
4.6/570 評價
馬特霍恩小屋位於採爾馬特站步行約5-10分鐘。 我們下午1點左右到的,被告知入住只有下午2點,所以我們去吃午飯,在2.30pm左右回來,酒店老闆娘露絲迎接我們,給我們做了房屋規則和政策的全面介紹。露絲非常熱情,友好,迷人;她非常注重客人,很高興找到更多關於我們來自哪裏和我們計劃做什麼。當我們告訴她我們下一步去伯爾尼時,露絲甚至給了我們推薦。 雖然酒店據說是4星級,但我們對房間和設施印象深刻。浴室配有坐浴盆,提供的洗浴用品質量很好。房間也很寬敞,有足夠的空間打開2個行李袋。毛巾和長袍厚,溫暖,蓬鬆。 早上提供的早餐也相當不錯,有不錯的麪包、冷切、奶酪和雞蛋。 結賬時,露絲還免費乘坐她的電動車前往火車站。 總而言之,我們在馬特霍恩旅館度過了非常愉快的時光,露絲的熱情好客給我們留下了深刻的印象。
4.2/539 評價
酒店自動化水平非常驚訝!入住是無縫的,即使只是iPad。我們需要在抵達前通過在線鏈接支付旅遊稅,但考慮到當今在線詐騙的數量,我們有點警惕 - 也許最好把所有的東西都收費? 還有免費的咖啡,這是一個巨大的加分。房間很棒,一塵不染,足夠大,有一個陽台,舒適的牀。其中一名工作人員(一個傢伙)允許我們提前將行李放在房間裏,即使我們只能在下午3點後編碼我們的卡。他甚至幫助我們在杜邦預訂了,因爲我們沒有瑞士號碼,非常感謝! 酒店距離主要火車站步行10分鐘,雖然有免費巴士,可以縮短旅程。我們只是步行,因爲它更快。 我們在瑞士住了兩週,這家酒店絕對是我們住過的最好的住宿 - 價格也非常好!
4.2/542 評價
很棒的酒店 不要指望豪華,但考慮到您已經知道的價格點 房間雖小但功能齊全,配備您住宿所需的一切,包括每天加滿的優質咖啡機。早餐遠遠超出我的預期,有麥片、肉類、酸奶、麵包、奶酪、香腸、雞蛋等等!再加上更多非常好的咖啡!步行 5 分鐘即可到達 Bayard 滑雪租賃處,另外 1 分鐘可到達帶您上坡的 Gornergrat 鐵路 從酒店出發,您可以在 10 分鐘內搭乘火車。工作人員真的很樂於助人,即使我們已經退房,也允許我們在最後一天把行李放在那裡。所有樓層都有快速電梯。我強烈推薦這家酒店,如果您計劃整天滑雪,晚上出去,並把它用作睡覺的地方。肯定會回來
4.5/564 評價
可愛的住宿!得到了物質角景觀套房,它太美了!前台接待員也非常樂於助人,指導我們在採爾馬特可以做什麼! 然而,需要注意的是,他們的接待將只在那裏到晚上10點。實際上它已經說明了,但我沒有讀它,所以當我晚上11點到達採爾馬特火車站時,我有點恐慌。我們按自己的費用降下出租車,3人18chf和行李,他們晚上10點後不提供免費出租車。此外,入口門將在晚上10點後關閉/鎖定,我們按響了門鈴,門打開了,他們把鑰匙留在櫃檯上,並在櫃檯上寫了一封信,以便辦理入住。 早餐的地方也俯馬特洪峯,太漂亮了。只住了1晚,但真的很享受我在那裏的住宿!
4.4/553 評價
4.6/564 評價
這家酒店的位置非常優越,位於市中心附近,交通便利,周圍環境安靜。房間的整潔程度令人印象深刻,床鋪寬敞,讓我們得以好好休息和放鬆。 此外,酒店的服務員非常熱情和專業,他們總是笑臉迎人,樂於回答我們的問題,並提供了有關當地景點和餐廳的寶貴建議。我們在這裡度過了一個愉快而舒適的住宿體驗,強烈推薦這家酒店給其他旅客。
阿巴娜里爾酒店 - 精品及 Spa
4.3/542 評價
Excellent Matterhorn view from the room. Christina, I guess the owner of the hotel with excellent service and hospitality. However, the breakfast restaurant crews were not at par on service. Sight some argument with the tour group for table sitting arrangement which was not handled well. The crews wee also not with expected service too. The 2nd day breakfast was finished at 8am and we were told that it will not be replenished and that it was for the day. The spread with some left overs and we were not being offered any other arrangement. This is not acceptable with breakfast package. End up we hv to prepare ourselves with our own food. Very disappointed with this.
4.6/593 評價
We stayed at the Alpen Resort hotel in July 2023 for two weeks. The room was very spacious, clean and had everything we needed. The view of the Matterhorn from our balcony was fabulous. From start to finish, all of the staff could not do enough for us. Everyone was so friendly, professional and genuinely welcoming. There was plenty of choice at breakfast, with cold and warm options and the four course dinner each evening was delcious. The restaurant staff were always friendly and curteous. After a long day walking or biking in the truly amazing mountains of Zermatt, the spa facilities were a delight. The pool, steam room and outdoor whirlpool were wonderful and always spotlessly clean. We would defintely stay at the Alpen Report hotel again. Zermatt is a truly magical and spectacular place and this hotel is a perfect location to base yourself to enjoy all of its wonders. The location is excellent - close to the station but nicely tucked away in a quiet location but with everything you need close by. Thank you to all of the staff at the Alpen Resort hotel from Martin and Steph (York, UK)
4.5/539 評價
My friends and I visited Zermatt for the first time ever, in October 2023. We took 2 mountain-view rooms and were extremely glad that we did! After we arrived at the Zermatt train station, we decided to walk to the hotel on our own because the weather was beautiful, warm and sunny. Guests can opt for transport by an electric vehicle, which costs CHF15 per person, from the train station directly to the hotel. We arrived at the hotel after 10 minutes, walking to this hotel isn't too difficult, as long as your luggage has wheels. The roads are well-paved, you just need to watch out for cyclists and the electric vehicles speeding around the town. This hotel requires guests to check-in on their website, they send you a link via email, a few days prior to your visit here, so you that you can do a pre check-in even before you arrive. I didn't do that, so I did my check-in on the spot in front of the reception counter and was guided step-by-step by the friendly staff. Our rooms were ready, it was around 1pm. The rooms are very clean, has all the amenities of a 4-star hotel, including bathrobes and bedroom slippers, digital safe, hairdryer, coffee machine and basic toiletries. This hotel has a pillow menu, I went to the front desk to get a memory foam latex pillow for myself because I found the down pillows too soft. The room temperature was very comfortable, the rooms are heated by a central heating system, which is controlled by the hotel staff. There are no individual thermostats in the rooms. Our room balconies had unobstructed views of the Matterhorn mountain, the most recognisable mountain in Europe. This was worth every extra penny that we paid for the mountain-view rooms! IMPORTANT NOTE: Not every hotel room in any hotel in Zermatt has unobstructed views of the Matterhorn. If you are a first-time visitor to Zermatt, I recommend that you spend the extra money and get yourself a mountain-view room. This hotel is located away from the main street of Zermatt town, therefore it is very quiet and serene. At the same time, it is within walking distance to the main street, the GornergratBahn railway station, the Matterhorn Glacier Paradise gondola station, to the Matterhorn Museum, and to several excellent restaurants in Zermatt. You can ask the front desk staff for a walking map of Zermatt when you check into this hotel, I asked Christina for advise and restaurant recommendations, and she was most helpful. She gave me 2 maps of Zermatt, one map shows the tourists attractions and the other shows the restaurants. My friends and I dined at the Spycher restaurant, which is connected to this hotel, they serve AMAZING flambe beef and lamb! Our rooms included complimentary breakfast and it was good but not spectacular. You can have pancakes, omelettes and sunny-side eggs cooked to order. There is a healthy smoothie which consists of a combination of fruits and herbs, and it was delicious! A variety of tea and coffees are available, the hot food options inc
4.1/536 評價
這是我們在瑞士住的第二家飯店,我們在這裡住了一晚。飯店距離塔什火車站約 5-7 分鐘步行路程,周圍有幾家餐廳和一家小型超市。飯店的外觀給人一種民宿的印象,但一進去,卻是飯店的擺設!我不知道為什麼這家飯店的評價這麼差,但我覺得它還不錯。我們的房間在307(角落房間)。首先,房間雖然結構和佈局簡單,但很舒適。床很舒服,還有一個陽台,您可以一邊喝咖啡一邊欣賞大自然、山脈、湖泊和美麗的風景(儘管這是與隔壁所有房間的公共步行通道)。電視有很多頻道,還有電視頻道指南,這很好,否則你需要花時間搜尋你喜歡看的頻道。廁所很好,還有浴缸。餐廳漂亮又舒適,早餐很滿意。食物也很好吃。服務人員很友善。在需要改進的地方,請注意,只有一部電梯和小電梯。所以我們旅行團的所有成員都進入我們的房間,如果我們想帶著行李搭電梯,那需要很長時間。所以我們只在電梯裡裝行李,然後走上蜿蜒的樓梯。對我們大多數人來說,步行雖然有點不方便,但還可以。而且房間裡沒有提供水壺,連杯麵都不能煮,怕觸發火警,罰款500歐元!老闆 Chon 先生非常友好和熱情好客。他向我們所有人打招呼,甚至為我們服務。當我們離​​開酒店時,他還親自登上了我們的巴士並與我們告別! (他甚至帶我們兩個人參觀了整個酒店場地,包括隔壁正在裝修的建築,以改善其設施,如建造水療中心、遊戲室等)總的來說,我們在這裡的住宿是令人滿意和愉快的,儘管有一些打擊和乾擾。錯過了,但我認為它不值得 1 星或 2 星評級。它理應獲得可靠的三星級評級。


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平均價格(平日)GBP 313
平均價格(週末)GBP 335