La Licorne 水療酒店是一家位於特魯瓦市中心的美憬閣系列五星級精品酒店,您可以盡情探索這裏的歷史。這家列入遺產名錄的酒店在幾個世紀以來發揮着各種功能,但始終與獨角獸 (Licorne) 這個充滿想象力的名字聯繫在一起。在這個大教堂區,半木結構房屋和教堂與博物館和商店比鄰而建。您可以一邊探索這裏的中世紀歷史,一邊縱情於您的想象力。
聖喬治公寓酒店提供給探索這座城市的旅客一個理想之地。 在特魯瓦對於商務旅客或休閒旅行的人來說,聖喬治公寓酒店提供了舒適的住宿。 酒店方便客人前往TROYES站,只需400m。 Mills Park,Salle de sport Troyes - Magic Form - Boulevard 14 Juillet和Maison de l'Outil et de la Pensee Ouvriere都在短距離內,在此區域可以參與多元的活動。 結束一整天的觀光行程,客人可在舒適的酒店休息。 特魯瓦酒店在網站上提供停車場。
Ideal location quirky hotel. apartment itself was nice if you like old creaky boards and old fashioned wallpaper. The rooms were comfortable enough and the staff member was excellent. Note car parking is very very tight. I have a Xc90 Volvo which just made it!! Troyes is lovely. The hotel is within 3-4 mins walk. Don’t bother with breakfast head into the main square for it ! Note trying to find it was hard as the sign is very small!
The building is located in a renovation area of old mills and industrial heritage buildings. Most of the building is new but part is a conversion. The external entrance is completely unfinished but you don’t need to stay in it.! There is underground parking but used outdoor courtyard space due to the height of the car. The apartment was amazing, hugely spacious, very adaptable heating, included electric blinds as well as curtains. Plentiful towels bath mat et cetera in the shower room. The wet room is suitable for anyone, not romantic but functional. The toilet is rather high so not so good if you’re very short. Reception was very good although other than giving out keys and taking them back again and saying hello and goodbye when going out I didn’t have to have to ask them to do anything special. I didn’t try for breakfast but having put my head round the door of the dining room saw an amazing view over the mill race ( but it didn’t look like breakfast had been plentiful) . Having said that there are loads and loads of restaurants etc within a few minutes walk away. Troyes was a total gobsmacking delight of a place and having only needed to stay for one night I’m determined to go back and stay for several nights and I’m definitely very happy to book the same accommodation again. I can see that the accommodation is shared to some extent with accommodation for seniors however everyone has to stay somewhere and I’m happy to share with people of any age.