
4.3/561 評價
我們最近剛從馬吉漢島雙樹希爾頓酒店最美妙的休息回來,這是我們第二次在這個放鬆的環境中。我們從 Bham 乘坐了一夜航班,在迪拜登陸了大約8am ,我們從機場和機場免費乘坐酒店交通,我提前發送了電子郵件,以確保這一點得到保障。在辦理入住手續時,我們不得不等幾個小時才能住到房間,但我們上次來的時候還是新來的,所以在我們的手提行李中塞了游泳的東西,但在四處閒逛和抓了一些食物之後,這對我們來說不是一個大問題。入住手續大約需要繳納60英鎊的稅款。我們選擇住在海灣景觀房,在我們第一次訪問時升級到了這些房間,我們不想錯過寬敞的房間和美妙的景色。我之前已經發郵件要求更高的樓層,幸運的是,我們很幸運地得到了我們的出色的管家阿德照顧我們。這些房間令人難以置信,有雨林淋浴和巨大的浴缸。克拉布利和伊夫林的洗浴用品每天都更換,毛巾和長袍也一樣。這些房間有一個單獨的餐廳,每餐都有一個巨大的自助餐選擇。這裏以德國和亞洲爲主題的夜晚,但除此之外,國際美食而且豐富,作爲素食者,我有很多選擇。餐廳的服務令人難以置信,眼鏡被頂起來,服務不斷。我們想提到幾位員工,他們讓我們有了用餐經驗梅西,他們做了最可愛的煎蛋卷,當你說“煮得很好”時,西魯和加內什就吃茶點,蒂姆在我們吃的每一頓飯時都檢查過了我們需要什麼。當最繁忙和安靜的時候,有一個紅綠燈系統提供諮詢。我們在梅茲餐廳吃了幾次早餐,因爲這個選擇也包括在內。可以在特色餐廳用餐,每餐每人扣款60AED。我們在 Anchor 吃了幾次,肯定會推薦食物,午餐自助餐也很豐富,包括了這麼多的食物選擇。我們大多數日子都在海灘上曬日光浴,每天可以買到沙灘毛巾。太陽躺椅和烏貝拉的很多,我們確實很早起牀,因爲我們是早起的人,享受早晨的寧靜。海灘是天堂的,大海是美麗的。我們從現場商店購買了一個充氣器,費用約爲35英鎊。看起來很多,但很值得我們花這麼多錢,因爲我們選擇了允許身體漂浮在水中的那個人,而這一過程使我們能夠在炎熱的環境中保持涼爽,躺在海里閱讀和放鬆。我們帶了毛巾釘,但這些不需要,因爲風不大。值得帶上護目鏡,海水清透明,魚肉可見。一個建議是在酒店外面散步。從前面看,日落令人驚歎。有一個小公園區,沿着人行道有一條“跑道”,晚上它是一個
4.4/599 評價
3.8/553 評價
4.5/572 評價
投訴投訴投訴!!! 垃圾前台 這個酒店前台人員,工作能力很差,表面你問她什麼,都回復OK 對的,背地裡啥也沒給你弄, 辦理入住的前台 右側單獨一個窗口的 一個歐美長相的女的黃頭髮,服務很差,第一遍辦理 給她ID和酒店訂單英文版都看了,也説了要辦入住 Check in,然後也問了是不是海景大床房 ,還有早餐等等,最後給了兩個beach towel,浴巾卡和一個旁邊酒吧的酒水卡,就是沒給房卡,給了個放房卡的紙盒,沒寫房間號和製作房卡,還告訴讓你去找酒吧,身上大包小包的就為了讓她辦兩張浴巾卡嗎, 心眼太壞了這種人前台,她是不是故意的一眼能看出來,垃圾前台,希望攜程的工作人員能去了解情況,他們經理都知道,當時找了旁邊的男的重新辦理了,和他們經理請示,一定要反饋投訴這個前台!!! 國人同胞避坑
3.8/550 評價
The cleanliness was very poor , room was sooo smiley and I stayed for 2 nights they didn’t change the bed sheets and didn’t clean the floor or remove the old towels , it was a very disappointing experience
4.6/552 評價
Unglaublich schönes hotel mit ausgezeichnetem Service und absolut leckerem Essen.
4.3/556 評價
4.4/541 評價
2.9/525 評價
靠近 evrything 购物中心海滩和不错的餐厅的好位置 特别叙利亚餐厅,我喜欢我的汗水非常好,我扩展了很多次
4.8/579 評價
What an amazing experience! In this review I’m only talking about things we did. There is plenty more we couldn’t do as we only stayed 2 nights. First let’s cover the resort: The resort itself is very luxurious and massive. The villas are huge (we stayed in the Al Rimal Villa)! Having your own pool (very private, no one can see you) is so nice, especially if you have kids who are in there constantly. We were two adults with 2 kids, 12 and 2. There are several restaurants but only 1 is open for breakfast and lunch (can be increased in my opinion, especially the farmhouse should be added). Unfortunately several things are only happening on weekends so try to include the weekend to be able to experience all the offerings. To get around the resort, you can either use the bicycles or the buggy. As we stayed in June, we used the buggy mainly as it’s super hot throughout the day. However, we did cycle in the evenings and during the day a couple of times. There are wild animals all over the resort. They just come and go as they please. Everything feels very authentic and true to its surroundings. Nothing is staged. If you like to see Camels and Onyx close up on your way to lunch or in the evening when cycling back to your room, you will love this place! Let’s look at the Restaurants. Farmhouse - this is a great restaurant right at a waterhole which is beautiful in the evening and a place where a lot of animals gather. The food, drinks and staff were great. This was our favourite restaurant. However, only open for dinner. Shame! Kheela - this is the only restaurant for breakfast and lunch. It’s nice with an Arabic vibe. The food is good (not amazing). The one thing that makes this place very special is the staff. They are sooo friendly and helpful. They loved playing with our little toddler Max. They truly made the experience special for us. I’d like to call some of them out by Name: Wandy, Hemal, Sujala and Susmila. I only put those down as they written their name on my partner’s birthday card but all of them were amazing. In terms of activities: We did the nature drive and camel sunset ride. Both are amazing! During the nature drive you get a real feel for the desert, it’s animals and plants. If you are lucky, you get to hand feed the gazelles. The ride itself is very intense with lots of up and down and many many bumps, so not suitable for small children in our opinion. The Guide, Martin, was great! I can highly recommend him. We also did the rainforest experience which is very lovely. We recommend at least 2 hours. Overall, this place is absolutely amazing and we enjoyed every bit of it! It’s also super kid friendly so highly recommended for families. The staff make this place truly special and add to the the overall experience. We can’t thank all of the staff enough for taking such good care of us.


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