



4.1/540 評價


I had a terrible experience in this hotel at the end of August. Someone(s) broke into my room for 2 consecutive days with my door confirmed locked. The hotel didn't treat me seriously, they couldn't provide any convincing explanation or compensation. I went there for a business trip and had booked this hotel for 10 nights. The break in incident happened in the early morning 5:30am after my first sleep. I heard someone tried to open my door, but because I had locked it, so the intruder shaked the handle a few times, and eventually it did open!!! I went down and reported to the reception directly and asked if there was any CCTV. The staff said she didn't know...had to wait for her colleague to come back to answer me in the evening....by then i was told that there was no CCTV in this hotel...and they admitted it was one of their staff who broke into my room!!! I requested an explanation, the front desk only said it would not happen again. I requested to meet the duty manager, she said the manager would talk to me tomorrow....this is how they treated this security issue and code of conduct ”seriously”. Totally unacceptable. I could only go back to my room for the 2nd night. But then at 7:15am in the next morning, there was someone broke into my room again!! With a loud door closing sound, which i even more confirmed then the first time. The intruder went out as well before showing his/her face. It was unbelievable!!! I reported to the front desk again but they seemed not believe in me. Said it was not their staff this time and it was impossible to unlock the door with other cards. Long story short, it took me a whole day again in order to talk to the duty manager. And i personally showed her how to unlock my door using her card. She was finally speechless and arranged a new room for me. She said would investigate But I still could not receive a solid explanation in the next day and really felt unsafe. I was not able to sleep well and was super alert to different sounds. The next day the GM finally met me, but then still no compensation or with any gesture of apology. Didn't feel i was treated seriously so I decided to change the hotel for personal safety. They still charged me the fee for the 3 days. This was my worst hotel experience ever. Highly NOT recommend this hotel for all Amersfoort travelers. Safety first! #AccorGroup #MercureHotel #Amersfoort #Netherlands #JohnWebb #AdamMansour



4.1/540 評價
I had a terrible experience in this hotel at the end of August. Someone(s) broke into my room for 2 consecutive days with my door confirmed locked. The hotel didn't treat me seriously, they couldn't provide any convincing explanation or compensation. I went there for a business trip and had booked this hotel for 10 nights. The break in incident happened in the early morning 5:30am after my first sleep. I heard someone tried to open my door, but because I had locked it, so the intruder shaked the handle a few times, and eventually it did open!!! I went down and reported to the reception directly and asked if there was any CCTV. The staff said she didn't know...had to wait for her colleague to come back to answer me in the evening....by then i was told that there was no CCTV in this hotel...and they admitted it was one of their staff who broke into my room!!! I requested an explanation, the front desk only said it would not happen again. I requested to meet the duty manager, she said the manager would talk to me tomorrow....this is how they treated this security issue and code of conduct ”seriously”. Totally unacceptable. I could only go back to my room for the 2nd night. But then at 7:15am in the next morning, there was someone broke into my room again!! With a loud door closing sound, which i even more confirmed then the first time. The intruder went out as well before showing his/her face. It was unbelievable!!! I reported to the front desk again but they seemed not believe in me. Said it was not their staff this time and it was impossible to unlock the door with other cards. Long story short, it took me a whole day again in order to talk to the duty manager. And i personally showed her how to unlock my door using her card. She was finally speechless and arranged a new room for me. She said would investigate But I still could not receive a solid explanation in the next day and really felt unsafe. I was not able to sleep well and was super alert to different sounds. The next day the GM finally met me, but then still no compensation or with any gesture of apology. Didn't feel i was treated seriously so I decided to change the hotel for personal safety. They still charged me the fee for the 3 days. This was my worst hotel experience ever. Highly NOT recommend this hotel for all Amersfoort travelers. Safety first! #AccorGroup #MercureHotel #Amersfoort #Netherlands #JohnWebb #AdamMansour
3.7/562 評價
Best Western Plus Berghotel Amersfoort
3.9/553 評價
We were on a coach trip from 17th - 21st April. Unfortunately my husband fell ill the day before we were to leave & had to go to hospital near by, they operated on him on Friday. I would just like to say that all the Berghotel staff went beyond making my extended stay very comfortable and they helped me by sending emails & printing documents out, nothing was too much trouble. I thanked them all.
4/512 評價
Op de site gemakkelijk gereserveerd,  je moest wel 100% vooruit betalen. (Inplaats je creditcard als zekerheid te geven) (Later zag ik dat sommige gewoon achteraf konden betalen)  De balie werd bemand door een jongedame. Die blinkt niet uit in welkome vriendelijkheid. Later vroeg ik of ze eurobriefje in munt geld kon wisselen omdat hun hotel automaat alleen muntgeld accepteren. Dat heb ik niet,  was het antwoord. Inplaats van zelf aanbieden vroeg ik of ik wat uit de bar mocht. Dat kon uiteindelijk,  pff. Het hotel is recent geopend. Kamer 239 oogt nieuw. Toilet was niet 100% schoon.  Restaurant,  de jongens die er rond liepen hebben geen horeca ervaring, of moet KFC zijn. Had een goulash soepje vooraf, was niet lang genoeg in de magnetron geweest. Daarna had is spare ribs, die hadden wat langer voorgegaard moeten worden. Kreeg geen extra servetten of een citroen doekje. Mocht je je handen gebruiken om te eten. Maar ook geen bakje of extra bord voor de botjes. En tempo is ook niet erg hoog. Locatie is buiten Amersfoort, maar je zit zo in de stad. Bedden prima. Overal door het hotel hangen oude foto's van Amersfoort, erg leuk Wifi is in mijn kamer zeer instabiel, labtop deed het zelfs niet. tv ned 3 en sbs6 worden op de tv gescrambled. Nog navraag naar gedaan maar ze wisten niet waarom.  Ontbijt goed compleet,  zelfs met een egg-station station. Wel is het in deze tijd dat het ontbijt ”maar” tot 9 uur is. Ipv je nu veel ziet in hotels to 10 of 11 uur. 
4.2/560 評價
阿默斯福特NH 酒店
4.1/546 評價
到達時與旋轉門進行了小搏鬥(非常尷尬),工作人員非常貼心,確保我沒事。Prosecco 帶到房間,作爲酒店的免費手勢,這是一個美妙的驚喜。餐廳的一頓特別的餐,比如羞恥它是如此安靜,如果你留下來去餐廳,支持酒店。房間很棒。整個體驗很棒,迫不及待地想回來。喜歡NH範圍。


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雖然阿默斯福特這個城市並不大,但依然有性價比不錯的酒店。阿默斯福特的酒店物美價廉,只需約613 HKD就能在當地不錯的酒店住上一晚。阿默斯福特有6家四星級酒店,平均每晚777 HKD。阿默斯福特有4家三星級酒店,平均每晚487 HKD。阿默斯福特有1家二星級酒店,平均每晚487 HKD。阿默斯福特匯聚了眾多知名連鎖酒店,無論您是商務出行還是旅遊入住,都很合適。阿默斯福特有美爵的連鎖酒店,喜歡這個品牌的遊客可以選擇入住,享受美爵提供的優質服務。如若您對旅行住宿比較有要求,在阿默斯福特還是挺容易找到舒適酒店的,像美爵旗下的酒店就很好。阿默斯福特潤唐布魯克酒店(Hotel Randenbroek)是Trip.com客人最喜歡入住的酒店之一。除此之外,德塔巴克斯普朗特酒店(Hotel de Tabaksplant)也是遊客們常去的酒店。

另外,當地評價最高的景點還有:Marienhof Culinary Museum (Culinair Museum Marienhof)。










