

4.4/556 評價
4.1/541 評價
4.2/543 評價
I have stayed in dozens of Swiss hotels for over 60 years and found the Alexander pleasant but somewhat lacking. The Hasler family were charming. After a long journey, it was disappointing to find all 4 adults complain about a bad first night’s sleep and something as simple as the pillows being to blame. Despite the hotel having a pillow menu with options such as pine shavings, horse hair, sheep hair, millet seed and bees wax but nothing as mundane as foam, we decided to go and purchase 4 pillows at the Coop in Luzern! This did not make a great first impression and nor did the attitude of the receptionist with whom we discussed the issue who said it was up to us. As we couldn’t take the pillows home at the end, we gifted them in pristine condition to the hotel for the benefit of future guests - so please ask! This hotel is in a fabulous location overlooking the Vierwaldstättersee (Lake Lucerne). The rooms are a little tired. The staff are mostly very pleasant and helpful but sadly not terribly efficient. Self service breakfast is an extensive buffet with little to criticise except that dishes of fruit and scrambled egg were not replenished quickly. The 3 course evening meal was tedious in terms of awaiting service especially as we had a 4 year old in our party. We also found some strange food combinations and actually preferred the food at the sister hotel, the Gerbi. Even ordering A La Carte we found restrictive over the 10 day stay. The hotel offered a meat fondu and when we asked for that one evening we were told it couldn’t be done as our table was not near to an electric socket. The hotel charged for tap water (we also bought soft drinks, wine and spirits) which we found strange. Yet a tea and coffee facility was free on each floor - with free water! There were sometimes noisy building works taking place at the hotel commencing at 7am. The hotel pools and spa facilities were excellent. On days when the hotel had day conferences taking place it was very difficult to find a parking place! Spaces were reserved with plastic cones for delegates and I was asked to park further away below the hotel in a public car park.
4.3/515 評價
4.4/571 評價
靠近湖邊,從蘇黎世機場過去超級折騰,又是火車又是公交的,大概花了2個小時把...有點累~後面知道了在盧塞恩坐船過來會沒這麼折騰,而且船還舒服點~ 房間還挺大的,但是我覺得房門不是很好,感覺鎖上也很容易被打開,自己帶了防盜神器。 前天工作人員雖然會回到你的問題,但是感覺很不耐煩的態度。有一天白天的清潔人員打掃房間,把我枕巾眼罩都放在牀上,居然把我的睡衣放在牀墊底下,害的我找了半天,還找前台說我睡衣不見了,很是不滿意!!! 早餐很好吃,尤其是蜂巢,推薦,就餐環境也很美~去瑞吉山也很方便,推薦大家去瑞吉山上山坐小火車,下來做纜車,有個套票的,而且酒店給的券可以打折~
4.2/553 評價
下午1點到達蘇黎世,直接去這家酒店,而不是住在盧塞恩。我去瑞吉山看了一個早晨,天氣很好,所以我看了日出。它大約需要一個小時,所以您必須放鬆一下。 (早上沒有火車)。房間本身真的是汽車旅館級別,而其餘的水療中心都很出色。豪華的水療感覺。房間的價格是如此昂貴,以至在旺季有很多空房間。感覺像是一個亞洲人,給出了不好的看法(我在這個方向上沒有幾個看法) 窗外的早餐桌 其他人則向山側眺望。 順便提一句,瑞吉山景城(Rigi Mountain View)用盡酒店價格。優秀的早餐 請去看日出。太神奇了,因為路上沒有人。 上升,它已經在那裡。在瑞士進行的7天游中最令人印象深刻


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