
4.3/511 評價
美麗的結構,高高聳立在水面上,是郭昌最好的海鮮餐廳之一。大房間設備齊全,裝飾精美,維護良好。免費皮划艇探索海灣或在Phrao Nok的小白沙灘度過一些美好的時光。最好的是租一輛摩托車來探索該地區,因爲道路在島上的這一邊是平坦和安全的。不僅是長灘或紀念海灘,還有薩拉克菲特寺,瀑布和紅樹林是必須參觀的!!!我們有一個很棒的私人旅遊船,價格非常實惠,在不同島嶼上有幾個站。只要問經理Khun Big,她會盡她最大的努力滿足你對定製體驗的期望。請注意,薩拉克菲特是一個安靜的傳統漁村,所以不要指望周圍的酒吧或迪斯科舞廳,但對於大自然愛好者來說是一個很棒的地方。我們只能在這裏呆3天,發現一切還不夠,所以我們會再來的。
3.8/571 評價
4.8/559 評價
It has taken so long to be able to at long last stay at Shantaa and I was not dissapointed. This little piece of paradise was totally worth the wait! The view from the well appointed and very comfortable villa was magical. The whole place is kept very clean and there are plenty of areas to relax in from the beach to the pool, cafe and restaurant. The food is all cooked to order including the delicious breakfasts. There is plenty to choose from and you will not go hungry. For a totally relaxing break in a tropical paradise you will not find better. You can even arrive and depart directly to the Resort via speedboat. It would be wrong to single out any one of the staff as they all make one great team effort in ensuring your stay is as comfortable as possible. Thank you to everyone and I look forward to my next visit, it will not come soon enough.
4.4/585 評價
This hotel has been operating for over 10 yrs. It was good back then and still a good vibe here. Its got to be the best budget option on Lonely beach for sure. The room I was allocated was so clean, nice and had a new feel about it. Large bathroom and fridge in the room. Good price Restaurant food is not bad. The Cambodians working there are friendly. But I imagine they dont suffer fools. If you treat them well they will treat you well. If I were management I would probably keep a closer eye on them to make sure they are being polite to all customers. If you plan to walk into town at nighttime you need a torch. Its not far but dangerous in the dark with the bikes and cars zipping past. Highly recommend this hotel and restaurant. Right on the stunning beach. White sand and nice water. Cant wait to go back!
3.9/520 評價
We had a great stay at Makathanee! We splurged and had a beach view bungalow … which was amazing! The room was spacious, the bed was soft and comfy, the view was amazing and the sound of the surf was loud. The resort grounds are pretty and well maintained. We never went to the pool but walked by and nobody was there. The chairs on the grass by the beach were always full. The beach was clean and inviting and the water was warm. Good things: nice (10/10) staff, good breakfast, nice restaurant on the roof and good location. We had a few meals nearby on the street and rented a bike to explore the island. We also enjoyed the restaurants and bars on the beach nearby. You are not isolated at this resort. Not so good things: the only thing we didn’t like was the old, broken chairs on our patio and on the grass. Not that important- but something they could plan to replace. Great location, peaceful but not boring, great facility
3.3/516 評價
外麪看其貌不揚,但是裏面還是很整齊的。如果你不想花錢住高檔酒店,那麼這個民宿就很合適。老闆人很熱心,而且老闆自己就有摩托車可以租給你,不需要再去找別家。(衹是記得砍價) 房間外麪螞蟻比較多,不過叢林小屋有點小蟲蟲也很正常,不過房間裏沒有。 廁所下水道不是很通暢,建議房客們不要學中國把衛生紙扔進馬桶。
4.2/516 評價
This location is absolutely stunning. Right on the beach, so close to the Ghost Ship, and fishing is available (get your own gear from the fishing shop on the pier). It’s in a more secluded and quiet area, away from the bustle, but still close enough to walk about twenty minutes to the pier, or rent a bike/taxi easily nearby. The food is good, service is wonderful!!! We absolutely loved staying here and would certainly return again if we go back to Koh Chang!
4.6/521 評價
好酒店,大面積:2個成人游泳池,小面積兒童。面積綠色,。缺點是非常大聲的。食物-在隔壁的酒店(一個很好的餐廳,早上爲早餐工作,然後-像一個普通的海邊餐廳) 酒店本身住在最便宜的選擇-在”道路”複雜的標準房間。 窗戶-在領土上。 房間很大,牀很大,每天洗,浴室和浴室,不利的是大,房間有點累,但可以住。 離這裏不遠的還有一些商店(不是網絡),還有各種各樣的食物。 海灘很好, 就在酒店前面, 石頭不舒服, 但右邊是沙灘不錯. 這個地方-在上--昂貴(一共150特,直到白海灘的主要聚會)。
4.2/558 評價
11/25/23 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 友好,專業和包容的工作人員 非常私人和安靜的位置 3個美好的夜晚 12:00 下午到達。房間可用,很棒的接待員提前爲我辦理了入住。我預訂的房間比較老。我觀看了接待樓翻新後的房間,這是神奇的。現代,特大牀,兩個大浴缸,高天花板,陽台,淋浴,水壺,海灘和浴巾等。請拿我的錢!!!!!!!額外付費,但非常值得(見圖片)。早餐很簡單:雞蛋,煎餅,泰國菜,速溶咖啡,茶包,熱水,水果和沙拉。度假村在海灘旁邊。細沙,平靜的淺水,非常乾淨,小象在海里玩耍。這裏的工作人員是這個度假村的光芒。總是微笑着迎接 大量的汽車和自行車停車場。位置: 30 分鐘到渡輪/碼頭 5 分鐘步行到主幹道 5 “ . “ 驚人的餐廳,酒吧,現場音樂,按摩,咖啡館,摩托車租賃,****的商店等 . 最佳位置爲您的所有需求. 可愛的住宿.期待我的下次訪問。
4.5/538 評價


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