

4.7 /598條評價
When planning a trip to Australia, I was going to Keynes. I didn't know much about Australia before, but I knew a few regular places. After reading several travels, I learned that the White Beach was deeply attracted by the unique stratified beach water, so I immediately changed the route to the Holy Spirit Islands. To go to White Beach, you need a local team. You can choose Australian domestic flights to fly Airlie beach (airport code ppp) or Hamliton Island (airport code hit), and accommodation on Hamilton Island is limited. My experience is that there are no vacancies in the whole island more than a month in advance. I suggest that if you want to stay in Hamilton Island, you should look at the hotel earlier, combined with domestic flights. Hamilton Island is basically the last island. It is suggested that we should report for a one-day regiment and start early in the morning. It will take more than an hour for the boat to go by. The daytime beach belongs to the Holy Spirit Islands National Park and is a nature reserve, so there are no hotels on the island, which makes it easier to maintain the original ecological beauty and take away all the garbage. The scenery is beautiful and the sand is very fine. There is a Hill Inlet, which is a viewing platform on the hillside. It can look forward to the daytime beach. The beach stretches out and looms in the sea. It has a very beautiful hierarchy. The beauty of the beach in daytime hall is unique, because the scenery is different at every moment. Tides and waves make the direction of the sand different, unique natural sand painting. There are many lizards on the island, snorkeling saw turtles. It should be noted that there are sand flies on the beach. In addition to going directly to the White Beach, it is suggested to choose another air project (helicopters, sightseeing planes, seaplanes) to look at the White Beach, the Holy Spirit Islands and the Great Barrier Reef from the air.


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  • Xiancong

    Whitehaven Beach is a paradise on Earth. Its pristine white sands and crystal-clear turquoise waters create a stunning visual spectacle. The serene ambiance and untouched natural beauty make it a perfect escape from the daily grind. Relax, soak up the sun, and revel in the tranquility of this breathtaking beach paradise.

  • Bbybells


  • 多多

    美麗的海灘,值得一游。cruise whitsundays帶我們乘船到達海灘。他們讓我們在海灘上玩了幾個小時。那裡的遮陽棚有限,所以他們為孩子們提供了帳篷,但我建議你自己帶帳篷或雨傘。水是清澈而溫暖的。這裏沒有任何浮潛點,因為海底只有沙子。向前走大約750米徒步到一個瞭望台,這裏可以看到島的兩邊,這是非常值得一看的,不會很陡,而且一路上都有小路。海灘上有長長的落地式廁所。但是海灘上不提供一些基礎設施,所以得自己帶上水、防晒霜和任何你想要吃食。 Cruise whitsundays為我們提供了水、防晒衣(9月份我們不需要)、球、排球、板球、防晒霜和帳篷。如果你在這附近一定要過來玩一下。

  • 懒小猫猫猫

    Australia's most beautiful beaches and the world's most environmentally friendly and clean beaches. The whole beach stretches for 7 kilometers. It's all white. It's really beautiful. If you grab a handful of sand, you can clearly feel the white, delicate and soft quality of the sand. It is said that this is made up of pure silica fine sand. White beaches and mangroves on the red coast and blue water reflect each other to create a pure and beautiful scenery. At that time, I traveled to Australia with my wife, who argued that she must go to this place. It's not cheap to sail a day on the beach in the daytime, but it's really worth it. If you go in summer, remember to take your bathing suit, towel, sun-proof clothing, sunshade cap and sunscreen with you.~

  • jiongj


  • 小蘑菇阿咪

    Whitsunday Island is located on the southeast side of Whitsunday Island, which is known as "the most beautiful beach in Australia" and "the most environmentally friendly and clean beach in the world". The whole beach stretches for 7 kilometers, and is composed of white, delicate and soft pure silica sand. The white beach reflects the mangrove forest and the blue sea water on the coast, forming a beautiful purity. Beautiful scenery, this is Australia's most popular beach photo resort. What impresses you most about the daytime beach is its primitiveness. It's still like hundreds of years ago. There are no cell phones, no reclining chairs on the beach, no houses in the woods. In other words, it's still a desert island, an island that people would like to be exiled. The blue sky, the white clouds, the beach, and the sea are breathtaking, breathtaking, shouting and amazing. The cruise ships are parked at the beach, and people queue up and down the spiral ladder, so you have to take off your shoes and roll up your trousers feet, because you are going to run into the beach with the sea water. So don't wear jeans with too small trousers feet, and don't forget to wear sunscreen on your feet.

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Maria_Small: Airlie Beach, Queensland, Australia
Raelynn_Snider: 我推薦白天堂沙灘,希爾灣