正在尋找Naukban Lagoon附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


探索Naukban Lagoon附近的熱門酒店


4.5/594 評價


宿霧市區 宿務|距離Naukban Lagoon2.21km


This visit to Marco Polo truly saddened me. If you read some of my past reviews of this hotel I noted it was my favorite place to stay anywhere in the world. This was my first post Covid visit and I was shocked and disappointed. - Basic maintenance has not been completed. For example, there is a glass elevator that goes to Blu their rooftop restaurant. This elevator was out of order and when I asked why I was told “Covid.” Covid travel restrictions were lifted a long time ago and that’s no excuse. In a second example, we returned to our room after a long night and the key did not work. It turned out the battery in the electronic device on the door needed to be replaced and the front desk understand the issue immediately, so this must happen often. Good hotels replace these batteries on a schedule so the guests never suffer from dead batteries. - Service, which used to be outstanding?@, is now unacceptable. First, the English language skills of most employees we encountered were sub par. Second, the person who checked me in was being trained, so the check in process was very slow. Third, service at the poolside bar during lunch was slow, the waitstaff inattentive and they failed to include my banana shake on the bill so as we are leaving the grab us and give us a second bill to pay. Fourth, service at breakfast was terrible. I had to ask for black tea three times before I got it, seeking some out 3 times as no one ever came to check on us. When we arrived around 9 AM there was no bacon (later replenished with bacon that looked so bad I did not even try it, fatty and not crisp), there was 1 banana, which was never replenished, there were no juice glasses (later replenished). The food quality was adequate but not nearly up to pre-Covid standards. Overall the service was lacking. - I was also disappointed that the lobby lounge, which used to have live music every night now has piano music only and only 1 night per week I am told. - There was a cart of dirty linens in our hallway both days Some of these things are not expensive or hard to fix. It doesn’t cost a lot to have live music in the lounge nightly as there are lots of singers groups looking for opportunities. It doesn’t cost a lot to make sure you change door card batteries regularly Others are basic requirements if doing business. For example you don’t leave a glass elevator to one of the most expensive restaurants in Cebu out of order for month/years. I am purchasing a condo unit in Marco Polo residences and expected to regularly visit the hotel for meals/drinks, but if this is the quality and service we can expect, then I will not be utilizing their services.



4.2/540 評價


宿霧市區 宿務|距離Naukban Lagoon1.37km


I had a wonderful Christmas Hotel 2022 Staycation experience courtesy of the Main Hotel and Suites located in Barangay Banilad in the City of Cebu. This is my 21st Hotel-Resort-Farm-Campground Staycation in total here in Cebu since Christmas 2020. I instantly noticed most of their guests are foreign tourists. I easily feel the warmth the moment they welcomed me and I could feel at home away from home with their kind and accommodating staff like the  Housekeeping personnel, Irene Tolentino who carry my traveling bag to my standard queen room while having my vlogging, and Stanlee Montecalvo for the maintenance for something that needs to be fixed with Security Guard Jonathan Mendoza who act as my cameraman and delivered all my needs in the room. All these things are made possible by Front Office Associate Joyce Villanueva from the booking reservations up until our constant communication as she instantly answered all my queries and requests weeks before my stay. I got the biggest surprise when I was given that amazing Christmas gift hotel room upgrade on that Christmas morning when Front Office Associate Sheila Matuguina handed me the key for the Main Suite Room with a king-size bed, a sofa, a spacious shower & toilet, a personal refrigerator, a kettle, safety deposit box and has a small balcony overlooking the city view. I could still remember this beautiful serene Christmas night when I powered off all the lights while I was seating on top of my big king-size mattress with large soft pillows at my back and on my head while leaning on the wall. I was deeply mesmerized by the beauty of the city by night from the main suite room window. I couldn't imagine that I can have this kind of wonderful celebration on Christmas night blessed with good weather and a good climate. Two years ago, we were in quarantine and social distancing with strict protocol to follow brought by the Covid-19 pandemic, and a year ago, we are to deal with the devastating aftermath of super typhoon Odette without power, no water supply, limited supply of food, most houses were destroyed and several families were homeless. No wonder they have been awarded Tripadvisor's Travelers' Choice Award winning for consecutive years for the kind of service they have given me. With this track record, now I know the reason why travelers both local and foreign nationals choose to stay here because I, myself personally experience it.





正在搜尋Naukban Lagoon附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
4.3/5174 評價
安排入住715,進去空氣不流通,有股味道,開窗還要叫酒店的人拿工具才能開。設施比較陳舊,最要命的是,窗帘爬着小強。經過投訴和溝通后,酒店給我們同層的房間,進去沒有大味道,但是由於房間臨街,從早到晚都挺吵的,因為當地摩托車,機動車的噪聲很大。經過綜合考慮,由於怕再遇到前一間房的狀況,還是不換房了。 總之,當地的價格都有點偏貴,但是服務還可以,酒店人員都很有禮貌。
4/534 評價
4.4/5100 評價
4/538 評價
MJ Hotel & Suites 的位置非常方便。距大型購物中心(Ayala Mall)僅幾步之遙,那裡的食品店很多,自動取款機也很容易找到。酒店工作人員樂於助人,能夠快速響應客房服務請求。特別感謝當我第一次進入我的房間時,它聞起來清新乾淨。我非常喜歡房間裡有小袋服務咖啡和熱水器。冷飲水也是 24/7 免費的,因為每層樓都有服務飲水機。房間很寬敞。對於像我這樣出差的人來說,最好的就是wifi信號好,這家酒店就有。對於像我這樣晚上在筆記本電腦上工作並且需要充足照明的客人來說,缺少工作檯燈是一個小缺點。但總的來說,這家酒店是物有所值的。期待下次來宿霧時再次入住 MJ 酒店。
3.7/54 評價
優點:一切都是全新的,服務很好缺點:浴室和臥室之間有盲板,從臥室一側操作。 2022 年 11 月在雙床房住了一晚(看看是否值得再來)。 2部電梯,內部很漂亮,但不提供行李搬運服務。保險箱沒有用螺栓固定在家具上。接待員告訴我,一切都是全新的:「103 間客房,40 間客房,今晚有 30 位房客。飯店於 2022 年 10 月開幕。水壺、杯子和咖啡。很好的淋浴間。遮蓋浴室大窗戶的百葉窗將臥室與浴室隔開,可從臥室一側(而不是浴室內)進入。預訂並入住了雙床房,接到電話詢問我是否願意搬到雙人房。
4.2/5206 評價



宿霧氣候宜人,水清沙幼,素有“度假伊甸園”之美稱。對於貪戀陽光海灘的度假者來説,這裏無疑是世外桃源,沿海有許多度假勝地,豪華、一流的酒店、餐飲、娛樂、購物等設施一應俱全。對於潛水愛好者來説,這裏簡直是夢中的天堂,完善的潛水設備、專業的潛水課程、驚險刺激的水世界之旅,無一不令你流連忘返。麥克坦島(Mactan Island)、莫阿爾博阿(Moalboal)都是不容錯過的夢幻樂園。致力於探尋古迹的朋友在這座古老的城市處處可見歷史的烙印,在這裏,古韻風情與現代活力被演繹得近乎完美。州政府所在地宿霧市是菲律賓最早的城市,被稱為“南方皇后市”(Queen city of the South),也是維薩亞斯政治、經濟、文化、教育的主要命脈。舉世聞名的麥哲倫十字架、聖嬰教堂……散發著傳奇般的色彩。1521年,葡萄牙航海家麥哲倫由西班牙航行到中南美洲,途中,他驚喜地發現了這個美麗靜謐的小島。如今,在菲律賓的7000多個島嶼之中,詩情畫意的宿霧島已發展成為最受遊客歡迎的觀光點。宿務市位於宿務省(島)的東部沿海,維薩亞斯(Visayas)群島的中心位置,是宿霧省首府,

