





4.3/544 評價


河畔區 曼谷|距離律實宮0.54km
Amazing views and great location! Plus we loved the onsite restaurant and separate rooftop bar. Friendly staff, modern (recently updated) rooms, reliable wifi. So close to a ferry stop, Wat Pho and Wat Arun. Worth looking on Google Maps street view before arriving - yes this amazing property is at the end of an alleyway with an entry off a pedestrian passage under buildings. Two big steps up to the front door (think converted loading dock) and then no elevator. So as long as you don't mind steps this is a great property! We arrived around 8am, dropped our bags (they put our briefcase in a locked office, all was safe and accounted for when we returned about 4pm). As of Feb 2023 the hop-on/hop-off boat stop is under renovation, but a super cheap ferry is just a short block away to take you across the river to Wat Arun and the hop-on/hop-off boat stop there. You are just a block away from Wat Pho and easy walking distance to many other attractions. Front desk staff is effective and friendly. We don't speak Thai and language was no problem. They took good care of us and gave good advice. When our grab app wasn't talking to our phone data, they were happy to arrange for a taxi. Note the rooms are quite modern - platform bed, glass shower stall (and privacy curtain) with no wall to the bedroom, etc. We chose not-super flexible prepaid rate that included breakfast. This is one of the best hotel breakfasts we have ever had. Beautiful view, many courses, western and Thai choices. Every table gets housemaid cocoa puffs (yes, you read that right), yogurt, mini fruit smoothie, fruit selection and charcuterie. And then you order your main courses! Oh and I think there was also a bread basket. They accomodate gluten free no problem. The fruit was amazing, some items we didn't even know what they were but it was all very tasty. For room selection, note that the non-river view rooms have great rooftop views of Wat Pho. There are no guest rooms on the ground floor or US 2nd floor/European 1st floor on the non-river side of the structure, so no rooms are looking only at neighboring buildings



4.4/548 評價
I enjoyed my stay here. It was a great location- just around the corner from Khao San road. The bed was very comfortable and the room was clean. The only downside was that the only window in the room was internal- looking out on the corridor to the lifts and above the lobby- so I had to leave the curtain closed throughout my stay for privacy. I didn't mind this though as I was out most hours of the day. The roof-top an pool was great!
4.3/544 評價
Amazing views and great location! Plus we loved the onsite restaurant and separate rooftop bar. Friendly staff, modern (recently updated) rooms, reliable wifi. So close to a ferry stop, Wat Pho and Wat Arun. Worth looking on Google Maps street view before arriving - yes this amazing property is at the end of an alleyway with an entry off a pedestrian passage under buildings. Two big steps up to the front door (think converted loading dock) and then no elevator. So as long as you don't mind steps this is a great property! We arrived around 8am, dropped our bags (they put our briefcase in a locked office, all was safe and accounted for when we returned about 4pm). As of Feb 2023 the hop-on/hop-off boat stop is under renovation, but a super cheap ferry is just a short block away to take you across the river to Wat Arun and the hop-on/hop-off boat stop there. You are just a block away from Wat Pho and easy walking distance to many other attractions. Front desk staff is effective and friendly. We don't speak Thai and language was no problem. They took good care of us and gave good advice. When our grab app wasn't talking to our phone data, they were happy to arrange for a taxi. Note the rooms are quite modern - platform bed, glass shower stall (and privacy curtain) with no wall to the bedroom, etc. We chose not-super flexible prepaid rate that included breakfast. This is one of the best hotel breakfasts we have ever had. Beautiful view, many courses, western and Thai choices. Every table gets housemaid cocoa puffs (yes, you read that right), yogurt, mini fruit smoothie, fruit selection and charcuterie. And then you order your main courses! Oh and I think there was also a bread basket. They accomodate gluten free no problem. The fruit was amazing, some items we didn't even know what they were but it was all very tasty. For room selection, note that the non-river view rooms have great rooftop views of Wat Pho. There are no guest rooms on the ground floor or US 2nd floor/European 1st floor on the non-river side of the structure, so no rooms are looking only at neighboring buildings
4.4/511 評價
4.5/521 評價
如果你喜歡阿倫寺的華麗景色,並觀看沿河的生活,那麼就不要比阿倫河畔更遠。從阿倫寺直接對面的景色令人驚歎,特別是在晚上燈光亮的時候。我們的房間,3樓的河景套房,大小舒適,有一張特大牀,沙發,現代化的浴室和小陽台。含早餐非常好,有幾種選擇。工作人員很愉快,樂於助人。該地區也是步行到其他受歡迎的(老曼谷)景點(大皇宮,Wat Phra Kaew,Wat Pho)的短途旅行。有一件事要記住...沒有電梯,所以如果你在更高的樓層(我的建議)你會有樓梯來應付,雖然工作人員會幫助把你的行李送到房間。
4.3/5229 評價
4.7/595 評價
Very nice and comfortable boutique hotel. The hotel is located in a nice part of Bangkok, close to some points of interest,such as Chinatown, Wat Po, Museum Siam, Grand Palace, and many temples. Everything was really nice. Not only the location, but the people were friendly and engaging.  The hotel is close to the Chaopraya River. so you get an incredible view at night. The decoration is minimal and pleasant to the eyes. The staff are really lovely and helpful, and the hotel is neat and clean. I will definitely come back again.






曼谷的交通方式有很多種,包含計程車、嘟嘟車(Tuk Tuk)、船以及地鐵等,因此非常方便自由行。計程車和嘟嘟車比較容易遇到塞車問題,而且也有可能遇到被司機坑錢的問題,不過多人一起分擔車錢的話會是很好的選擇。地鐵則是有冷氣且準時的舒服選擇,其中包含高空中鐵路(BTS)、地下鐵路(MRT),還有曼谷機場快線 Airport Rail Link(ARL)。


由於曼谷有兩個機場,剛剛提到的機場快線只有在素萬那普國際機場(BKK)才能搭乘,車程約 20- 30 分鐘即可抵達市區轉乘 MRT 或是 BTS。如果不選擇機場快線,可以搭乘計程車或是包車去市區,想要省錢的話可以搭巴士,抵達市區有不同路線可以選擇,但所需要的時間就比較長,自行斟酌。



目前 BTS 有兩條線,入住鄰近 BTS 的曼谷酒店更是方便自由行。遊客可購買磁卡或是一日卡,可在 24 小時內無限搭乘,或是購買兔兔卡(Rabbit Card),類似香港的八達通。但是唯一麻煩的是兔兔卡不能在 MRT 使用。 MRT 兩站以上的車費比 BTS 便宜,歷史也比較悠久,有較多當地人搭乘,單程一樣使用感應卡,也可購買儲值卡不過這張卡只能用在 MRT,有沒有需要就看個人需要了!


曼谷屬於熱帶氣候,整體來說炎熱潮濕,尤其以 4 月份最熱,高溫可達 35 度,在夏季前往曼谷旅遊的遊客一定要注意防曬和補充水分,否則很容易中暑。而曼谷五月到十月間的夏季比較潮濕,十一月開始冬天則較為乾燥,但是低溫也會有 20度以上,因此在寒冷的冬天其實可以前往曼谷享受相對較溫暖的陽光喔,曼谷酒店當中亦有不少設有無邊際泳池等設施,定能讓你好好享受假期。


  1. 洽圖洽周末市集
  2. 洽圖洽周末市集
  3. 洽圖洽周末市集

  1. 洽圖洽周末市集
  2. 到曼谷自由行怎能錯過只有週末才營業的洽圖洽周末市集!這個曼谷景點佔地 14 公頃,並有 15000 多個攤位!看也知道要安排足夠的時間才能逛得過癮,不只商品選擇多東西更是物美價廉,想要購物的你來這裡準沒錯!市集裡面有各曼谷美食但是是開放式的空間,記得穿的清涼一些來血拼!

  3. 大皇宮
  4. 談及曼谷景點推介,怎能不提大皇宮?大皇宮是早期曼谷王朝最重要的皇室建築,不但供皇室居住也拿來接待外賓,因此建築富麗堂皇,十分壯觀。而大皇宮內必逛的玉佛寺,金碧輝煌,寺內的玉佛是由整塊翡翠雕琢而成,是泰國相當重要的佛教聖地。

  5. 美功鐵道市集
  6. 美功鐵道市集算是世界奇觀之一,平時看起來就像是傳統市場的鐵道市集,小販販賣各種生鮮、魚肉,而當火車準備經過時店家們才會在最後一刻用最快的速度把東西收起,火車經過後又秒速恢復攤位,可以說是名副其實的在鐵路上的市場。

  7. 安帕瓦水上市場
  8. 安帕瓦水上市場是屬於比較多當地人的水上市集,自由行旅客的最愛,由於離曼谷市區遠一些,因此常常會與美功鐵道市集以及夜晚的賞螢活動結合為一日遊行程,如果時間比較充裕的朋友也可以安排在這邊過夜,河邊有許多清幽寧靜的住宿選擇。

  9. 拉差達火車夜市

曼谷交通最方便的火車夜市 – 拉差達火車夜市,美食、服飾及文創商品應有盡有,當然也有夜生活少不了的酒吧夜店,而拉差達火車夜市最有名的莫過於空拍畫面,在夜市旁的高樓上往下眺望,可以看見整齊的夜市攤位非常壯觀,也是讓這裡成為人氣曼谷景點的原因之一。



  1. 曼谷鉑爾曼皇權酒店
  2. 談及曼谷酒店推介,怎能不提曼谷鉑爾曼皇權酒店?跟免稅商店相連的曼谷鉑爾曼皇權酒店是喜歡購物的你的好選擇,這家曼谷五星級酒店設施完善、空間寬敞,房間內提供按摩 Spa 浴缸,公共設施包含室外游泳池、蒸氣浴等等,讓無論是出差或是旅遊的客人都能得到充分的放鬆。

  3. 雙子塔酒店
  4. 同樣位於曼谷市中心的雙子塔酒店,風格以現代時尚為主軸,設施完善,非常適合入住。這家曼谷酒店附設專門的按摩水療中心,提供傳統的泰式按摩供旅客享受,公共設施還包含溫泉浴場、游泳池、健身中心等,充分滿足各位的需求。

  5. 曼谷拉查丹利中心酒店

在中央世界購物中心、四面佛附近的曼谷拉查丹利中心酒店,位置十分優越,酒店風格以絢麗豪華風格為主,讓人彷彿來到城堡中般。酒店設施有室外游泳池、兒童游泳池、健身設施、Spa 療程室、蒸氣室、飯店內附設遊樂場,是不錯的曼谷親子酒店選擇。



  1. 芒果糯米飯 Mae Varee
  2. 據說全曼谷最好吃的芒果糯米飯,糯米飯口感、芒果甜度、椰漿濃稠度都適中剛好。位於 BTS「Thong Lor 站」步行 3 分鐘,價錢稍為偏貴,但這可能就是美食的代價吧!

  3. Mr. Joe Crispy Pork
  4. 獲選為曼谷米其林必比登街頭美食的必吃脆皮燒肉店,外觀不起眼的 Mr. Joe Crispy Pork,位在 BTS Saphan Taksin,豬雜湯與脆皮燒肉可謂必點,脆皮燒肉吃起來外皮非常酥脆也沒有任何腥味,下次去曼谷可以嘗試。

  5. 鄭良明Arunwan

同樣是米其林街頭美食的鄭良明,距離 BTS Ekkamai 步行要 20 分鐘,可以搭乘 Tuk Tuk 或計程車前往,主商品為豬雜、餛飩、炸豬肉可以配搭乾麵或湯麵。脆皮豬肉餛飩麵,可以讓你一次過品嚐到三樣必試美食,彈牙的麵條還有酥脆的脆皮豬肉,讓人感到滿足。

看畢以上的曼谷自由行介紹,想馬上出發曼谷?馬上在 Trip.com 預訂查看各曼谷酒店推介,以及曼谷機票優惠吧!
