









錦綉威尼斯 - 星際連鎖酒店
4.3/5111 評價
聖馬可 755 套房酒店
4.4/542 評價
There are many really good things about this place: - it is in an excellent location about mid-point between San Marco and the Rialto so it was easy to get to everything. It is very close to a canal so if you take a water taxi when you arrive you can be dropped off at the Splendid Hotel which is just a few steps away. - we have travelled a lot and stayed in many places but few have been as clean as this one. Our suite featured all ivory coloured furniture which was mainly in good condition as were the floors, bathroom, and everything else. We liked the modern decor in the traditional setting of the old building. - In an apartment we don’t expect daily things but someone came once a day to deliver more coffee and a few other breakfast things (not a full breakfast but nice to have a few extras). They also took out the trash and, if you are there for a while, they provide a change of towels and bed linens (one refresh during our 1 week stay) - they provided bath robes, slippers, and the suite had a safe as well as AC - the bed was great as was the shower (although it was small it worked well) -The reservation staff are excellent - they were very responsive and helpful even when there was a day without anyone at reception meaning they had to step in and respond to emails to deal with questions and concerns. - Housekeeping staff are very friendly Given all of this, it’s fair to ask why my rating is not 5 stars. There are a few reasons: 1. Too many kitchen basics were missing: For example, there were no tea towels to dry dishes with, no small knife (paring knife size), no tongs or things to making turning hot things over easy, salt but no pepper, etc. I didn’t expect a full kitchen but I did hope to get enough to do some simple, basic cooking. As it was I had to find a kitchen store and pick some of what was missing. 2. The reception staff person seemed to lack some understanding of customer service so while resolved, issues were met with excuses and a sense they were a real inconvenience to respond to. 3. While the two above are easy to address, the biggest issue is harder to overcome: there is no lift (although we wondered if it might be possible to add a small one in the central area of the stairs). The website clearly says there is no lift but I don’t recall being forewarned that an apartment on the 2nd floor requires a climb up 50 steps and one on the 3rd floor is up 67 steps. It’s a very long climb several times a day after walking around Venice for hours. Plus, getting luggage up all those stairs is not easy especially as there was no one to help. 4. The noise level in the apartment was greater than anticipated. It was amazing how loud the footsteps of the people upstairs were and while the entrance to the building is off of a very quiet little street, all of the windows in the apartment faced a busy sidewalk that was noisy at night. So, while this place has some extremely positive features, we won’t be back as while we are fit, th
4/524 評價
多棒的酒店!我們經過運河的精彩巡航後乘水上出租車到達,在酒店旁邊下車。外面有吊車,旁邊就是一座橋,到處都是人!工作人員很友好,隔壁的小特拉託利亞有早餐。我們的房間很可愛 - 非常傳統的傢俱和朱麗葉陽台。我們一定會回來的。
4.2/551 評價
4.1/549 評價
We just had one night for Venice so wanted a hotel with a central location. This fit the bill perfectly. Check in was easy with the instructions sent beforehand via email. Our room was ready when we arrived at 2 p.m. and was clean. Nice to have a mini-fridge in the room. Good AC, which was needed even in September! Wish there was a kettle but they offer breakfast in the morning for a fee. We chose to go to a cafe instead. Room was small but charming and definitely clean. The staff was very friendly in the morning when we checked out and paid the tourist tax. Lanterna di Marco Polo worked out really well for us and I'd recommend it.
3.7/544 評價
在這家酒店住了兩晚,我讀過各種各樣的評論,但這是我從一個旅行良好的個人的誠實評論。我聽說酒店是個噩夢,但我們覺得還不錯,我們飛進了馬可波羅機場,買了回程巴士票,所以決定從巴士總站步行到酒店,這是一次不錯的散步,我們在路上的一個咖啡館停下來早餐很好。我們很快就來到了里亞託橋,酒店離這裏步行5分鐘,谷歌地圖直接引導我們到達那裏,它沿着一些古怪的后街走,但我們記得它在哪裏,不會再迷路了。所以我們入住了,我們支付了兩個晚上的房稅14歐元現金。所以抵達時,在桌子上拍一張 Wi-Fi 密碼和門密碼的照片,所以如果你回來晚了,你可以讓自己進去。出門的時候,房間就交給你一把很大的重鑰匙,房間很乾淨,威尼斯風格,兩張單人牀拼在一起,梳妝檯,大鏡子和衣櫃。衣櫃裏有一個迷你冰箱,而且很安全,但我們沒有使用這些。套房有一個按摩浴缸,廁所,洗手池和肥皂,沐浴露提供了。牆上有台電視,有意大利頻道,我不來威尼斯這樣的城市坐在房間裏看電視,所以不打擾我。早餐包含在內,酒店位於3樓,房間很小,還有室外露台。我推測,由於櫃檯後面有酒精,這個房間晚上可能也是酒吧。所以早餐是歐式早餐,包括麪包、羊角麪包、穀類食品、酸奶、肉類、奶酪、果汁,還有果醬和巧克力,你可以點咖啡。早餐基本,但一切都很新鮮,可以一直吃到午飯時間。因此在威尼斯,你不可能找到擁有現代傢俱的現代酒店,大多數都是威尼斯風格的古董,這增加了威尼斯的魅力和個性。前台的工作人員很有禮貌,早餐的女士也是如此。位置很好,步行5分鐘即可到達Rialto橋,如果走另一條路,步行5分鐘即可到達stmarks廣場你門階上還有很多購物場所,周圍有很多酒吧和餐館,你可以在預算中做威尼斯,因爲那裏有很多便宜的小麪包店或意大利麪/比薩店。我們兩個晚上都在餐廳裏,在2個課程中,你大約要花80歐元就可以買到兩道帶飲料和葡萄酒的菜餚。如果你有能力的話,你可以步行,而且只要探索和四處看看就很棒。記住,無論你去哪裏,都會有很多橋。我們只是帶着一個揹包,所以沒有任何問題。也值得購買你在那裏的 Actv 旅行通行證,這讓你從機場乘公共汽車,在城市周圍,我們也用它去布野野餐吃午飯。你會喜歡威尼斯的





威尼斯有1255家精品酒店,Trip.com能為您提供最高20%的折扣。當地酒店平均價格大概是1366 HKD一晚,威尼斯有各種各樣的酒店,定能滿足您對不同旅行的住宿需求。威尼斯有18家五星級酒店,平均每晚3536 HKD。威尼斯有89家四星級酒店,平均每晚1919 HKD。威尼斯有120家三星級酒店,平均每晚1159 HKD。威尼斯有31家二星級酒店,平均每晚848 HKD。作為著名的旅遊城市,威尼斯入駐了許多為人熟悉的連鎖酒店品牌。希爾頓酒店是當地其中一個最有人氣的酒店品牌。喜歡希爾頓的客人來到這裡,可以選擇該品牌旗下的酒店。作為威尼斯的熱門酒店,威尼斯卡爾頓大運河酒店(Hotel Carlton on The Grand Canal Venezia)是評價最高的酒店之一。當然,許多遊客也會選擇環球及諾德酒店(Hotel Universo & Nord)入住。

威尼斯市區有不少出名的特色景點,例如:圣十字教堂, 斯卡爾茲橋, People Mover。在威尼斯適合度假的景點也頗多,您可以去昂達阿瑞納, 布拉諾島。另外,當地評價最高的景點還有:大運河, 嘆息橋, 圣馬可廣場。而喜歡購物的旅客,記得把CHANEL 香奈兒, 威尼斯魚市場, BVLGAR 寶格麗加入行程。










