【2024年】函館WBF格蘭大酒店 評價・真實住客意見評論及評分


Posted 2021-10-19 12:38:46
如果期待一間豪華且全新的酒店的話,別來這裏。 函館格蘭德地產酒店是一間質樸的3星住宿,基本上滿足了我清單上的要求。酒店離許多景點很近,諸如到函館山的索道、金森紅磚倉庫、俄羅斯東正教教堂。酒店距Horaicho電車站衹有一步之遙,這使得你能夠輕鬆地到達諸如早市和地鐵站之類的地方。最重要的是,馬路對面就有一間Lawson便利店。雖然房間看起來有些陳舊, 它很乾凈而且配備了所有我需要的必需品。
Posted 2021-10-19 12:38:46
如果期待一間豪華且全新的酒店的話,別來這裏。 函館格蘭德地產酒店是一間質樸的3星住宿,基本上滿足了我清單上的要求。酒店離許多景點很近,諸如到函館山的索道、金森紅磚倉庫、俄羅斯東正教教堂。酒店距Horaicho電車站只有一步之遙,這使得你能夠輕鬆地到達諸如早市和地鐵站之類的地方。最重要的是,馬路對面就有一間Lawson便利店。雖然房間看起來有些陳舊, 它很乾凈而且配備了所有我需要的必需品。
Business travelers
Posted 2022-07-26 17:31:13
The hotel is situated near Hakodate Station - about 3-5 minute walk away so that makes the location very convenient for commuting. The hotel itself is very nice and clean. There’s a lounge at the lobby where you can get some drinks and heat your food. Also, they do provide a welcome drink upon check-in - a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. The rooms were ultimately clean and spotless. The toilet had a shower room in it and was also clean. The AC did a good job in keeping me cool all night during the hot summer. Excellent amenities and customer service. The onsen was also a big plus - indoor and outdoor tubs as well as a sauna. Highly recommended. I haven’t tried their breakfast but word of mouth says that the food there is great!
函館WBF格蘭大酒店 評價