

3.7/552 評價
This has to go down as the worst hotel ever. I arrived late around 21:30 and the hotel was simply closed and the person refused to let me in. I came from overseas I have no control if the flight is delayed but it is no excuse to not accommodate a guest and use a bit of common sense. anyway; I felt I was begging for my life to get in. then I got to the room I mean that is what they call it. it was so small once you are in you are already out! the heat was full blast I could not change it to the Ac. the worst when I complained the morning after the person told me it was very cold and that the whole place was under the heater. I had no saying they decide at what room temperature you should sleep. I kept the door and window open not to suphocate. supposed to stay 6 days one was enough to get the hell out
3.3/527 評價
This was the worst hotel I have ever stayed in. The room was filthy and smelled, there were huge stains on the carpets, the furniture was falling apart, nails stuck out from the floor. The bed was broken down on one side and extremely uncomfortable. I can't believe this hotel is allowed to operate, and they charge a high price! Avoid this hotel!!! You are safer with the Co-Vid. --- C'était le pire hôtel dans lequel j'aie séjourné. La chambre était sale et sentait mauvais, il y avait d'énormes taches sur la moquette, les meubles tombaient en morceaux, les clous dépassaient du sol. Le lit était en panne sur un côté et extrêmement inconfortable. Je ne peux pas croire que cet hôtel est autorisé à fonctionner, et ils facturent un prix élevé! Évitez cet hôtel !!! Vous êtes plus en sécurité avec le Co-Vid.
4.2/518 評價
美麗的Aparthotel,與更多人接觸:零。酒店有包括在價格內的停車場,關閉,沒有屋頂,在房間旁邊,訪問是用代碼發送您入住時間前幾分鐘,全部高度控制的體協議,清理,有小廚房、冰箱、非常現代的室、門口小 teras,理想一晚或兩晚,和Carcasone見面
3.9/558 評價
We had an excellent stay at Kyriad. The room was as expected, basic but very clean. The breakfasts are buffet style, included are cereals, fruit, a variety of breads, ham, cheeses, bacon and egg. It filled us up for the day. Evening menu was limited but the food was very good. The pool was clean, and we had it to ourselves most evenings. As mentioned on previous reviews, its quite a walk into the Cite, and 20 euro's for a taxi, around 10 minutes if you have a car. However the location is handy for the autoroutes, if like us you want to explore the region. All the staff are very friendly and helpful. We would recommend Kyriad
宜必思卡爾卡松 Est La Cité 酒店
4/557 評價
Great value for a short trip with the most friendly and helpful staff. Despite arriving far too early for check in, we were swiftly accommodated and able to start out exploring sooner than expected. Very clean and comfortable bed, the room was on the small side for two but not an issue for us, plenty of areas to sit and we were out most of the day exploring. The bed was large and very comfortable with good pillows. Blackout curtains meant we slept in longer than we would normally on a city break!!! Breakfast was excellent, buffet with sensible use of trays to clear your table after eating. Lots of choice and lovely bread and pastries. Hot food also if required. Coffee and juice from machine which I felt were better quality than to be expected, plenty of options for hot drinks. The evening meal was delicious on both evenings we tried it and was very welcome after a long day walking in the two cities. It was lovely to see families enjoying the small pool and an added extra for a city break. It is a long walk into the Cite but we really embraced this opportunity to see the local area. We felt safe walking and the locals in the area were friendly and able to advise on direction. The hotel provides maps to help you navigate. I confess we did indulge in a snack in the local Macdonald’s as just around the corner and the best I have used, clean and prompt service, excellent coffee!!! There are Lidl and Aldi around the corner from the hotel so no issues preparing a snack for a busy day out. Our only issue on the trip was transport from the airport. The shuttle bus is prompt but fills quickly and is only there for each flight. Can be a long walk to your hotel from the stops in the city. To get a taxi you must ask at the information desk to book one on arrival and this took considerable time. €23 a single trip. We found it impossible to pre book a taxi to meet us at the airport. On return we asked our hotel to book a taxi to the airport which we were anxious about arriving, the team at the hotel were great and checked in on its progress to assure us when it would arrive. Again €23 return trip. If you enjoy exploring a local area this hotel will suit, if you are unable to walk far maybe look nearer into the cite or in the City. There are plenty of options. For us this was a great stay and can recommend.
4.3/565 評價
我們在這裏住了2晚。接待處的工作人員非常友好和樂於助人的Op 房間非常好,不大,但設計得很好。所以空間很大。可以打開窗戶。我們喜歡那個。層層的地板,是超級乾淨的感覺。城堡的美妙景色。早餐非常好。咖啡,熱巧克力和食品機的茶。很多面包和糕點,水果,酸奶和穀類。新鮮果汁。那裏的友好工作人員也在那裏!游泳池區配備齊全的牀和陽傘。每晚泳池都打掃的很廣 有一隻養的家貓叫Chavalier 關於因爲游泳池的原因差評 僅僅因爲泳池沒有了才給這麼差的評分好像有點苛刻酒店位置完美,步行即可到達堡壘,安全區。酒店350米處有一個小超市,沒有繁華街道的噪音。我真的可以推薦這家酒店!!


