Stoyan Gotsev

#sofia是#bulgaria的首都,一個位於巴爾幹半島和歐盟的一部分的小國。這座城市有有趣的街道,包括步行街,Tsarigradsko Shose附近的地區,那裏有一些摩天大樓,還有國家文化宮(第3幅圖片)。它是全國最大的城市,有非常發達的機場,所以很容易到達那裏。 #快樂的新年
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索菲亞的Free Tour
保加利亞-俄羅斯教堂 聖尼古拉斯神工,被稱為俄羅斯教堂,是保加利亞首都索非亞的一座東正教教堂,供奉聖尼古拉斯神工。 它是這座城市的標誌性建築之一。 它的建造始於 19 世紀後期(具體日期不詳,不同建築項目交替進行),歷時多年,並於 1914 年第一次世界大戰前夕奉獻。 在建築上,教堂是按照 19 世紀俄羅斯教堂建築的傳統建造的 - 保留了古老的俄羅斯元素 - 所謂的“燈泡”(圓頂),結合傳統的舊俄羅斯馬賽克和雕刻,它具有更多的標誌 現代建築。 和繪畫。 在教堂的地下室是大主教塞拉芬索博列夫(聖塞拉芬,博古查爾大主教,索非亞奇蹟工作者)的墳墓。 數以千計的信徒和非信徒向他求助,要求在考試前、生活中的重要決定或疾病和需要時提供奇蹟般的幫助。 他們經常在紙上寫下他們的祈禱,並把它們放在他墳墓旁邊的一個特殊盒子裡。 St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, known as the Russian Church , is an Orthodox church in the Bulgarian capital Sofia , dedicated to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker . It is one of the emblematic buildings of the city. Its construction began in the late 19th century (the exact date is unknown, as different architectural projects alternate), and lasted for many years, and was consecrated in 1914 on the eve of the First World War . Architecturally , the church was built in the tradition of Russian church architecture from the 19th century - with preserved ancient Russian elements - the so-called "bulbs" (domes), combined with traditional Old Russian mosaics and carvings , it bears the hallmarks of more modern architecture. and painting . In the crypt of the church is the tomb of Archbishop Seraphim Sobolev (St. Seraphim, Archbishop of Boguchar, Sofia Miracle Worker). Thousands of believers and non-believers turn to him with a request for miraculous help before exams, important decisions in life or in times of illness and need. They often write down their prayers on paper and put them in a special box next to his grave.
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索非亞猶太教堂是東南歐最大的猶太教堂。 在奧地利建築師弗里德里希·格魯南格(Friedrich Grünanger)的一個項目之後,它是為滿足保加利亞首都索非亞主要的西班牙裔猶太社區的需要而建造的,類似於維也納的舊摩爾人利奧波德城(Leopoldstädter Tempel),並於 1909 年 9 月 9 日在保加利亞沙皇斐迪南一世的見證下正式開放。 1903 年建造猶太教堂的第一次準備工作,而建造本身已於 1905 年 11 月 13 日開始。它可容納 1,300 名信徒。 儘管這座建築很大,但通常只有大約 50 到 60 名信徒參加禮拜,因為保加利亞的大多數猶太人已經搬到以色列。 自 1992 年 5 月 8 日以來,索非亞猶太教堂還設有猶太歷史博物館,其中包括保加利亞的猶太社區、保加利亞大屠殺和拯救猶太人的展覽。 紀念品商店也在營業。 The Sofia Synagogue is the largest synagogue in Southeastern Europe. Constructed for the needs of the Bulgarian capital Sofia's mainly Sephardic Jewish community after a project by the Austrian architect Friedrich Grünanger, it resembles the old Moorish Leopoldstädter Tempel in Vienna and was officially opened on 9 September 1909 in the presence of Tsar Ferdinand I of Bulgaria. The first preparations for the synagogue's construction date to 1903, while the construction itself had begun on 13 November 1905. It can accommodate 1,300 worshippers. Despite the building's size, the services are normally only attended by some 50 to 60 worshippers because most jews in Bulgaria already moved to Israel. Since 8 May 1992 the Sofia Synagogue also houses the Jewish Museum of History, which includes the Jewish Communities in Bulgaria, the Holocaust and the Rescue of the Jews in Bulgaria expositions. A souvenir shop is also in operation.
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保加利亞景點-班亞巴希清真寺 巴尼亞巴什清真寺是索非亞的一座清真寺,是該市唯一倖存的中世紀清真寺。它由著名的奧斯曼建築師希南建造,他設計了 300 多座建築,包括伊斯坦布爾的蘇萊曼清真寺和埃迪爾內的塞利米耶清真寺。 它的名字的意思是“在浴室裡”,因為它是一個更大的洗浴中心的一部分。 在門上方的拱門上,用油漆的石頭上寫著一段無法閱讀的文字。 下面是日期 974,這使我們有理由相信清真寺建於伊斯蘭歷 974 年(穆斯林曆法)或根據公曆 1566 - 1567 年。 2011 年 5 月,民族主義阿塔卡黨的成員襲擊了巴尼亞巴什清真寺前正在祈禱的穆斯林,要求減少寺廟柱子的噪音。 保加利亞已被斯特拉斯堡人權法院判定犯有襲擊和侵犯宗教自由罪。 Banya Bashi Mosque is a mosque in Sofia , the only surviving medieval mosque in the city. It was built by the famous Ottoman architect Sinan , who designed over 300 buildings, including the Suleymaniye Mosques in Istanbul and the Selimiye Mosques in Edirne . Its name means "in the bathroom" because it was part of a larger bathing complex. On the arch above the door on a stone with paint is written a text that can not be read. Below it is the date 974, which gives reason to believe that the mosque was built in 974 AH (Muslim calendar) or 1566 - 1567 according to the Gregorian calendar . In May 2011, members of the nationalist Ataka party attacked praying Muslims in front of the Banya Bashi mosque, demanding that the noise from the temple's columns be reduced. Bulgaria has been convicted of assault and violation of religious freedom by the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights .
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保加利亞-索非亞中央礦泉澡堂 中央礦泉浴是保加利亞首都索非亞市中心的地標,這座城市以該地區的礦泉水而聞名。 它建於 20 世紀初,靠近前土耳其浴場(後來被毀),直到 1986 年一直被用作城市的公共浴池。 至少從 16 世紀以來,索非亞就存在公共浴場。 在 1553 年至 1555 年波希米亞旅行者漢斯·德恩施瓦姆訪問索非亞期間,德施瓦姆注意到城市兩側有 1 個大浴場和 2 個小浴場。 浴場繼續作為公共浴場使用,直到 1986 年建築物因狀況不佳和屋頂可能倒塌而關閉。 它隨後進行了部分重建和徹底清潔,自 2015 年 9 月起成為索非亞地區歷史博物館。 Sofia Central Mineral Baths The Central Mineral Baths is a landmark in the city center of Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, a city known for the mineral springs in the area. It was built in the early 20th century near the former Turkish bath (then destroyed) and was used as the city's public baths until 1986. Public baths have existed in Sofia since at least the 16th century. During the visit of Bohemian traveler Hans Dernschwam to Sofia in 1553–1555, Derschwam noted the presence of 1 large bath and 2 smaller baths on either side of the city. The baths continued to work as public baths until 1986, when the building was closed due to its bad condition and the possible collapse of the roof. It was subsequently partially reconstructed and thoroughly cleaned and accommodates the Sofia Regional Historical Museum since September 2015.
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