





別府 ANA 度假村及水療中心洲際酒店 - IHG 旗下飯店
4.7/562 評價

別府 ANA 度假村及水療中心洲際酒店 - IHG 旗下飯店

鐵輪温泉 別府|距離市中心4.67km
Overall, I felt the hotel was very nicely done with great local touches while still keeping an international atmosphere. I also wanted to point out the great flexibility of the hotel, allowing me to change my meal reservations from 3 dinners at Elements (I was on a package deal) to one at Elements and combining the remaining two meals at Elements to a dinner at Atelier. This allowed me to not have to dine at the same restaurant as well as opening up a slot for me to explore a local restaurant. However, there were two things that I'd like to point out that the hotel can improve upon. The first is the staffing at the club lounge (and in general) is not enough. There were many moments where I was left to wait, to the point where using standard facilities (like the check-in counter, or breakfast at Elements) would have been a more positive experience. Breakfast on 12/21 was where the understaffing really showed, where it took over an hour to complete breakfast; many guests left in the middle of their meal since service was horribly slow. However, the second point us what I would really want the hotel to work on - CoVID countermeasures. Largely, two things I'd like to point out. (1) Temperature screening us inconsistent. I was checked when I first arrived, but never anytime afterwards (or should I say, the thermometer station was unmanned). (2) During my meal at Atelier, my wife and I noticed that the staff (He was Italian, I think his name is Marco?) preparing the dishes (in the open kitchen) prepping a sauce, tasting it with the same spoon which was quickly rinsed it under the faucet and returned into the mixing bowl. I pointed this out to one of the servers (Japanese male, responsible for serving and explaining the dishes). This is where I felt the hotel can improve on - in detail, three things. (i) The Japanese server proceeded to quietly scold the staff in front of me, I felt that was not a great experience both for myself and the staff. (ii) Nothing was cleared. After the scolding (and then the staff responding back that he did not put the spoon back in) none of the utensils were changed and no follow up. I guess there is no trust in what a customer points out. And finally (iii) I felt that this is at the fault of the hotel for not putting in proper operation guidelines.A person putting together a meal will need to taste it, to make sure it's good. If the hotel were to put in operational guidelines to ensure tasting can be done while still making it very obvious that it is hygienic, I would not have to be writing this email. Needless to say, our dinner experience was ruined that night. I actually shared the above comment with IHG Guest Relations (on 25 Dec), which the agent was extremely prompt on getting back to me and assured that I would get a response back from the hotel about it within 48 hours. Unfortunately, the hotel never contacted me. I then asked guest relations again (on 5 Jan) to follow up with th
4.7/546 評價


We were a bit hesitant ourselves about this ryokan - we've been spoiled in staying at some of the very top ryokans throughout the country, and while Amane Resort Gahama is highly rated and understood this property to be kid-friendly, we weren't sure if it would meet our own high bar. Thankfully, our concerns were completely unfounded. It deftly balances the needs for discerning adults while at the same time doing a wonderful job catering to the needs of young families. This was part of a multi-generation trip, with four families (two of them with two young children each) and four total rooms as part of our booking. While Amane Resort Gahama (and its sister property, Amane Resort Seikai) is located along a bustling street in a nondescript area of Beppu (and next to KFC as well as Nitori, a large home furniture store), once we stepped inside we were ushered into a different world. Namely, the panoramic view of the ocean gave the ryokan an air of tranquility. We booked four rooms - all in the tower (there are separate Villas on site, but we wanted the view.) All of the rooms were Japanese-Western style with a generous 90 square meters of space. Two of the rooms were on the third floor, one was on the fifth floor, and one was a ”special room” on the top floor (10F.) Of the four, I'd say that the fifth floor room was my preference, in that it allowed unobstructed views (the Villa rooftops were visible when peering out of the balcony of the 3F rooms) that were not too far off from the 10F room, and it had a bedroom that was separate from the living room, whereas the 10F special room was an open, junior suite style. Somehow, it also seemed that the top floor room was a bit tighter in space, despite the specifications. All rooms offered both indoor and outdoor Onsen (hot springs) baths, and that's what we were after. Of course, the children wanted to enjoy the larger communal baths. Unfortunately, it's located in Seikai, meaning you'd either have to walk outdoors for 5 minutes (through the Nitori parking lot) or take a complimentary shuttle - a bit of a hassle, yes, although we wound up bouncing between both properties for some of our meals (more on that later.) Gahama catered nicely to families with young children. They offered child-sized slippers as well as Yukata and Samue robes that were small enough to even fit a 2-year old. Our meals (for 11 total people) on both nights were served in a private room. And they offered very nice children's meals for both breakfast and dinner - they loved all of the food offerings at this property. At the same time, this ryokan would be equally suitable for adult couples... service is polished and attentive, while both the kaiseki dinner meal and French dinner course (the latter is at Amane Resort Seikai) were sophisticated and beautifully presented. And that's one of the benefits of either of the Amane ryokans - the multiple dining options allowed us to enjoy a diversity of top-notch servings. In the morning, w



天空湯房 清海莊
4.5/545 評價

天空湯房 清海莊

這是一家令我驚艷的日式傳統酒店!原本訂之前還有點忐忑,但入住後深感幸好自己選擇了清海莊! 設施:強烈建議大家訂海側日式房!!!面積很大很乾凈,進房洗手間和淋浴室乾濕分離(攜程上寫房間缺陷是公共浴室,但實際房間有自帶淋浴)拉開屏風映入眼簾的是榻榻米以及一片浪漫的藍色海景,瞬感治癒🥰房內配置的洗浴用品是花王的,好用到我想買一套了~大堂有自助咖啡茶水,入住時預約了頂樓的家庭私湯,配置齊全且景色一流,推薦大家! 環境:酒店大堂有一條直通海邊的小徑,看夕陽和朝陽無敵了,彷彿墜入童話世界。清晨從房內看海邊日出🌅是可以記載進人生片刻的回憶,感謝生命如此美好。 服務:一泊二宿也是相當令人驚艷的體驗。晚餐在二樓,有隔間包廂,食物非常豐富,刺身拼盤極其鮮美,裏面有兩片估計是鰣魚,油脂在口腔爆炸,太美味了~和牛也非常好吃,自己烤樂趣無窮。甜點是清爽的jelly,採用了大分最有名的柚子作為食材,解膩好吃!我還另外點了杯梅子酒兑蘇打水,好大一杯才5500日元,划算!早餐是傳統的日式餐點,白水豆腐超級嫩~服務人員的態度也很友好和善,全程英語溝通無壓力。 以後還想來體驗,推薦來別府的各位小夥伴哦~



4.8/542 評價


這是一家很棒的酒店,擁有海外度假勝地的氛圍,所有房間都有露天浴池。海外的工作人員很多,我覺得這不是日本的溫泉旅館。露台酒吧也很棒,您可以在辦理入住手續時享用迎賓飲品。起泡酒等是用玻璃杯提供的,但是大分縣的特色菜“ Tsuburanakabosu”還是用罐頭提供的,有點令人失望。房間很大,我可以度過輕鬆的時光。您可以在海景露台上坐在椅子上放鬆身心。露天浴池很大(這取決於房間)2即使人們伸展雙腿,也可以放很多東西。外面有淋浴,冬天可能很冷,但是您也可以稍微關閉露天浴池的窗戶。客廳很大,有一台大電視,您可以觀看YouTube。臥室還配有電視。我做的是法式菜,但不幸的是它不適合我們的口味。開胃菜配有梨子和橘子等水果,我基本上喜歡這種東西,但是...醃鮭魚不好。湯和魚菜很好吃。我希望您提供更瘦的肉。甜點也很便宜。這可能是不可避免的,因爲它是一門基本課程。侍酒師推薦的葡萄汁也有些...我可以在貨車上帶來各種葡萄酒,但我希望菜單上顯示所有選擇。這種葡萄汁在玻璃杯中大約是1,500日元,並且要收費水,因此要花很多錢才能喝。如果下次有機會,我想做日本料理。自助早餐有各種各樣的日式和西式菜餚,通常都很好。我很驚訝從早上起泡酒。儘管有自助餐,另一個家庭還是點了“咖啡〇”,但我認爲外國工作人員禮貌地煮咖啡並隨身攜帶它很友善。晚餐令人失望,所以星星減去1,但除此之外,5是完美的。



4.5/526 評價


我度蜜月時用了它 4 天 3 晚。 ●建築物等● 我在這個網站上看到了房間和建築物的狀況,所以我做好了它有點舊的準備,但是建築物的入口保持乾淨,大廳、走廊和房間也乾淨,重新裝修過,感覺乾淨。我住的是面向大海的日式房間,盥洗間和廁所是分開的,很好用。說實話,我懷孕了,去房間裡泡溫泉洗身,所以我覺得房間裡如果有沐浴露就好了。我認為。我想像我這樣的例子不多,所以可能沒有必要(^^;當然,他們提供洗髮水。●做飯●他們很照顧我們住了3晚。我很滿意我的丈夫是肉食者,我是魚食者,所以我對肉和魚的恰到好處以及高品質的食材感到非常滿意。鯖魚新鮮無鹽,但是完全沒有異味!我很驚訝!●浴缸● 水很清澈,很濃,感覺很好。露天浴池的更衣室大部分在外面,所以很冷。所以要小心正值隆冬,四月初,從熱水中出來時,溫度剛剛好。●客服● 目前為止住過的最好的酒店,一切都很愉快。當我在預訂之前通過電子郵件聯繫他們時,儘管我聯繫他們晚了,他們還是禮貌而迅速地回復了我,他們不僅回答了我的問題,我們還可以安心地選擇我們的住宿。負責的女服務員在我們入住期間特別nice,親自祝賀我們蜜月和懷孕期間,在入住期間多次照顧我們,是客服讓我想再次使用他們,我想發很多照片,但可惜的是照片數量有限. ..米飯和配菜陸續出來...從第二天開始,我早晚都不吃午餐,嘗試了米飯。哈哈





4.5/526 評價


我度蜜月時用了它 4 天 3 晚。 ●建築物等● 我在這個網站上看到了房間和建築物的狀況,所以我做好了它有點舊的準備,但是建築物的入口保持乾淨,大廳、走廊和房間也乾淨,重新裝修過,感覺乾淨。我住的是面向大海的日式房間,盥洗間和廁所是分開的,很好用。說實話,我懷孕了,去房間裡泡溫泉洗身,所以我覺得房間裡如果有沐浴露就好了。我認為。我想像我這樣的例子不多,所以可能沒有必要(^^;當然,他們提供洗髮水。●做飯●他們很照顧我們住了3晚。我很滿意我的丈夫是肉食者,我是魚食者,所以我對肉和魚的恰到好處以及高品質的食材感到非常滿意。鯖魚新鮮無鹽,但是完全沒有異味!我很驚訝!●浴缸● 水很清澈,很濃,感覺很好。露天浴池的更衣室大部分在外面,所以很冷。所以要小心正值隆冬,四月初,從熱水中出來時,溫度剛剛好。●客服● 目前為止住過的最好的酒店,一切都很愉快。當我在預訂之前通過電子郵件聯繫他們時,儘管我聯繫他們晚了,他們還是禮貌而迅速地回復了我,他們不僅回答了我的問題,我們還可以安心地選擇我們的住宿。負責的女服務員在我們入住期間特別nice,親自祝賀我們蜜月和懷孕期間,在入住期間多次照顧我們,是客服讓我想再次使用他們,我想發很多照片,但可惜的是照片數量有限. ..米飯和配菜陸續出來...從第二天開始,我早晚都不吃午餐,嘗試了米飯。哈哈



4.7/546 評價


We were a bit hesitant ourselves about this ryokan - we've been spoiled in staying at some of the very top ryokans throughout the country, and while Amane Resort Gahama is highly rated and understood this property to be kid-friendly, we weren't sure if it would meet our own high bar. Thankfully, our concerns were completely unfounded. It deftly balances the needs for discerning adults while at the same time doing a wonderful job catering to the needs of young families. This was part of a multi-generation trip, with four families (two of them with two young children each) and four total rooms as part of our booking. While Amane Resort Gahama (and its sister property, Amane Resort Seikai) is located along a bustling street in a nondescript area of Beppu (and next to KFC as well as Nitori, a large home furniture store), once we stepped inside we were ushered into a different world. Namely, the panoramic view of the ocean gave the ryokan an air of tranquility. We booked four rooms - all in the tower (there are separate Villas on site, but we wanted the view.) All of the rooms were Japanese-Western style with a generous 90 square meters of space. Two of the rooms were on the third floor, one was on the fifth floor, and one was a ”special room” on the top floor (10F.) Of the four, I'd say that the fifth floor room was my preference, in that it allowed unobstructed views (the Villa rooftops were visible when peering out of the balcony of the 3F rooms) that were not too far off from the 10F room, and it had a bedroom that was separate from the living room, whereas the 10F special room was an open, junior suite style. Somehow, it also seemed that the top floor room was a bit tighter in space, despite the specifications. All rooms offered both indoor and outdoor Onsen (hot springs) baths, and that's what we were after. Of course, the children wanted to enjoy the larger communal baths. Unfortunately, it's located in Seikai, meaning you'd either have to walk outdoors for 5 minutes (through the Nitori parking lot) or take a complimentary shuttle - a bit of a hassle, yes, although we wound up bouncing between both properties for some of our meals (more on that later.) Gahama catered nicely to families with young children. They offered child-sized slippers as well as Yukata and Samue robes that were small enough to even fit a 2-year old. Our meals (for 11 total people) on both nights were served in a private room. And they offered very nice children's meals for both breakfast and dinner - they loved all of the food offerings at this property. At the same time, this ryokan would be equally suitable for adult couples... service is polished and attentive, while both the kaiseki dinner meal and French dinner course (the latter is at Amane Resort Seikai) were sophisticated and beautifully presented. And that's one of the benefits of either of the Amane ryokans - the multiple dining options allowed us to enjoy a diversity of top-notch servings. In the morning, w
4.8/542 評價


這是一家很棒的酒店,擁有海外度假勝地的氛圍,所有房間都有露天浴池。海外的工作人員很多,我覺得這不是日本的溫泉旅館。露台酒吧也很棒,您可以在辦理入住手續時享用迎賓飲品。起泡酒等是用玻璃杯提供的,但是大分縣的特色菜“ Tsuburanakabosu”還是用罐頭提供的,有點令人失望。房間很大,我可以度過輕鬆的時光。您可以在海景露台上坐在椅子上放鬆身心。露天浴池很大(這取決於房間)2即使人們伸展雙腿,也可以放很多東西。外面有淋浴,冬天可能很冷,但是您也可以稍微關閉露天浴池的窗戶。客廳很大,有一台大電視,您可以觀看YouTube。臥室還配有電視。我做的是法式菜,但不幸的是它不適合我們的口味。開胃菜配有梨子和橘子等水果,我基本上喜歡這種東西,但是...醃鮭魚不好。湯和魚菜很好吃。我希望您提供更瘦的肉。甜點也很便宜。這可能是不可避免的,因爲它是一門基本課程。侍酒師推薦的葡萄汁也有些...我可以在貨車上帶來各種葡萄酒,但我希望菜單上顯示所有選擇。這種葡萄汁在玻璃杯中大約是1,500日元,並且要收費水,因此要花很多錢才能喝。如果下次有機會,我想做日本料理。自助早餐有各種各樣的日式和西式菜餚,通常都很好。我很驚訝從早上起泡酒。儘管有自助餐,另一個家庭還是點了“咖啡〇”,但我認爲外國工作人員禮貌地煮咖啡並隨身攜帶它很友善。晚餐令人失望,所以星星減去1,但除此之外,5是完美的。


鱷魚 鬼山地獄





5/52 評價
ゆったりと広い客室や予約制の貸切風呂でありながら、コスパがかなり良いです。 年季は入っていますが、この辺の歴史ある民宿さんや旅館の中では普通〜綺麗な方で、何より清潔にしてくださっています。 鉄輪あたりは超高級旅館か、かなり年季の入った古いホテルや湯治利用の方が泊まられる民宿かという感じで極端な印象ですが、こじんまりとしてアットホームでちょうどいい印象を受けました。
別府温泉 新玉旅館
4.3/510 評價
這是一個小家客棧,對貓愛好者來說太棒了。你可以在一個充滿超級友好貓的房間裏度過1小時。他們自制的早餐和晚餐很好吃,非常飽滿 - 你甚至可以在另一個貓房間旁邊吃! 唯一的缺點是位置,離別府站1個短火車站(每40分鐘一班)。有點在居民區,從higashibeppu站步行可以得到一點安靜和黑暗,但總的來說,還是一個很棒的住宿地點!
4.3/543 評價
4.3/557 評價
帶着4歲孩子一家三口住在大地館的日式房間2晚。去之前,因爲在點評裏對料理、接待客人、設施的陳舊評價很多,所以很擔心,但是實際去的時候卻是很好的旅館。我想如果你能看我過去的評論,你會明白,但我意識到對評價很嚴厲。即使這樣我也非常滿意,並且很想給予很高的評價。< 好點> 洗澡最棒的比什麼都好。6樓視野好,但是洗澡本身一般,沒什麼特別之處。推薦的是1樓的洗澡。非常大的露天浴池,單單就很值了。還有泡泡的浴池,像打泡湯和按摩浴缸,孩子玩的很開心。菜品也一般般。當然,有很多酒店提供更好的菜餚,但是沒有發現像壞評論那樣的慘狀。首先,是精心製作的菜餚一半,有點遺憾的菜餚一半呢?如果考慮價格,我想比平均值高。在我々的時候,被多次評論批評的生魚片也是很準確的,而且還被膠捲覆蓋着,以免水氣飛揚。餐廳和走廊都翻新了,非常明亮,現代的氛圍。房間雖然舊,但是維護的很乾淨,沒有不方便。對於大多數工作人員來說,服務也很好。特別是年長的女工作人員,每個人都非常友好,禮貌,感覺很好。房間是12個榻榻米的日式房間,面積足夠大,與前房寬敞。最重要的是,它可以俯瞰別府市和別府灣。酒店的客房還提供免費的早餐, 提供免費的早餐.雖然可能因住宿的房間而異,但至少大地館的所有房間都面向別府灣,所以應該可以欣賞類似的景色。順便說一下,它是9樓。wifi每間房都飛,速度也很快<不好的點>前台男工作人員(稍顯年長)態度讓人很在意還有別人的評論,但是問我不知道的事,也說“因爲是紙上寫的,所以請讀。”確實寫着。特別是下一位不是說等待和擁擠的情況,而是有時間的餘地,但是還是很冷的對應。除了這個人以外,基本上只有溫暖和舒適的人。在未更新的部分,設施的舊之處也令人目不暇接。1樓的溫泉走廊和從窗戶可以看到的建築物的背面。只是說舊了,不髒也不不舒服。就是配的毛巾少了點,有點麻煩。浴巾和手巾每人一張。是這樣的嗎?總體來說,我覺得這是一個非常好的住宿。我認爲過去的糟糕評論正在得到很好的查看和改善。或者是來自同行的騷擾?(這次沒有特別的問題,我認爲) 自信地推薦。
3.8/54 評價
牙刷要自備,房間有洗衣機 附近多幢相似名字的民宿 走15分鐘到達別府站 往大街方向走10分鐘有大型商場youme ,裹面有超市,mcdonald, subway,有gu, uniquo。
4.2/525 評價
這個酒店有點像民宿,不過沒有前台,是自助check in和check out的,入住前需要提前打電話聯繫客服(客服的英文很好),告訴她你的電子郵箱,然後她會把相關訊息發到你的郵箱上,按照郵件步驟登記入住就行。房間很乾凈,也很大,離別府站走路5分鐘左右,交通便利。房間裏有廚房,有條件可以自己做飯。價格比較友好。



最高價格USD 1,712
最低價格USD 25
平均價格(平日)USD 225
平均價格(週末)USD 276



