



安達仕維也納麗城酒店 - 凱悦旗下酒店
4.6/597 評價

安達仕維也納麗城酒店 - 凱悦旗下酒店

我們一直和安達斯慕尼黑施瓦賓格托爾住得很開心。我們在那裏呆了很多次,有些一次呆上一兩個星期。每次,我們都被升級到安達斯套房,裏面有一個簡單的“廚房”,裏面有微波爐。安達斯套房很大,還有一個額外的客廁。這些升級一直沒有SUA。因此,上週末,由於我們在安達茲慕尼黑的偉大經歷,當我們決定訪問維也納時,我們選擇了安達茲維也納而不是PH維也納。爲了安全起見,我們使用了積分,預訂了3個晚上,並請禮賓部向酒店申請 SUA預訂。嗯,當我們打開門看到我們的房間時,我們很失望地看到“套房”是多麼小和基本。它仍然是一個不錯的房間,但只有我們在慕尼黑使用的安達茲套房的一半大小。酒店有更多的房間可以升級,因爲我們去了FD酒店,禮貌地詢問我們是否可以升級,他們提供了另一套套房,每天額外增加80歐元,還有一個“更好”的套房套房,每天額外收費120歐元。我們選擇了第一個提供的房間,發現新房間非常類似於安達茲慕尼黑的安達茲套房。(後來我們從其他全球化主義者那裏發現,他們已經談判到了每天50歐元。)我們好奇的是,如果我們不使用SUA,我們將會“升級”爲全球化主義者的房間。我認爲這可能是因爲安達茲維也納是貓3酒店的原因之一。除了免費早餐,我們沒有感覺到任何特別的全球主義者。我們確實延遲退房。安達茲維也納是維也納豪普特巴恩霍夫和PH維也納的一塊石頭扔在維也納的中心老城區。我認爲如果我們每天額外增加歐元加上我們每天花費的出租車費,下次住在維也納PH酒店會很有意義。它是貓6,需要更多的積分,但我確信他們會比維也納安達茲更善待全球化主義者。
4.6/5113 評價


維也納市中心 維也納|距離維也納火車總站1.89km
Ive stayed at many Ritz properties in city centers all over the world and this one is by far and away the nicest I’ve ever stayed at, both in terms of service as well as the property itself. When I arrived (on foot) I was immediately greeted by the bellman who offered to take my luggage. Check-in was pleasant and I was offered a glass of sparkling wine. As a Titanium member, I was proactively upgraded from a Deluxe room to a Premier Executuve room on the 2nd floor. I really could not tell the difference, but it was still a very nice room (more on that later). I was happy to see they my room was ready at noon and my bags were delivered to the room about five minutes after I arrived. As a Titanium member, I was also offered a property specific welcome gift that I was able to cash in for a 17€ cocktail at the bar by the lobby. The room was absolutely stunning, and was a nice mix of modern and classic. The ceilings mort have been 15 feet high! Bathroom amenities were by Dyptique. The bed was heavenly as were the pillows and bedding; I never wanted to get out of bed! I loved how all the light switches were labeled with what they controlled. The room had a mini bar, Nespresso machine, and plenty of complimentary bottles of water that were replenished twice per day. I simply cannot day enough good things about this room. One minor issue I had, there was a small leak coming from my toilet that I reported that never appeared to be addressed. It didn’t really bother me, but it did appear to get worse throughout my stay. I was able to dine at all the restaurants during my stay. The food at the steakhouse and Italian restaurant was absolutely out of this world, service was good, and drinks were delicious. Prices were fairly high, but it was a nice splurge, and I think the quality and service delivered were in line with what they were charging. I went for a night cap at DBar, and they have a great selection to choose from. I tried the roof bar, but it was about to rain so I was advised to leave as there was no covering. My rate included breakfast, and there was a good selection of hot and cold options, and I was also entitled to a dish from the menu. The buffet was very high quality, especially the pastries; one of the best pain aux raisins I’ve ever had. I did go to the pool and liked the ambiance of the spa area; I wish I could have spent more time there. I had one service issue, which was that during my stay, it was Vienna Pride. The parade passed by the hotel entrance and I guess it got so crazy that the hotel basically went on lockdown and it was nearly impossible to enter. It took me a while to finally get someone to let me in. Not sure how that could have been avoided, but that irked me a little. Great hotel, highly recommend, can’t wait to return!







3.3/52 評價
公寓 有個煮飯的灶台 還有冰箱微波爐咖啡機 但是食材要自己出去買 沒有提供早飯 位置很好 走5分鐘就到美景宮了 然後走5分鐘也可以到中央火車站 🚉 因為看別人的攻略褒貶不一,並且得知沒有reception要自己和酒店聯繫,約好時間他會在門口等你。我提前聯繫了,到酒店就已經有一個大叔在裡頭等我了,人非常好,給了我們很多建議,並且告訴我們怎麼遊玩。很棒,不過酒店沒有洗浴用品,要自己帶,我住了兩天,第一天沒有吹風機,和那個人反映了一下,第二天馬上拿過來了一個。
4.4/572 評價
靠近主要火車站的位置非常有利於順利抵達和離開,例如從機場乘坐火車只需花很少的錢。不需要出租車。維也納的所有目的地都可以很好地到達地鐵或電車距離酒店不遠周邊居民樓 房間在一樓 很安靜 想用得跪在地上 個人覺得沒那麼好 沒有冰箱和minibar 也沒有有水壺嗎中間準備一杯咖啡或茶。其實,我希望在很多酒店網站上被評為4星的酒店。結論:我對這次住宿很滿意,但下次會嘗試不同的東西-
4.4/5178 評價
4.3/577 評價
After reading reviews of this hotel I was really looking forward to staying here. First impression is like an old office block but it is very trendy inside, welcome was very friendly and a very good first impression. As the location of hotel is quite a walk into town we thought we’d have dinner in hotel. We certainly wished we hadn’t. The waiter was nothing other than rude. We had curry which was bland and just warm with dried out rice. We never received our side order which we asked for twice. Despite the restaurant having only approximately 3 other tables occupied we never received any service, we went to the bar twice to ask for a drink, then ask where our side was which still never came. Waiter just on phone and seemed annoyed when we asked something. When we asked for another drink again at the bar ourselves, we asked what deserts were available to a response of ‘fridge’ and pointed across to the other side of bar. We chose the driest brownie available and wish we hadn’t. When he came with the bill, he informed us twice service not included..which I informed him, we had received near to no service and that what we did receive was awful! He laughed. We paid over €70 for 2 bland chicken curries and a few beers & a brownie. He then forgot the drink we’d ordered at the bar so when I went up he then said he had no change (probably because I’d not tipped the awful service previously). How can you not have change from a €10 note? So after waiting for a minute whilst he kept looking in the same wallet I told him to keep the €5 euro change. It left a very bad impression of the hotel on our first night in Vienna after travelling from two other cities and hotels that offered impeccable service. Such a shame when the rest of the staff seemed so customer focused. However the reason I’ve given 3 stars is the rest of the staff were lovely. Breakfast is fantastic and the gent who runs breakfast was very helpful. Room nice, a tad small, think it’s all designed to be trendy more than comfort, but no complaints apart from big, shower gels and soap, one completely empty and one with scraps of soap left. These should be changed when the room made up, especially when paying a premium for class of room. In all beautiful decor downstairs, on whole friendly staff, would I stay here again probably not.
4.2/596 評價
我們決定在維也納住一個星期(部分是因爲價格/位置比率),但很快就後悔了。我們是在週六下午到達的,很清楚週末的招待會將關閉,但我們沒有預見到我們將經歷的問題。酒店答應在我們到達前三天寄給我們最後的登記指示,但是郵件直到我們到達後才到達,由於登記的麻煩,我們直到第二天才找到!結果,我們不知道如何打開前門進入登記區,但幸運的是另一位客人讓我們進去了。接着噩夢開始了:我們遵循了登機電腦上的指令,然後我們填寫了必要的信息,並設法獲得了簽名,只收到了以下信息:“您的房間分配此時無法處理,請稍後再試。”這個在下一個小時內發生了三次。路過的友好客人幫我們挪開緊急服務電話號碼,但是,在試了三四次沒有成功(幾秒鐘後電話就中斷了),我們幾乎要放棄。最後的嘗試成功了,我們的德語助手設法向服務檯的服務員解釋了我們的問題。她盡力幫助我們,在一個小時的時間裏,但沒有成功,最後她說她會打電話給保安公司,他們會在20分鐘內幫助我們。半小時後,我們決定足夠了,我們決定在附近的一家旅館裏住兩個晚上(直到星期一的 Smartet 接待處再次開放),明確打算將旅館賬單提交給 Smartet 。星期一上午,我們出席了Smartments招待會,要求經理髮言,經理不在。會議定於第二天舉行。這次,接待員幫我們辦理了入住手續(不是在有毛病的電腦上!),我們繼續到我們的房間,這很好,而且我們所期望的是什麼,除了咖啡機不工作,還有兩個不起作用的燈。我們也不能進補給室拿多餘的毛巾,因爲我們的鑰匙卡在那扇門上不行...週二早上我和經理開會了他提出償還我們兩個晚上的酒店費用,我們無法進入 Smarts ,並將我們的剩餘時間升級到他們的最高類別的房間(從原來的預訂中提高一個等級),而我們的費用並不對我們有任何費用。我們接受了這一點。不過,我並沒有發現他的態度特別受歡迎。作爲一名以前的旅遊業專業人員,我對他處理這個問題的方式印象深刻。在餘下的停留期間,我們沒有遇到任何重大問題,只是我們的鑰匙卡仍然有點不穩定,根本沒有打開供應室的門。
4.6/5136 評價
交通位置:離中央車站非常近,對面就是。對剛下火車非常疲憊就想趕緊找個地方歇腳的人非常適合。不在市中心,但是歐洲城市的尺度對我們來説不算大,大概10多分鐘就可以走到美景宮,30-40分鐘就可以走到市中心的大多數景點了,很多景點都在2-3公里內,可以接受。 房間:在歐洲算是寬敞舒適了,挺不錯的。 價格:訂的時候大概是平均780rmb/晚(週六、週日兩晚,週六的價格高一些,週日低一些)。入住後晚上查看變成了680/晚,可能是甩賣價格吧。覺得價格還可以。 服務:也沒需要什麼服務,就是入住,check out,沒什麼感覺。







在維也納旅行太需要擔心住宿問題,因為這裡有超過835家可以選擇。在維也納尋找酒店時,準備每晚904 HKD左右的預算,應該能找到不錯的住宿。維也納有35家五星級酒店,平均每晚2451 HKD。維也納有169家四星級酒店,平均每晚941 HKD。維也納有135家三星級酒店,平均每晚657 HKD。維也納有33家二星級酒店,平均每晚426 HKD。作為著名的旅遊城市,維也納入駐了許多為人熟悉的連鎖酒店品牌。如若您對旅行住宿比較有要求,在維也納還是挺容易找到舒適酒店的,像華美達旗下的酒店就很好。華美達酒店是當地其中一個最有人氣的酒店品牌。維也納的維也納無憂宮酒店(Hotel Sans Souci Wien)是Trip.com客人最喜歡入住的酒店之一。當然,許多遊客也會選擇NH維也納機場酒店&會議中心(NH Vienna Airport Conference Center)入住。

在維也納的市中心附近,您能夠方便的遊覽格拉本大街, 斯蒂芬大教堂, 斯蒂芬廣場。在維也納適合度假的景點也頗多,您可以去巧克力博物館, Geymullerschlossl, 多瑙河。除了之前介紹過的景點外,美泉宮, 金色大廳, 國家歌劇院也是比較有名的。而喜歡購物的旅客,記得把施華洛世奇維也納水晶店, 克恩頓大街加入行程。










