all. That being sad, for the good part: This Hotel is excellent for the Location, because there are so many restaurants, bars, nightlife arround it and the Line to the airport is also within walking distance. So no need to go to the big ueno station. The staff is very friendly, the tv/eating area is very small, but offers everything you need for a quick meal (tv, wifi, table, seat, electricity). bath area was ok too. If someone dont care so much about the smell, i can highly recommend to stay here before you head to Narita airport, or just want to stay in a cheaphotel in an amusement district.





東京有1097家精品酒店,Trip.com能為您提供最高20%的折扣。在東京尋找酒店時,準備每晚771 HKD左右的預算,應該能找到不錯的住宿。東京有35家五星級酒店,平均每晚2971 HKD。東京有88家四星級酒店,平均每晚1099 HKD。東京有458家三星級酒店,平均每晚819 HKD。東京有245家二星級酒店,平均每晚467 HKD。現在,有許多知名連鎖品牌酒店已經入駐東京了。不少到東京的遊客都會預訂諾富特的酒店。諾富特酒店是當地其中一個最有人氣的酒店品牌。東京池袋大都會飯店(Hotel Metropolitan Tokyo Ikebukuro)東京中較具人氣的熱門酒店之一。假若您還有猶豫,Trip.com推薦您入住東京新宿格拉斯麗酒店(Hotel Gracery Shinjuku Tokyo)

倘若您住在東京市區的酒店,可以優先遊覽附近的景點,比如新橋, 筑地市場, 銀座。若想與家人度過一個愉快假期,可以到柴又, 石神井公園一遊。除了之前介紹過的景點外,澀谷, 東京塔, 新宿也是比較有名的。若您希望購買一些當地特產,可以考慮去當地的商業區淺草橋, 表參道·青山, 寶格麗(銀座店)逛一逛。










