
3.7/559 評價
4.5/5127 評價
在達沃阿卡西亞酒店住了1晚,令人難忘。因爲,我的家人從蘇里高德爾蘇爾一路來到這裏。工作人員非常隨和,對兒童友好。從保安到前廳,客房部工作人員,爲滿足我們房間的需求,到Waling-Waling工作人員和Lukfoo工作人員。非常感謝!特別感謝Ian先生、Princess女士、Christine女士、Sir Enrico、Cap Albert和Cap Harvey!酷多!!!大華這邊最值得推薦的酒店❤️
4/5106 評價
We used to frequent at GoHotels (other branches) many years ago so I know that it’s a reputable hotel. But this time, COME ON. They renovated the exterior and lobby of GH Lanang to look new but the rooms are way too old. I paid 4,100+ for 2 nights and it was not worth it - TERRIBLE at that. I didn’t sleep well because of the room state and avoided using the toilet and shower as much as I could because just look at the photos and be the judge. Not only did it look bad, it also smelled bad. On my 2nd morning, I kindly requested for room service but the staff informed me that they only do room service on a guests’s 3rd day but I was only on a 3D2N stay so I figured I wasn’t qualified. I went on and requested that the CR at least be sprayed with air freshener because it was smelly (I literally told them it was smelly). They agreed this time so I expected it to have been done upon my return in the evening but unfortunately it wasn’t (still smelly when I arrived) and I didn’t bother to request again. There was no exhaust fan in the toilet - only a small window that didn’t help at all with the smell up to my last day. Note that there is no “main” CR door - only 2 separate glass doors, one for the toilet and one for the shower. So expect to smell your own poop in the entire because the doors would not hold off the smell for you, lol. You can see the sink from your bed because it was just… there. The only redeeming factor of that room was the duvet and 2 of the pillows (the pillow cases of the other 2 were old and cheap). Other small things I should note: in-room phone wasn’t working so I had to google the number and call the front desk from my mobile phone. I borrowed a flat iron and was quickly brought up to me (thank you, staff). I also requested for a towel change (just 1; there were 2) on my first night because the towels were giving off this weird smell. They quickly changed it (thank you again) but it smelled the same so maybe it was the detergent being used that smelled weird. I let it go. One of the bedside lamps had small stains that looked like blood, which freaked me out NGL. Look, I wasn’t expecting a luxurious stay. I’m a frequent traveller who even stays at smaller, unfamiliar hotels when on long trips to smaller and farther towns. But this was way too bad. I’ve stayed at many rooms like that of what I experienced with GH but I only paid 800-1,000/night so who am I to complain? With GoHotels, I expected more because it’s a Robinson’s property. Heck, Gokongwei group had an advertisement at the lobby so I expected a decent stay at bare minimum! With that experience, I will NEVER stay at ANY GoHotels again and will probably avoid Summit hotels too because it was being advertised at the lobby and I don’t wanna risk paying more money for another sub-par experience. P.S. I cannot comprehend how others have recently rated GH Lanang with 5 stars LOL
4.2/5129 評價
3.9/565 評價
2023年7月,我在藍蓮花酒店住了一晚,雖然我經常參觀他們的天空景觀餐廳。我有一個很棒的體驗。房間相當寬敞,大約30平方米。電梯是那種不需要觸摸但只需使用RFID支持的酒店鑰匙卡的那種,我相信這是爲疫情時代以來酒店管理層採取的消毒措施。房間天花板上有qiblah方向,他們爲穆斯林旅行者提供祈禱墊和神聖的古蘭經。非常周到的接觸,因爲達沃市的酒店都沒有在他們的房間裏提供這個。客房部工作人員也很細心,他們不到10分鐘就送來了熨斗和板。酒店有馬來西亞廚師,廚師Shah,他烹飪正宗的馬來西亞菜餚,如sate, murtabak,咖雞, daging masak hitam和 nasi beriani。
4.1/577 評價
這家70+年的酒店肯定超出了我的預期。入住過程是直接的,簡單,所以我很快就發現自己在我的房間裏。這個房間佈置得很好,新裝修,所有標準必要的設施。非常舒適的特大牀,牀單和枕頭很乾淨。雖然有幾個牀頭燈開關壞了。浴室很乾淨,毛巾和洗浴用品供應充足。設置自助餐的用餐區很涼爽,味道很好,沒有昆蟲飛來飛去。工作人員非常樂於助人,包容。非常周到的服務。自助餐和ala cart菜單價格合理。晚上享受了酒店的酒吧。藍月亮。飲料和卡拉OK。沒有游泳池。有一個很大的花園,可以吃更新鮮的。總體來說很不錯的體驗。
4.6/574 評價
薩馬爾島距離達沃市只有幾分鐘的船程。發現有自己的包機快艇到酒店。到達後,我們被護送到主大堂。主大堂 u 可以看到海灘前方(白色沙灘,但不是很好)。還有餐廳Haribsr和Morning Catch。然後我們使用高爾夫球車進入我們的臥室。臥室的景色是奧林匹克大小游泳池,可以欣賞達沃市的景色。酒店還設有浮動小教堂,會議中心,帶指定游泳池的別墅。臥室很大,有自己的露台。 總的來說,度假村非常好。從開放開始只有一年,工作人員非常樂於助人,訓練有素。特別要提到,如果照顧的工作人員是清爵士。他加了多一英里,給我們找了一個面向游泳池的特大牀的房間。謝謝!
3.6/512 評價
3.2/53 評價
3.5/521 評價
We arrived at the room and tried to lock the door but we cannot lock it. We called the front desk and someone from them went to the room, checked the door and told us that its okay we cannot lock the room as long as we have the key no one can enter our room except for us and they have many cctv (we could rely on their cctv if incase someone will trespass our room). We decided to trust then and let this problem go. Then on the evening Our room leaked and the water came from the CR of the floor above us. The staff told us it came from the CR from 8th floor we were staying at 7th floor. Our clothes were soaked in that dirty water. The front desk told me to smell the clothes and if doesn’t smell bad I should just let it dry and use it tomorrow. She was pushing me to smell the clothes! And I dont want to do it since I know the water came from the CR! I know its dirty. I asked them if they can assist me in their laundry service since it was not my fault that my clothes were soaked in the dirty water she told me she could not help me. So I asked detergent powder I’ll do the washing of clothes myself since the front desk told me she cannot help me with the laundry. Detergent powder is not available also. So I used the bath soap in the room to wash our clothes. It was really terrible. I hanged my clothes in the cr and in the morning hanged it outside the window. We decided to avail their breakfast buffet paid P450 each person. We arrived at the restaurant at 7:30am but to our surprise there was no food available for us. They told they will refill but 8:30am came there’s still very minimal refill. The people near the buffet table were able to get food but for us who are far from the buffet table, we were not able to get the refill that they provided. Until many people arrived worst came to worst they ran out of food. It was supposed to be an buffet breakfast but they told everyone there that they will serve food per table instead since they ran out of food. What a nightmare. People were asking if they still have longganisa they told na person “they will try their best to provide” so they are not prepared to cater for buffet breakfast. Its not worth the P450 pesos. Youll only eat crumbs. And you need to always ask them for food. Its just so unfair for us who paid full price and did not get to eat that much since they ran out of food. Their service is really different from other hotels.


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