河內機加酒自由行 - 旅行套票優惠

Sat, Jul 27
Sun, Jul 28
  • 河內懷舊Spa酒店


    (Hanoi Nostalgia Hotel & Spa)

    4.4/591 評價還劍湖地區 | 距離市中心 0.7 km
    由香港飛往河內 | 搜尋平價機票優惠
    • 包括早餐
  • 河內尊貴度假酒店


    (Hanoi Vacanza Premier Hotel)

    4.5/5532 評價還劍湖地區 | 距離市中心 0 km
    由香港飛往河內 | 搜尋平價機票優惠
  • 燦爛之星水療大酒店


    (Splendid Star Grand Hotel Hanoi)

    4.3/5153 評價還劍湖地區 | 距離市中心 1 km
    由香港飛往河內 | 搜尋平價機票優惠
  • SOJO 河內站酒店

    SOJO 河內站酒店

    (Sojo Hotel GA Hanoi)

    4.5/5275 評價還劍湖地區 | 距離市中心 2.3 km
    由香港飛往河內 | 搜尋平價機票優惠
  • 美景尊貴酒店及水療中心


    (Vision Premier Hotel & Spa)

    4.6/5200 評價還劍湖地區 | 距離市中心 1.1 km
    由香港飛往河內 | 搜尋平價機票優惠
    經典大床房 禁煙
  • Vinhomes Skylake - Skyline Oasis Residence

    Vinhomes Skylake - Skyline Oasis Residence

    (Vinhomes Skylake - Skyline Oasis Residence)

    4.9/556 評價 | 距離市中心 0 km
    由香港飛往河內 | 搜尋平價機票優惠


香港 (HKG)飛往 河內 (HAN)

  • 2228
  • 8月

  • 511
  • 1218
  • 1925
  • 9月

  • 28
  • 915
  • 1622
  • 2329
  • 10月

  • 713


📍61 Linh Lang, Ba Dinh, Hanoi . Dear November facility 2 in Ba Dinh gives me a relatively different feeling compared to the first facility. Even though it still maintains the wooden door frame decor and rustic style in arranging furniture in the shop, I find this establishment a bit more lowkey :)) Quieter, gentler, and best of all, the drinks are made with high quality. more meticulous quality ☺️ There is also a very unique black cat in the shop, lying on one of the customer's chairs :))) . ☕️ Twilight (coldbrew + salty cream), Iced Latte, Salted cream jasmine tea The menu has a few more Signature dishes: Dear May - Dear November - Dear December (matcha/coffee/chocolate combined with fresh milk, whip cream, respectively), Honeycomb (coffee, fresh milk, sugar candy, coconut cream), Cocoffee ( coconut milk coffee), Dearest (coffee, fresh milk, banana, salty cream) - quite a strange combination, Romance (coffee, fresh milk, butter candy) 💰 30,000 - 55,000 ⏰ 8:00 - 22:30 ⭐️ 4/5 . #historicallandmarks #localguides #goodfoods #foodphotography #coffeeshop #cafe
P Moments 原本是河內一家著名的麵包店,提供生日蛋糕、糕點等。今天,P 已經擴展,讓年輕人可以坐在店裡享受每日新鮮烘焙的熱蛋糕和美味的咖啡。這次 P 的新店址位於一座古老的別墅中,面積相對較大。P 保留了一些老房子的原有狀況,如兩個烤箱、木質屋頂等,這些部分在河內市中心創造了一個古老的空間。除了每當陽光初現時的昂貴虛擬角落,P 也是一個安靜的空間,讓你每個週末都可以和朋友一起坐下來放鬆。也許不需要多說什麼,因為我拍的照片已經清楚地表達了 P 想要給顧客的氛圍。新開業時間難免會有一些錯誤,我有一些意見並表示理解,希望下次 P 能更加完善,迎接更多新客人。 P 的蛋糕價格相當便宜(每塊約 20k - 30k)。我建議你嘗試一下糕點系列,麵糰部分是手工製作的,所以食品質量與工業麵包店非常不同。至於飲料,有一款龍奶茶,容易入口,適合年輕人,而鹽咖啡我仍希望能有更多的鹹味。
This is a cafe that many of my friends have recommended to me since I was in the hospital, so I'm quite excited and have high expectations. The shop is located in a quiet alley on Vuong Thua Vu street, remember to go slowly or you will be overtaken. Looking from outside the restaurant reminds me of the Warehouse in De La Thanh. The restaurant has two floors, quite large space and many seats. There will be both high tables for those who work and low tables for those who come to chat. The space on the first floor is quite dark, studying will be harmful to your eyes 🤔 The second floor is more spacious, brighter and more beautiful, but for those of you who have seen my insta story, there is a couple kissing in the corner. So I didn't dare go in and take a photo even though it was very beautiful ☹️ and it also made me feel down about the shop. The second floor has a small balcony, lots of green trees, studying and working here is very wonderful. There is a bit of a vibe here that reminds us of musician Trinh Cong Son with his melodious photos and songs. The space is rustic, vintage and a bit old. If you want to find a place like the Warehouse, like the End of the Alley, this will be the right choice. But the main part of today's review is here: please avoid going to the shop in the afternoon, or returning in the afternoon because you will pass Truong Chinh section - and you also know that this road is as clogged as it is after work. Anyway, today I was waiting in traffic and felt like I was going to write a hundred reviews for you all 🥺 ☕️ I ordered a small amount of ice (30k) and received half a cup, a bit muddy. For those who are used to ordering a little ice like me, this will be quite a sadness. The shop uses glass straws and the drinks are a bit sweet, but the nice staff managed to save my low mood a bit #localguides #historicallandmarks #goodfoods #foodphotography #coffeeshop #cafe
最近很多人問我關於書店咖啡館的事。除了東西書店咖啡館,今天我還去了海巴中街的書店咖啡館。餐廳空間寬敞,有戶外庭院和室內空間。戶外庭院適合想聊天或喜歡開放空間的客人,室內空間則涼爽安靜,適合想學習和工作的客人。總的來說,書店咖啡館的空間通常相當簡單,重點是為顧客提供一個僻靜的學習空間,沒有角落可以拍虛擬照片(也許這是店鋪總是平靜的主要原因)。這裡的桌椅都是半高椅,配有軟墊,讓你可以長時間坐著而不會感到疲倦。店鋪旨在為年輕人提供一個閱讀和工作的文化空間。我們希望人們來到店鋪時,能夠保持公共空間,避免噪音影響周圍的人^^ ☕️菜單相當簡單,但從咖啡到茶都很齊全,價格也很實惠,適合學生。如果你正在尋找一個價格合理、質量好的學習/工作咖啡館,可以來書店咖啡館。我點了一杯椰子咖啡和一杯梨汁,兩者都很好喝,但梨汁有點甜。
有一日早上落大雨,我無啦啦走咗出去,唔知點解,但幸運地我搵到咗個避雨嘅好地方:Random Tea Room而家搬咗去新嘅地方,仲有新嘅裝潢。以前嘅舖頭係清新嘅薄荷綠色,今次舖頭揀咗一個深紅色嘅色調,啱晒今年嘅秋冬季節。我見到嘅空間依然係細細地同埋靚靚地,但由枱椅到牆貼都裝飾得好精緻,為年青人創造咗一個下午茶嘅空間。嗰日我一個人坐喺度,外面天氣又凍又落雨,入面溫暖嘅黃燈同埋柔和嘅音樂令我想第二日都嚟坐。Random Tea Room我最鍾意嘅係舖頭有清晰嘅規定,一張枱只可以坐四個客人(所以如果你有五個或以上嘅人嚟,舖頭唔會再接待多啲客人),客人坐嘅時候要小心。餐廳嘅安靜時間,星期六同星期日有好多客人,所以你應該限制行來行去影相。對於嚟影相嘅服裝店,你哋需要預約同埋支付費用。 ☕️我嗰日叫咗一杯杏桃茶,味道清淡同埋適中嘅甜。嗰日我已經食咗早餐,所以冇再食蛋糕。我諗我可能要揀個下午再嚟享受蛋糕同埋熱茶。