

卡爾斯特巴赫法蘭克福機場 Moxy 酒店
4.3/5141 評價
Platzhirsch Living
4.2/510 評價
工作人員非常友好和樂於助人。酒店很現代而且非常乾淨。由於地理位置的原因,我們在度假前在那裡住了一晚。窗戶完全隔熱,因此您不會注意到機場的太多情況。此外,設施齊全的浴室配有 Rituals 產品。我們非常滿意。班車服務很棒而且非常簡單。
Hey Lou法蘭克福機場酒店
4.1/573 評價
3.9/559 評價
I was in Germany for a meeting and stayed here last night before I fly back home today. It's an airport hotel with a shuttle (more on that below). We arrived back in Frankfurt via the train and made our way to the hotel shuttle pickup in front of Terminal 1B. The sign that lists the hotels that pick up there make not mention of the Vienna house. After a little while, I call the hotel to make sure this is where we are supposed to pick up the shuttle. After 5 calls, the desk picks up and we determine that this is where we are supposed to be. We get to the hotel and go to check in. There are three people/groups trying to check in, and it's not going well. It took us 20 minutes to check in for our reserved hotel room, which is hard to understand. I ask what time we should catch the shuttle in the morning if we want to bet at the airport at 8:30 and the desk clerk just points to a sign on the desk with the shuttle times. We get to our room, which is standing open(?). The queen bed isn't made and has two twin duvets sitting folded on the bed. Okay, I guess this is a DIY project. We go into the bathroom (and I have attached pictures), which clearly has been recently remodeled. The only towel rack is IN the shower. The rest of the towels are sitting on the sink. There's no place to hang our toiletry bag and no place to set toiletries on the sink. The shower is less than 2 feet deep, so when you are showering, there is no way to shower without literally standing in the shower curtain, water getting all over the bathroom (okay, their problem, not mine). Though lacking air conditioning, the room was clean. At this point the hotel would get 3 stars; I'm being generous. We check out and head out to catch the shuttle. The driver eventually pulls up and asks for our ticket (?!?). We explain that last night we just showed our reservation. He says no, we have to have a ticket. We run the hundred yards+ back to the hotel (no the shuttle doesn't pick up in front of the hotel) and to the desk. I tell the them that the driver is demanding a ticket, which until that point no one mentioned. I was told I have to pay for tickets on the shuttle, at which point I say that the reservation that I have says it comes with a free shuttle to the airport. The person at the desk says, no the shuttle from the airport is free, but you have to pay for the shuttle to the airport. I'm not buying this and say no one has mentioned this before, at which point she hands me two tickets to get on the shuttle and I run back and jump on the overpacked shuttle to get to the airport. I have extensively travelled both personally and professionally over the years and this is far and a away the biggest shakedown attempt I have ever experienced. I definitely did not expect it at an airport hotel in Frankfurt owned by Wyndham.
3.6/531 評價
很久之後,在從法蘭克福機場乘坐的普通宜必思機場和Voila ....前往宜必思的路上,在凱爾斯特巴赫地區,我看到了德國“凱爾斯特巴赫的Indisches餐廳”的這個標誌,就像“哇”....你在這裏住了7年左右疫情前幾乎沒有吃的選擇我在這裏...在pandmeic強迫3年差距後回來還有這家印度餐廳....實際上是這家日落酒店的一部分凱爾斯特巴赫..我一直在吃所有通過我的住宿,因爲這隻開放晚餐5點到9點,正如timig在門上所說的那樣,到目前爲止,所有4天我一直在吃不同的菜餚,而不是那麼大的菜單....味道不錯,他們的印度麪包也做得好,比歐洲典型的印度餐館服務好得多...我只是說“他們在這裏呆了很長時間”所有的好運給經營這個地方的紳士,也給擁有這個的人 kudos物業,並設想有一家印度餐廳,所有選擇中,我建議您在法蘭克福機場附近時,一一參觀這個地方,並從我的經驗中毫不猶豫地享受美食......。願上帝保佑這些,給他們在業務上取得巨大成功 ....阿門!!!!!!
4.1/558 評價
Great hotel, very cozy, rooms are very clean and big. Breakfast was also good, simple things but very tasteful. We were here for two nights. Lidl and one more market is right accros the street. Staff was very friendly.


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