海防機加酒自由行 - 旅行套票優惠

Sat, Jul 27
Sun, Jul 28
  • 珠江酒店公寓


    (Pearl River Hotel)

    4.3/544 評價 | 距離市中心 5.3 km
    由香港飛往海防 | 搜尋平價機票優惠
    高級雙床房 禁煙
  • 海防日航酒店


    (Hotel Nikko Hai Phong)

    4.8/5330 評價 | 距離市中心 10.8 km
    由香港飛往海防 | 搜尋平價機票優惠
  • 吉婆島天堂酒店


    (Cat ba Paradise Hotel - Sky Bar & Massage)

    4.3/540 評價吉婆島 | 距離市中心 0 km
    由香港飛往海防 | 搜尋平價機票優惠
    • 包括早餐
  • 火烈鳥吉婆海灘度假村


    (Flamingo Premium Cat Ba Beach Resort)

    4.2/576 評價吉婆島 | 距離市中心 41.9 km
    由香港飛往海防 | 搜尋平價機票優惠
    • 包括早餐
  • 海防羅伊贊特公園酒店


    (Roygent Parks Hai Phong)

    4.8/512 評價 | 距離市中心 4.2 km
    由香港飛往海防 | 搜尋平價機票優惠
  • 盛捷中央TD海防市公寓酒店


    (Somerset Central TD Hai Phong City)

    4.4/565 評價海防市區 | 距離市中心 2.4 km
    由香港飛往海防 | 搜尋平價機票優惠


香港 (HKG)飛往 海防 (HPH)

  • 2228
  • 8月

  • 511
  • 1218
  • 1925
  • 9月

  • 28
  • 915
  • 1622
  • 2329
  • 10月

  • 713


#vietnamtrip Great example of wood architecture with spectacular proportioning in design. Awesome wood carving works! Documents say in the main hall there are as many as 368 carvings, 252 of the interior and 116 of the exterior, featuring popular motifs like plants, auspcious animals and many meticulous "dragon nests". Next door to the main hall sits a small temple dedicated to Confucius and some most revered Vietnamese scholars: Chu Van An, Le Ich Moc, Tran Tat Van and Nguyen Binh Khiem. Also found in the same place some old steles bearing names of scholars passing mandarin exams between 1460- 1693.
#vietnamtrip This is a must visit cafe!! Not just Instagram worthy but also has great food and drinks. I got the panda milk tea and salted Vietnamese coffee along with the healthy fruit bowl. They were all delicious. They paid attention to all the little details. Staff was very welcoming and friendly. Prices are also reasonable. They have clean washrooms. 10/10 cafe.
時間:Friday, 22 December 2023 場館:Nhà hát tháng Tám 多才多藝的越南🌟音樂男歌手QUANG DŨNG海防開唱,一起來看下被稱為越南第三大城市的海防有哪些值得打卡的景點吧~ 1、吉婆島 吉婆島上地形複雜多變,有懸崖峭壁、峽谷深壑、沙灘、熱帶樹林、沼澤窪地以及僻靜的村子。為了保護這多樣化的生態系統和野生動植物,一半左右的吉婆島已在1986年被當地有關部門列為吉婆國家公園。這裡比較有名的物種是瀕危的吉婆葉猴,一種金髮的小猴種,留著可愛的龐克搖滾髮型。而島上的居民都集中在島嶼南部的吉婆鎮上。 2、下龍灣 下龍灣是越南知名的風景勝地,以景色瑰麗、秀美而出名,並被列入了世界自然遺產名錄。這裡有大大小小2000多塊姿態各異的石頭矗立在平靜的海面上,因酷似中國廣西的桂林山水,又被稱為“海上桂林”。 3、吉婆國家公園 吉婆島上有一大片漫無邊際的原始森林,越南政府已經將這片原始森林劃為國家自然保護區,即吉婆國家公園。保護區內生長著眾多的珍貴樹木,森林裡繁殖棲息著多種珍禽異獸,是一座巨大的天然動植物園。 在超過25年的歌手生涯中,Quang Dung用許多抒情歌曲,給大家留下了深厚的記憶,一起在海防聆聽他的聲音吧~
#vietnamtrip Hospital cave is a quick stopover for Cat Ba island visitors interested in learning more about the Vietnam-American war. Hospital cave is located on the way to Cat Ba National Park and is only accessible by private transportation. Steep stone staircases bring guests to the cave entrance high up in the mountain at the site. During the Vietnam War, the hospital cave served as a crucial hiding site for communists. It is invisible from the ground or the air, and it is also bomb-proof. With Chinese assistance, a hospital and safe house for the North Vietnamese soldiers were established inside the cave, as the name implies. Entry fee is applicable.
#vietnamtrip Hải Phòng Museum is a cultural gem nestled in the heart of the vibrant city of Hải Phòng, Vietnam. The museum offers visitors a captivating journey through the rich history and diverse heritage of this coastal region. Housed in a modern and well-maintained facility, the museum showcases a comprehensive collection of artifacts, exhibits, and interactive displays. One of the museum's highlights is its in-depth exploration of Hải Phòng's maritime history, reflecting its importance as a major port city. Visitors can trace the evolution of the region from ancient times to the present day, gaining insights into the cultural, economic, and social development that shaped Hải Phòng. The museum's exhibits are thoughtfully curated, providing a balance between historical artifacts and contemporary installatio