



4.6/569 評價


One&Only Resorts strive to offer “unique experiences that guests were looking for, but didn’t know they were looking for.” Indeed. I knew this stay was going to be special the moment my designated host presented me with a notebook imprinted with a single word and definition: “Ubuntu. I am because we are.” I don’t speak Zulu nor presume to understand this philosophy after a few days but I am intrigued. It seems to turn the foundations of centuries of western thought defining individualism on its head. Instead of Descartes, “Cogito, ergo sum,” it’s “I exist as a person through other people.” Mind blowing! And yet ubuntu suffuses the One&Only Cape Town experience, manifesting in exceptional personalization, caring, generosity of spirit, respect, teamwork and service with alacrity. The hotel promises rooms and suites that are “the largest in the city.” I believe them. Perhaps I was confused with a VIP, but I received an unexpected upgrade. I did receive a puzzling note from the Guest Experience Manager welcoming me as “a guest of ******* Incorporated” (I have no affiliation with ******* and don’t believe I have ever even used *******… and I certainly didn’t stay as their guest). Regardless of the reason, my one-bedroom Island Grand Suite was enormous. The hotel website indicates a size of 1948 sq ft. but it seemed even larger to me. Spotless, stylish bedroom, bathroom with freestanding soaking tub and dual sinks on opposing walls, walk-in closet, built-in dresser, powder room, living room with fireplace, dining for six indoors and four outdoors, pantry and full kitchen with a professional range and appliances, fully stocked complimentary (except for alcohol) minibar and refreshment center. It made me wish I had some friends in Cape Town to invite over. The suite was not only larger than my first apartment, it was larger (and much more opulently appointed) than my first house. If, like Winston Churchill, you’re a bath enthusiast, there’s no need to choose among bath foam, salts or oil – you have your choice of all three. One fun quirk was that the taps in the bathroom had the cold on the left and hot on the right. In the hall powder room this was reversed with hot on the right and cold on the left. I don’t know if this is a South African tradition or just a technique to distinguish between the two facilities. Then there are the birds. This is not an issue for the Marina Rise main hotel rooms, but only the “Island Suites” surrounding “the largest free form infinity pool in the Southern Hemisphere.” At the far end of the pool there is a waterfall where various ducks, geese, seagulls and other waterfowl splash and preen their feathers. Most of the time this is creates a peaceful, bucolic scene. But then there are other times when the birds go full send Hitchcock in a Hobbesian war of all against all, battling each other with an ear-shattering cacophony of screeches, cries and general divebombing mayhem, all of which comes to a head in the hours immedia





維多利亞與阿爾弗雷德酒店 - 紐馬克
4.3/5104 評價

維多利亞與阿爾弗雷德酒店 - 紐馬克

這是我第三次在開普敦。我前兩次住在Cape Grace。這次,格雷斯角(Cape Grace)客滿,所以我想-為什麼不嘗試嘗試一下V&A Hotel,因為我們經常看到它。多麼令人失望!這次我們在那裡住了3晚。這是我永遠不會犯的錯誤。  -到達之前-我通過他們的網站發送了多封電子郵件,詢問酒店可以提供什麼樣的旅遊。沒人回答。  -到了之後,我們只能說給小費幫助了我們的人之後,我們才得到了寧靜與安寧。  -辦理入住手續時,女人的臉沒有任何不適。她要求我們提供我們的護照。然後她給我們填寫了一張表格-已經填寫了一些字段,但國籍字段為空。我對她說-您拿著我們的護照,您認為您無法弄清楚我們的國籍嗎?她幾乎瞪了我一眼,然後重複了自己-請填寫表格  -早餐是。 。 。 。哼。 。在第一個早晨,我們要求坐在外面,因為我們看到空桌子。沒有人告訴我們,他們沒有在其他人離開後擺好桌子。我告訴她,將餐具自己搬到桌子上很容易-否則我們很樂意在沒有任何設置的情況下就餐。然後餐廳非常無奈地答應讓我們坐在外面。咖啡不能續杯-您只能喝1杯咖啡。筆芯是額外的。如果您想要拿鐵/卡布奇諾咖啡,那也是額外的。早餐應該持續到11點。在我們待了兩天后,服務器開始將服務用具打包到10點。 50。所以,是的,食物仍然存在,但您再也買不到。  -房間很乾淨但是很基本。每天,您每人倒下來都會得到一小瓶330毫升水。而已。他們不會為您把拖鞋放在床邊。如果其中一個“請勿打擾”的“請補間”標誌掉在地板上,他們會將其留在地板上供您取放  -隔音幾乎沒有。在我們住的3個晚上中,我們聽到人們在洗澡,像大像一樣走到aorund,而昨晚,我們都醒了,因為隔壁的夫妻正在為他們的生命而戰。我們可以聽到每個字。就像他們兩個在這裡戰鬥  -最令人失望的部分是,我們在那兒度過了我老公的生日(這是為什麼我們在納米比亞停留15天后在開普敦停留的原因)。在登機或退房時都沒有表示感謝。 總體而言,非常令人失望。這不是一家廉價酒店,但服務比萬豪酒店更糟糕-可能更像是Best Western?不值得的錢。 。 。



4.6/569 評價
One&Only Resorts strive to offer “unique experiences that guests were looking for, but didn’t know they were looking for.” Indeed. I knew this stay was going to be special the moment my designated host presented me with a notebook imprinted with a single word and definition: “Ubuntu. I am because we are.” I don’t speak Zulu nor presume to understand this philosophy after a few days but I am intrigued. It seems to turn the foundations of centuries of western thought defining individualism on its head. Instead of Descartes, “Cogito, ergo sum,” it’s “I exist as a person through other people.” Mind blowing! And yet ubuntu suffuses the One&Only Cape Town experience, manifesting in exceptional personalization, caring, generosity of spirit, respect, teamwork and service with alacrity. The hotel promises rooms and suites that are “the largest in the city.” I believe them. Perhaps I was confused with a VIP, but I received an unexpected upgrade. I did receive a puzzling note from the Guest Experience Manager welcoming me as “a guest of ******* Incorporated” (I have no affiliation with ******* and don’t believe I have ever even used *******… and I certainly didn’t stay as their guest). Regardless of the reason, my one-bedroom Island Grand Suite was enormous. The hotel website indicates a size of 1948 sq ft. but it seemed even larger to me. Spotless, stylish bedroom, bathroom with freestanding soaking tub and dual sinks on opposing walls, walk-in closet, built-in dresser, powder room, living room with fireplace, dining for six indoors and four outdoors, pantry and full kitchen with a professional range and appliances, fully stocked complimentary (except for alcohol) minibar and refreshment center. It made me wish I had some friends in Cape Town to invite over. The suite was not only larger than my first apartment, it was larger (and much more opulently appointed) than my first house. If, like Winston Churchill, you’re a bath enthusiast, there’s no need to choose among bath foam, salts or oil – you have your choice of all three. One fun quirk was that the taps in the bathroom had the cold on the left and hot on the right. In the hall powder room this was reversed with hot on the right and cold on the left. I don’t know if this is a South African tradition or just a technique to distinguish between the two facilities. Then there are the birds. This is not an issue for the Marina Rise main hotel rooms, but only the “Island Suites” surrounding “the largest free form infinity pool in the Southern Hemisphere.” At the far end of the pool there is a waterfall where various ducks, geese, seagulls and other waterfowl splash and preen their feathers. Most of the time this is creates a peaceful, bucolic scene. But then there are other times when the birds go full send Hitchcock in a Hobbesian war of all against all, battling each other with an ear-shattering cacophony of screeches, cries and general divebombing mayhem, all of which comes to a head in the hours immedia
4.2/583 評價
4/553 評價
4.1/577 評價
4.1/555 評價
優點:離waterfront挺近,房間衛生還好,空間很大,帶獨立客廳。 缺點:雖然離waterfront近,但是前邊後邊的樓完美的擋住了一切景觀,看不見waterfront也看不見桌山。最差的是,房間熱水不是自動的,我和小伙伴翻了半天找到一個按鈕,燒水浪費了好久一個人洗完了另一個沒有熱水.........更差的是,收費1000zar的押金,我和小伙伴退房時候忘記拿押金了,他們也沒有提醒。然後我們拿着押金條去找回押金,說是放我們押金的信封不見了,我們要求他調監控,他們一是說不能從其他的地方拿錢,而是說監控室的負責人不在,必須要等第二天給我們退房的那個哥們來上班才能還押金。還留了我們聯繫方式,說解決了給我們打電話,但是一直等到第二天也沒打,幸好我們當天不着急趕飛機,第二天還是我們找過去去取錢,那個小哥拿出來了1000zar還給我們。我覺得作為酒店,押金條就是你欠顧客錢的憑證,無論你們在哪裡保存押金,都該無條件第一時間返還開始,你們的信封丟不丟不敢我們的事兒。去入住的人一定記得,拿好押金條,我們這次幸好保存了押金條,否則就被黑了。作為一個大酒店,僱員素質很有問題。
維多利亞與阿爾弗雷德酒店 - 紐馬克
4.3/5104 評價
這是我第三次在開普敦。我前兩次住在Cape Grace。這次,格雷斯角(Cape Grace)客滿,所以我想-為什麼不嘗試嘗試一下V&A Hotel,因為我們經常看到它。多麼令人失望!這次我們在那裡住了3晚。這是我永遠不會犯的錯誤。  -到達之前-我通過他們的網站發送了多封電子郵件,詢問酒店可以提供什麼樣的旅遊。沒人回答。  -到了之後,我們只能說給小費幫助了我們的人之後,我們才得到了寧靜與安寧。  -辦理入住手續時,女人的臉沒有任何不適。她要求我們提供我們的護照。然後她給我們填寫了一張表格-已經填寫了一些字段,但國籍字段為空。我對她說-您拿著我們的護照,您認為您無法弄清楚我們的國籍嗎?她幾乎瞪了我一眼,然後重複了自己-請填寫表格  -早餐是。 。 。 。哼。 。在第一個早晨,我們要求坐在外面,因為我們看到空桌子。沒有人告訴我們,他們沒有在其他人離開後擺好桌子。我告訴她,將餐具自己搬到桌子上很容易-否則我們很樂意在沒有任何設置的情況下就餐。然後餐廳非常無奈地答應讓我們坐在外面。咖啡不能續杯-您只能喝1杯咖啡。筆芯是額外的。如果您想要拿鐵/卡布奇諾咖啡,那也是額外的。早餐應該持續到11點。在我們待了兩天后,服務器開始將服務用具打包到10點。 50。所以,是的,食物仍然存在,但您再也買不到。  -房間很乾淨但是很基本。每天,您每人倒下來都會得到一小瓶330毫升水。而已。他們不會為您把拖鞋放在床邊。如果其中一個“請勿打擾”的“請補間”標誌掉在地板上,他們會將其留在地板上供您取放  -隔音幾乎沒有。在我們住的3個晚上中,我們聽到人們在洗澡,像大像一樣走到aorund,而昨晚,我們都醒了,因為隔壁的夫妻正在為他們的生命而戰。我們可以聽到每個字。就像他們兩個在這裡戰鬥  -最令人失望的部分是,我們在那兒度過了我老公的生日(這是為什麼我們在納米比亞停留15天后在開普敦停留的原因)。在登機或退房時都沒有表示感謝。 總體而言,非常令人失望。這不是一家廉價酒店,但服務比萬豪酒店更糟糕-可能更像是Best Western?不值得的錢。 。 。



在Trip.com網站或者Trip.com APP上您可以找到最新的開普敦酒店優惠。Trip.com有各類開普敦特價酒店優惠,您可以在這裡找到價格便宜的開普敦平價酒店住宿。在南非,開普敦是一座比較繁華熱鬧的城市。當您安排行程時,在開普敦住上3-5日是非常不錯的選擇。


在Trip.com上,開普敦有1118家酒店,包括有奢華酒店、精品酒店及廉價酒店等。在開普敦尋找酒店時,準備每晚958 HKD左右的預算,應該能找到不錯的住宿。開普敦有62家五星級酒店,平均每晚2755 HKD。開普敦有183家四星級酒店,平均每晚898 HKD。開普敦有99家三星級酒店,平均每晚552 HKD。作為著名的旅遊城市,開普敦入駐了許多為人熟悉的連鎖酒店品牌。如若您對旅行住宿比較有要求,在開普敦還是挺容易找到舒適酒店的,像希爾頓旗下的酒店就很好。希爾頓酒店是當地其中一個最有人氣的酒店品牌。庫裏南街南方陽光酒店(Southern Sun the Cullinan)開普敦中較具人氣的熱門酒店之一。假若您還有猶豫,Trip.com推薦您入住開普敦海濱麗笙藍標酒店(Radisson Blu Hotel Waterfront, Cape Town)

開普敦的市中心附近,您能夠方便的遊覽文化史博物館, Madame Zingara, City Hall。在開普敦周圍尋幽探祕,Cape Point, 好望角是個好去處。其實到開普敦旅遊,最熱門的景點還有信號山, 開普敦國際會議中心, 斯泰倫博斯。若您希望購買一些當地特產,可以考慮去當地的商業區同時代首飾, Cape Town Fish Market, 水門區逛一逛。










