

4.5 /51427條評價
1. Bridges made in China are world-renowned and have many masterpieces. One of the most recent is the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, which is 49.968 kilometers long and 35.578 kilometers long for the main project (Haizhong Bridge and Tunnel). The furthest is in the history of ancient bridges in China. The most representative works are the four ancient bridges in China, namely, the Guangji Bridge in Chaozhou, the Zhaozhou Bridge in Hebei, the Lugou Bridge in Beijing and the Luoyang Bridge in Fujian. 2. Eleven of us visited Guangji Bridge in Chaozhou on the afternoon of May 28 this year. It is located in the east of Huancheng Road, Xiangqiao District, Chaozhou City, outside Guangji City Gate (East Gate). This is the first time that I have witnessed the fragrance of Guangji Bridge. This Guangji Bridge, with its architectural style of Ming Dynasty bridge, is really worthy of detailed roaming and appreciation. 3. Historically recorded Guangji Bridge, formerly known as Kangji Bridge, Dinghou Bridge, commonly known as Xiangzi Bridge. It was founded in the seventh year of Qiandao in the Southern Song Dynasty (A.D. 1171) and in the tenth year of Xuande in the Ming Dynasty (A.D. 1435). It was renamed Guangji Bridge, meaning "the people of Guangji and Baiyue". In the ninth year of Jiajing in Ming Dynasty (1530 A.D.), the pattern of Guangji Bridge "18 shuttles and 24 continents" (continents or piers) was finalized. Guangji Bridge, which integrates beam bridge, pontoon bridge and arch bridge, is an isolated case of ancient Chinese bridges. Mao Yisheng, a famous bridge expert, is known as the earliest open-closed bridge in the world. Its greatest contribution in the history of bridge construction in the world is to open the world's first open and closed bridges. Guangji Bridge was listed as a national key cultural relic protection unit in March 1988. 1) Guangji Bridge is a comprehensive restoration project carried out in October 2003. It is based on the restoration design of Guangji Bridge in the Ming Dynasty. The restoration project is divided into two stages, the first stage is to reinforce piers, repair bridge decks and 18 shuttle boats, and the second stage is to repair pavilions and pavilions on the bridge. Guangji Bridge is a tourist pedestrian bridge. It was completed on September 20, 2007 and officially opened to tourists. 2) The Guangji Bridge is a combination of the East-West stone girder bridge and the middle floating bridge. The east side girder bridge is 283.35 meters long, with 12 piers and 1 platform, 12 bridge holes; the west side girder bridge is 137.3 meters long, with 8 piers, 7 bridge holes and 5 meters wide stone girder. The middle floating bridge is 97.3 meters long. 3) The pontoon bridge is composed of 18 wooden boats side by side, with a captain of 14 meters and a width of 3.6 meters. The center of the pontoon is paved with wooden boards as the deck. The two ends of the pontoon bridge are fixed on the rocky piers of the girder bridge by chains, which vary with the fluctuation of water level. Rock piers each have a stone staircase for pedestrians to float up and down the bridge. Floating bridges can be opened and closed. Closed bridges can connect two sides of girder bridges. Opening bridges can be used for large ships and rapid flood discharge. 4) Bridge pavilions are all built on piers. There are 30 existing bridge pavilions. They are basically arranged in the form of one hall with two pavilions, with the axis of the bridge as the longitudinal arrangement. All of them were built in the architectural style of Ming Dynasty. 4. Guangji Bridge's night light show is worth seeing. The Guangji Bridge Lighting Show, which is staged at 9:00 and 10:00 p.m. each night, takes 15 minutes as a performance. The lighting show is Guangji Bridge and Guangji Tower, with brilliant lights, accompanied by music singing, Guangji Bridge and the East Coast Mountain lighting, constantly changing gorgeous color patterns. The light show is appreciated by tourists (local residents).


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  • 黑芝麻


  • 玥汐(小酉)

    廣濟橋日晚都需要去一次,感覺不同。日間可以行橋及接駁木船跨兩岸。晚上木船移走開出海上通道, 在岸上看斷樓燈飾。

  • 老老倪


  • navy777


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Maria_Small: 潮州市湘橋區環城東路
Raelynn_Snider: 我推薦廣濟橋,牌坊街,韓文公祠,開元寺,潮州古城
Natalia_Snow: 廣濟橋附近有這幾間酒店:潮州賓館,心悦精品酒店 (潮州西湖牌坊街古城店),如家酒店(潮州開元路店),漢庭酒店(潮州古城店),麗楓酒店(潮州廣場店)
Isabelle_Solis: 您可以考慮蓮華素食府,麥當勞(潮州新橋東店),肯德基(開元店),開元鹹水粿,必勝客(新橋店)