

Sri Kousthubham Residency
0/50 評價
Sri koustubham 居住名稱改爲 Gandasala inn。 物業的管理是改變的。我們發現很難到達這個地方,因爲名稱已經改變。現在是GANDASALA INN。 最初,由於管理層的改變,我們面臨問題,他們沒有更新細節。 接待員Giri先生聯繫了物業的所有者 我們只在等待了兩個小時後才分配了房間。 在我們逗留期間,Giri先生和其他工作人員非常合作。 您可以將此屬性的地標作爲pk佈局,毗鄰praadatp劇院。 對中產階級家庭來說有點好。 Rly站巴士站和veg.hotels距離Radious1公里。
3.4/5100 評價
It's good experience for us, we really enjoyed it a lot. We suggest this for family. Good hospitality and very hygienic. We will recommend it to anyone who is coming from kerala.
3/552 評價
I made the booking. We were 3 adult 1 child and we booked one room with 2 double bed. When we reached the hotel, manager told us that booking was only for two single bed, and asked us to pay extra money. It was really horrible experience, manger was blaming and me for wrong booking and was asking to pay extra money. Almost it took for me 1 hour to convince him that when booking was confirmed for four person, how in two single bed 4 member can adjust. In his hotel there was all double beds only, no single bed available. But was continuously blaming me that it was my fault and need to pay extra 500. Finally i escalated the issue. Thanks to make my trip team, although it took around an hour to resolve the issue but the team was able to manage and resolve the issue and manager provided two double bed with no extra charges. With me my mom (age around 70) was traveling and it was really a bad feeling that it took so long. She wanted to relax after long journey but she had to wait an hour in reception. Please verify with manager and then only do the payment or else you can suffer like me. Thanks again to make my trip team. Regards kalyani
Alankar Residency
1.8/512 評價
Location is closed to the railway station. Hygiene needs to little improvement. Staff were very co-operative and guided us well. Food we haven't ordered so can't comment it. We had the food near by restaurant before check-in.
2.9/57 評價
The rooms are a bit dark without proper ventilation. There's no hot water facility within rooms. One has to fill it from outside in a bucket. Services of the staff is pathetic. They neither comes even if we call them regarding any issues. Bathroom was pathetic and leaking taps. Drinking water has to be collected from the reception in the ground floor by the customer himself. They asked extra money more than quoted
Hotel New Aiswarya
0/511 評價
Property - very average food - no food hygiene - no check overall very min standard but staff are good


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