
4.8/545 評價
我住得很愉快,但當我感覺被撕裂時感到失望......我從未寫評論,但覺得我需要發表評論......我不小心預訂了1個人而不是2的酒店。 酒店說額外收費是1500埃及鎊,但如果你在網上預訂2個人,通過此網站,費用是一半.....前台工作人員使用的藉口是我們必須把牀分開。對於一家五星級酒店來說,這不是一個令人印象深刻的評論。以前從聖瑞吉酒店來過,這家酒店剛剛失去了我的重複購買。這更重要。現在他還不小心向我收取了1500美元腹肌,然後不得不退還這筆錢你真的會想出那個錯誤,前台服務員會主動說我會放棄這筆費用。
阿爾瑪扎灣 - 賈茲阿爾瑪扎海灘度假村
4.3/560 評價
到達這家旅館的交通方式有限。 從亞歷山大坐UBER大約需要3個半小時,當地貨幣1400。還有前台安排乘車的時候缺乏溝通,讓我覺得很不舒服。附近似乎沒有計程車,所以叫車的時間可能比較長,所以我們建議至少提早一小時叫車。如果附近沒有東西,並且想享受酒店內的泳池和大海,那就另當別論了,但如果你想從酒店到馬特魯港觀光,考慮到往返出租車費,價格會有點貴和出行時間,我覺得去馬特魯還是住飯店比較好。可能是時間的原因,海灘的海浪很大,感覺不適合游泳,也不適合小朋友玩。房間很乾淨,但設施很基本。房間內除水以外的飲料需另外付費。它並不包含所有內容。晚餐包含在住宿價格中,但唯一提供的飲料是水;其他軟性飲料和咖啡也需額外收費。
3.8/520 評價
The rooms are acceptable but they have some problems such as the lack of facilities in the rooms and the blackout of the curtains is not good. Some light coming in from the curtains may cause you discomfort when sleeping. There's no WiFI in all rooms (I have never seen it in any hotel before). It wasn't a problem for me but it may be a big problem for some people. There was a problem in the bathroom of my room when I arrived but it was solved. The private beach of the hotel is very good and all the rooms are close to the beach and the view is good and this is the best thing in the hotel. The staff's who were working in reception were very good and friendly(only on reception), but there was some delay in responding to requests. There is also another negative aspect of the hotel and that it is very far away and there are no services near it such as pharmacies,restaurants or a supermarket , If you wanna go out, you need to order a car a long time before you leave due to the distance of the place and the security of the area. The security of the place is very bad with Uber or taxi drivers. The waiting period may reach more than an hour for the to make the drive enter there's no reason and i don't know why they making the cars waiting all this time (this is the worst thing in the hotel), caused me a lot of delay. It's very easy for the hotel to put a small bus or a golf car to service the guests and take them outside the hotel area or make it easy to access Uber and taxis It will be a good hotel for a short stay vacation, but not for a long stay. It needs some some attention and care, simple things but important and it come be a great hotel , such as but Wi-Fi in the rooms and they need to have a golf car very simple stuff but important
4.4/544 評價
這家酒店真是太棒了。 地理位置具有戰略意義。 設施是一流的。 在接待處,最好的是 oussama Selim 先生,他樂於助人且慷慨。他甚至在我們到達之前就向我們保證了我們的預訂。 非常感謝客房部門 Faramawy 先生以及所有的工作人員 Amira Essa 和 Abdallah Mohamed。 有史以來最好的酒店,肯定很快就會回來👍所有來自摩洛哥的愛🇲🇦
3.3/519 評價
Location is great Room is clean Very convenient Near everything
4.2/551 評價
I had an amazing vacation with the first row villa on the beach , everything was perfect and organized . Mr Hassan he is an amazing manager who made sure that everything was smooth and he responded to all to our requests. I highly recomend this vacation for a big family where all of the family can stay in one place and the kids will enjoy the private poil
2.9/52 評價
3.7/540 評價
4.2/570 評價
回來好些天了終於有時間寫一寫。這個酒店也是臨時訂的因為之前訂的被取消了,到了之後一看其實就在隔壁。酒店有一個沙灘是和別的幾個酒店連着的,沙子很細軟,但地方也小。水還有些涼。 説回酒店的設施,這家酒店是前幾個月新開的,進房間還能聞到裝修的氣味。裝修樣式就跟國內漢庭差不多。但是,房間沒有風筒,前台也沒有,一個每晚八百多的酒店居然沒有風筒,不可思議。而且住了兩天,時不時就會停水,斷電(幾十秒),最後一晚還被困在電梯裏一分鐘,很可怕。設備非常需要調修。 最後服務方面挺好的,這家酒店包早晚餐,吃的還行。朋友胃不舒服也有特地煮粥給我們。 總的來説性價比一半,希望好好改進吧。
Amzran 酒店
2.7/52 評價


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平均價格(平日)VND 5,207,457
平均價格(週末)VND 5,209,805