
3.1/598 評價
I stayed here a couple nights right after I lost my housing (I was a regular resident in West Bountiful which was nearby - I also worked in an area hotel - not this one). I requested first floor and they would not give it to me. I have a bad back problem, and heart problem, so I huffed and puffed up some really bad steps, and actually a lady saw me and helped because I was about to collapse! While I was staying here, I went to church one morning and came back to find Fire Trucks, Police, etc all over the place! They had had a ceiling fan or something catch fire - luckily it was not my building. They only have a shower and I always need a tub/shower combo because soaking in a tub is how I relieve pain in my back. Not only that, but I was put directly across from the pool - it was rowdy until all hours, and I got little rest. I came here right after liquidating my place I lived and I had scrubbed that place spotless and was aching all over from that. It was loud, noisy, rude,, and awful. Its not a pretty place and rooms are very very very basic - to the point I did not have what I needed. No elevator and no microwave or fridge, so eating was a problem too. Some guy made a pass at me (propositioned me) outside my room - I did turn him down! Not what I was there for! Yeah, awful. No, don't recommend it.


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