

4.8 /5145條評價
Huangshi Grand Canyon is one of the famous landscapes in Huangshi Park. It can also enjoy the magnificent scenery of the canyon and the waterfalls flowing down. The Yellow Stone River, 97 kilometers long, is the only river in the United States without dams. The river runs through the volcanic rocks and has been eroded strongly for a long time, forming a magnificent Yellowstone Canyon with a length of 32 kilometers, a width of 450-1200 meters and a depth of 360 meters. This is the most magnificent and beautiful scenery of Yellowstone Park. Long-term river erosion has formed a magnificent rock wall, showing yellow, orange, brown, brown, etc., Indians call it "Yellowstone" - - Yellow Stone thus named. From the Huangshi River to the Huangshi Canyon, it falls twice in less than one kilometer, forming two waterfalls. The downfall is 92 meters high and is the most ornamental Canyon waterfall in Yellowstone Park. It is nearly twice as high as the world-famous Niagara Falls and 33 meters high as the Upper Falls. On the other side of the Huangshi River, there are sightseeing spots, in turn - "Lookout Point, Grand View and Inspiration Point. The best viewing point of the Huangshi Grand Canyon is Inspiration Point. It should be noted that this road is a one-way street, and the convenience before leaving this road is Canyon Village. In Upper Falls, the Yellowstone Canyon feels like an oil painting. But you can only see the waterfall from a distance. Then we go Uncle Tom" s Trail. Back from the Artist Point viewing terrace along South Rim Drive, the southern edge lane, and back to the main road, there is a fork, you can go to Uncle Tom ''s Trail, close to Lower falls. Although the full length is only about 2 miles, the steel staircase in the second half is steep, a total of 328 steps, down about 20 minutes, it takes 40 minutes to walk up. I thought I could go down to the bottom of the waterfall, but I actually went down to the waist. But it's close to the waterfall. It's still spectacular. As long as the weather is good, you can see a rainbow across the canyon.


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  • chenweiwen

    黃石大峽谷位於美國黃石國家公園,在黃石國家公園90處觀光景點中排名第1。美國黃石公園裡黃石湖流出的河水,流過一段平緩的丘陵地帶后,進入一段長約38公里的險峻峽谷,被稱為黃石大峽谷。這裡是黃石公園最壯麗、最華美的景色之一。 在這裏,湍急的河水浪花飛濺,形成兩道壯麗的瀑布,轟鳴着泄入谷底。第一個瀑布有33米高,這是上瀑布,第二個有92米高,稱為下瀑布。黃石大峽谷位於釣魚橋和高塔之間,由黃石湖流出的河水,流經大約3 8公里地帶所造成的險峻峽谷,就通稱為黃石大峽谷。這裡是黃石公園最壯麗、最華美的景色97公里長的黃石河是"美國境內惟一沒有水壩的河流"。在這裏,河水陡然變急,沖開四濺的水花,形成兩道壯麗的瀑布,轟鳴着泄入大峽谷。

  • chenweiwen

    黃石大峽谷位於美國黃石國家公園,在黃石國家公園90處觀光景點中排名第1。美國黃石公園裡黃石湖流出的河水,流過一段平緩的丘陵地帶后,進入一段長約38公里的險峻峽谷,被稱為黃石大峽谷。這裡是黃石公園最壯麗、最華美的景色之一。 在這裏,湍急的河水浪花飛濺,形成兩道壯麗的瀑布,轟鳴着泄入谷底。第一個瀑布有33米高,這是上瀑布,第二個有92米高,稱為下瀑布。黃石大峽谷 是由黃石河沖蝕被地熱腐蝕的火山岩形成。大約在14000到18000年前,大峽谷又連接經歷了三次冰川的侵蝕,逐漸形成這種典型的V型峽谷。黃石大峽谷大約在10000年前才形成當今的模樣,可以說它還是相當年輕。觀看LowerFalls的最佳地點之一是UncleTom’sTrail,它是SouthRimTrail的一個分支。Trail的終點是一個位於峽谷腰部的平台。從這裏看過去,瀑布如一匹白練高懸崖上,水氣從谷底直上半空,彩虹橫跨絕壁,非常壯觀。

  • 千游阁主

    Upper waterfall黃石瀑布。其全景詞窮到只能用壯觀來形容。瀑布水由火山上雪水融化而來,后匯入密西西比河。公園內有290個高度在4.6米以上的瀑布,其中最高的是94米的黃石瀑布。今天行程的最大亮點便是來到黃石大峽谷,遠眺黃石瀑布。如果自駕游的小夥伴,建議按徒步路線去瀑布腳下,觀賞瀑布近景。有機會一定要身臨其境,才能體會那有限的人類語言無法描繪、只能嘆為觀止的自然奇觀。

  • Anny的旅行

    The Huangshi Grand Canyon, with its magnificent landscape, is one of the three popular scenic spots famous for its loyalty and prism. It's sunny in the morning and sunny in the afternoon. In view of the large number of people, the sooner the better. Artist point on the south side is the best place to view Huangshixia Canyon and Falls from a distance; Uncle Tom ''s point is the best place to view the Falls from a close perspective. There are many scenic spots on both sides of the canyon. We all went there. My experience is that in other scenic spots, time is not enough to go, because the scenery is similar, and the two spots on the south side have the best scenery. From artist point to Uncle Tom ' ' s point. We didn't walk all the way. We started walking in the parking lot of Uncle Tom ' ' s point. This road is steep, 300 steps down 150 meters, up and down the whole journey takes 45 minutes - 1.5 hours. I don't think it's very difficult (compared with Huashan and Huangshan). Huh)

  • 郭金

    Located in Yellowstone National Park, the Yellowstone Grand Canyon ranks first among 90 tourist attractions in Yellowstone National Park. In Yellowstone Park, the water from Yellowstone Lake flows through a gentle hilly area and enters a precipitous Canyon about 38 kilometers long, which is called the Yellowstone Grand Canyon. This is one of the most magnificent and beautiful scenery in Yellowstone Park. Here, the turbulent River splashes, forming two magnificent waterfalls, roaring into the bottom of the valley. The first waterfall is 33 meters high. This is the upper waterfall. The second one is 92 meters high. It is called the lower waterfall. And Indian racecourse, the sunshine is really dazzling. Even with sunglasses, you can't see the lens.

  • 逍遥果

    The Huangshi Grand Canyon has two trails that allow you to see the Huangshi Fall s at close range. They are Uncle Tom" s Trail and Brink of Lower Fall Trail. We chose the former, he is the path to watch the Huangshi Waterfall. Although the section is not very long, there is a steep section down the road. We suggest that students go to the bottom, where you can see the Huangshi Waterfall. It's spectacular. You won't be disappointed.

  • 活猪子

    The Yellowstone Canyon is very distinctive. It is not only magnificent but also colorful. It is absolutely worth visiting. This scenic spot on the forum of old America even surpasses the color pool to become the first place. I'm on the North Rim drive. After parking, I need to walk about 20 minutes to Inspiration Point, which is the best scenic spot in Huangshi Canyon. Because of the high altitude, it's better to walk and rest. I remember seeing pelicans and all kinds of unknown birds on foot. When we arrived at our destination, we were shocked by the beauty of Yellowstone Canyon when it was perfectly displayed. Majestic, gorgeous and colorful. I've never seen a pink Canyon before, but the Huangshi Canyon has a large area of pink inlaid in the main tone of yellow, harmonious and unified. But when I got to the canyon, it was about five o'clock in the afternoon. I took some backlights. And if you're lucky, you might see a rainbow across the canyon.

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Maria_Small: 黃石公園8字右邊中間位置
Raelynn_Snider: 我推薦黃石大峽谷,下瀑布,Artist Point瞭望台,上瀑布,黃石下瀑布
Natalia_Snow: 黃石大峽谷附近有這幾間酒店:峽谷山居(Canyon Lodge & Cabins),
Isabelle_Solis: 您可以考慮Old Faithful General Store,Canyon Lodge Cafeteria,Grant Village Dining Room,Canyon Fountain and Grill,Canyon Lodge Dining Room