
The Pump Room Restaurant評價

4 /52條評價
Pump Room就在羅馬浴場旁邊,在兩百多年前這裏就是巴斯城的社交中心。如今依然是巴斯最知名的餐廳之一。從玻璃窗就可以看到羅馬浴場,室內則有鋼琴演奏,在這樣的環境下和二三好友一起喝杯下午茶確實是件愜意的事情。Pump Room現在的下午茶套餐中low tea有兩種,Traditional Pump Room Tea和Beau Nash Cream Tea。Traditional就是傳統的英式下午茶,三層的點心塔,最底下是鹹的三明治,最上面是甜點。Beau Nash則最上層是鹹的煙熏三文魚,中間是司康,最下一層是用來塗抹司康的凝脂奶油和果醬,還配有一杯起泡酒。司康格外好吃,甜點我偏愛水果撻,其他的有些太甜。英國的三文魚一如既往地令人失望,我只能通過套餐的名字感慨Richard Beau Nash依然被巴斯城銘記,不過我不知這種餐點和他是否有關。所以推薦還是Traditional Pump Room Tea,點心的分量很足,女孩子的話兩個人吃一份大概就足夠了。

The Pump Room Restaurant

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  • 上海 Sheffer

    🚂 Getting There - There are busses from London, or take a short 1.5 hour train from Paddington to Bath Spa, and you’ll be in the centre of this historical town. 🎟 Attractions - Bath was built hu the Romans so they have a still-working Roman bath house for you to check out. You can’t swim in it today (and you wouldn’t want to) so once you’ve headed through the museum, head up to the contemporary modern Spa to have a soak in the ancient waters! They have an infinity pool over looking the city. 🏨 Hotels - After the Romans Bath because a place where London’s elite would escape, and some of the Georgian architecture is amazing. Check out the Royal Circle, and try to stay in a hotel here for the full Bridgerton experience. 🥂 Food & Restaurants - Bath town centre is FULL of great restaurants. If you fancy a traditional English cream tea, go to the Pump Room for tea and scones right near the ancient ruins. #newyearadventure #tripblazers #ancientcity #england
