
4.4/5112 評價
迪士尼官方酒店是最好的! 迪士尼的設施和酒店大堂的可愛迷你和沙發,酒店的工作人員也很禮貌,很感動! 到東京迪士尼度假區的巴士是免費的,坐電車去酒店也很方便! 從舞濱站的迪士尼商店bonboyage送行李到酒店的收費服務也很方便。 在酒店入住前,我們寄存了一大件行李,第一天也慢慢享受了。 與其他官方酒店相比,坐公交車20分鐘的路程很遠,但是性價比很高,推薦家庭使用。 最棒的是,快樂的報名是可以使用的!只有迪士尼樂園,但是我提前了15分鐘,所以早上想乘坐的車全部上了。 我非常感動,我只能這樣!我一定推薦🤎 還有孩子的睡衣和牙刷拖鞋,兒子很興奮🏰
4.6/5100 評價
I cannot commend the friendliness and attentiveness of the cast members enough at the Disneyland Hotel in the reception and bell services . Upon arriving into the foyer, you see how beautiful the dome and architecture is. We booked a park view standard room which cost about $2700 Aus for three nights. The room is where we felt the price was way overinflated due to the dated nature of the accommodation within the room itself. The hallways or perhaps the carpets from the lift to the room smelled musty and the carpets did look old. The room itself only had one usb to A charger and the carpets and gold bed runners and bed spread were def in need of replacement. The room was very clean. For such a deluxe hotel, the room needed to be better. I left a note to ask for a few black tea bags to be left for then next service as although I DO drink green tea I dont like it early in the mornings. I was left a card stating that the attendant checked and the hotel doesn’t have black tea bags. You would also need to leave some milk capsules too. This is simply not good enough for $2700 for three nights. It’s not a cultural restraint when at other deluxe hotels across Asia I’ve visited have always provided not just green tea but a range of tea in the rooms. I went to the supermarket at the Disney shopping complex IKSPIARI, right near the hotel and they had a large selection of many types of tea ! Management, you should be providing green, black and perhaps peppermint options to keep up with modern high end hotels, update the soft furnishings as the bedspread looked warn and add more charging points. Once again cast members great , quality was not there for cost.


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