
亞歷山大·涅夫斯基教堂St.Alexander Nevsky Cathedral 這座東正教教堂以俄羅斯的王子亞歷山大·涅夫斯基的名字命名,建於1882-1912年,為紀念1877-1878年俄土戰爭中為幫助保加利亞從奧斯曼帝國統治中解放而犧牲的20萬俄羅斯、烏克蘭、白俄羅斯和保加利亞的士兵。 據說宗教節日時,教堂門口經常排起長隊,虔誠的人們拿著鮮花進入聖殿、參加教會活動。 不過即使未能理解含義,那回蕩在教堂內空靈的唱詠聽起來還是很莊嚴而美好的。 也許你也想邂逅這樣一場神聖的儀式,不過可惜我也不明白這究竟是例行還是偶遇,只能把時間供大家參考了,那天是工作日下午四點左右進入,正好看到神父也來了,儀式是五點左右開始的,之後神父就離開了。 不過即使沒有宗教儀式,教堂本身也是非常值得參觀。空曠的大廳懸掛著若干精美的吊燈,擡頭望去微微眩暈,美極了。 教堂開放時間7:00-19


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亞歷山大涅夫斯基大教堂是保加利亞首都索非亞的一座保加利亞東正教大教堂。 它以新拜占庭風格建造,是保加利亞族長的大教堂,被認為是世界上 50 座最大的基督教教堂建築之一。 它是索非亞的標誌和主要旅遊景點之一。 索非亞的聖亞歷山大涅夫斯基大教堂佔地 3,170 平方米(34,100 平方英尺),內部可容納 5,000 人。它被認為是10座最大的東正教教堂建築之一。 它是巴爾幹地區最大的大教堂。 據信,直到 2000 年它是最大的完工東正教大教堂。 亞歷山大涅夫斯基大教堂是一座交叉圓頂的大教堂,具有突出的中央圓頂。 大教堂的鍍金圓頂高45m,有十字架,鐘樓高達53米 寺廟有12個鐘,總重23噸,最重12噸,最輕10公斤 內部裝飾有意大利大理石 各種顏色、巴西縞瑪瑙、雪花石膏和其他奢華材料。 中央圓頂周圍刻有主禱文,上面有薄薄的金色字母。 St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is a Bulgarian Orthodox cathedral in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. Built in Neo-Byzantine style, it serves as the cathedral church of the Patriarch of Bulgaria and it is believed to be one of the 50 largest Christian church buildings by volume in the world. It is one of Sofia's symbols and primary tourist attractions.[3] St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Sofia occupies an area of 3,170 square metres (34,100 sq ft) and can hold 5,000 people inside.[3][1] It is believed to be among the 10 largest Eastern Orthodox church buildings. It is the largest cathedral in the Balkans. It is believed that until year 2000 it was the largest finished Orthodox cathedral. The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is a cross-domed basilica featuring an emphasized central dome. The cathedral's gold-plated dome is 45 m high with the cross, with the bell tower reaching 53 metres The temple has 12 bells with total weight of 23 tons, the heaviest weighing 12 tons and the lightest 10 kilograms The interior is decorated with Italian marble in various colours, Brazilian onyx, alabaster, and other luxurious materials. The central dome has the Lord's Prayer inscribed around it, with thin gold letters.
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索菲亞的Free Tour
保加利亞-俄羅斯教堂 聖尼古拉斯神工,被稱為俄羅斯教堂,是保加利亞首都索非亞的一座東正教教堂,供奉聖尼古拉斯神工。 它是這座城市的標誌性建築之一。 它的建造始於 19 世紀後期(具體日期不詳,不同建築項目交替進行),歷時多年,並於 1914 年第一次世界大戰前夕奉獻。 在建築上,教堂是按照 19 世紀俄羅斯教堂建築的傳統建造的 - 保留了古老的俄羅斯元素 - 所謂的“燈泡”(圓頂),結合傳統的舊俄羅斯馬賽克和雕刻,它具有更多的標誌 現代建築。 和繪畫。 在教堂的地下室是大主教塞拉芬索博列夫(聖塞拉芬,博古查爾大主教,索非亞奇蹟工作者)的墳墓。 數以千計的信徒和非信徒向他求助,要求在考試前、生活中的重要決定或疾病和需要時提供奇蹟般的幫助。 他們經常在紙上寫下他們的祈禱,並把它們放在他墳墓旁邊的一個特殊盒子裡。 St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, known as the Russian Church , is an Orthodox church in the Bulgarian capital Sofia , dedicated to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker . It is one of the emblematic buildings of the city. Its construction began in the late 19th century (the exact date is unknown, as different architectural projects alternate), and lasted for many years, and was consecrated in 1914 on the eve of the First World War . Architecturally , the church was built in the tradition of Russian church architecture from the 19th century - with preserved ancient Russian elements - the so-called "bulbs" (domes), combined with traditional Old Russian mosaics and carvings , it bears the hallmarks of more modern architecture. and painting . In the crypt of the church is the tomb of Archbishop Seraphim Sobolev (St. Seraphim, Archbishop of Boguchar, Sofia Miracle Worker). Thousands of believers and non-believers turn to him with a request for miraculous help before exams, important decisions in life or in times of illness and need. They often write down their prayers on paper and put them in a special box next to his grave.
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索非亞猶太教堂是東南歐最大的猶太教堂。 在奧地利建築師弗里德里希·格魯南格(Friedrich Grünanger)的一個項目之後,它是為滿足保加利亞首都索非亞主要的西班牙裔猶太社區的需要而建造的,類似於維也納的舊摩爾人利奧波德城(Leopoldstädter Tempel),並於 1909 年 9 月 9 日在保加利亞沙皇斐迪南一世的見證下正式開放。 1903 年建造猶太教堂的第一次準備工作,而建造本身已於 1905 年 11 月 13 日開始。它可容納 1,300 名信徒。 儘管這座建築很大,但通常只有大約 50 到 60 名信徒參加禮拜,因為保加利亞的大多數猶太人已經搬到以色列。 自 1992 年 5 月 8 日以來,索非亞猶太教堂還設有猶太歷史博物館,其中包括保加利亞的猶太社區、保加利亞大屠殺和拯救猶太人的展覽。 紀念品商店也在營業。 The Sofia Synagogue is the largest synagogue in Southeastern Europe. Constructed for the needs of the Bulgarian capital Sofia's mainly Sephardic Jewish community after a project by the Austrian architect Friedrich Grünanger, it resembles the old Moorish Leopoldstädter Tempel in Vienna and was officially opened on 9 September 1909 in the presence of Tsar Ferdinand I of Bulgaria. The first preparations for the synagogue's construction date to 1903, while the construction itself had begun on 13 November 1905. It can accommodate 1,300 worshippers. Despite the building's size, the services are normally only attended by some 50 to 60 worshippers because most jews in Bulgaria already moved to Israel. Since 8 May 1992 the Sofia Synagogue also houses the Jewish Museum of History, which includes the Jewish Communities in Bulgaria, the Holocaust and the Rescue of the Jews in Bulgaria expositions. A souvenir shop is also in operation.
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